Novel Name : King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha

King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha Chapter 19

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Chapter 1919. His Punishment KIARA ” Kataleya ! ” I jolted upright looking around in the darkness , panic and fear

consuming me . Was she ok ? Did she get out safe ? Where Sparks tingled through me when an arm

wrapped around me . ” She’s safe . ” Alejandro’s soothing voice made my eyes shut in relief . ” We’re

back home , Amore Mio. ” ”

I let out a shuddering breath of relief , slumping against his chest , my heart pounding rapidly as I

clutched onto his arm . Thank the goddess for that … I needed to see her . I looked around , wondering

what time it was , it was still dark which meant it was still the middle of the night . Alejandro rubbed my

back soothingly and I turned in his hold , feeling so protected in his strong arms . I kissed his chest softly

, my lips brushing one of his pierced nipples making his heart rate spike , 1 looked up at him .

” I’m glad you got there in time . ” I whispered , gazing into his glowing red eyes . In this dark room , it

was all I could see . ” You fucking scared me , Amore Mio. ” His husky voice came . ” I know … ” I

reached up , cupping his face , the bristles of his stubble prickling my fingertips , a feeling I so loved … . ”

I whispered , knowing I “

I’m sorry . ” worried him . ” Yeah ? Well , I’m not letting you off the hook so fucking quickly . ” His husky

reply came , then he was kissing me . Passionately , deeply , hungrily … My entire body hummed at his

touch , rivets of pleasure rushing straight to my core . His firm yet soft lips dominated mine completely ,

his hand gripping the back of my neck , his heart thudding as one with mine . I could barely breathe with

the overwhelming emotions and love that I was feeling , his and mine intertwined as one .

He was here , Kataleya was safe , we were together … The moment he squeezed my ass , broke away

gasping . As much as I wanted him , and that ache in my core was strong , I needed to see my babies

first … ” I want to see the kids . ” I whispered cupping his face … ” Sure . ” I knew he was smirking from

the tone in his voice , I could smell my own arousal clinging in the air . ” Light . ” He said clearly , the

lights came on and I looked into the handsome face of my king .I hugged him tightly and he stood up , his hands cupping my thighs . ” How do you feel ? ” ” Completely

ok , just like I’ve had a good training session … ” I replied , frowning as I tried to remember what had

happened . All I remembered was pain and fire … then the burning house … Kataleya …. I shook my

head as he quietly opened the door ” What time is it ? ” I asked , making him glance over at the clock .

B ” Near three in the morning . ” ” I’ll be quick . ” I whispered , he followed as I first went to the girl’s room

. ” Scarlett’s with them . 11 I nodded , slowly opening the door . Instantly I heard Mom wake up , her

heart rate quickening . ” Kia ? ” She whispered . ” Mom . ” I replied , she switched the lamp on and I saw

that Kataleya was sleeping in her arms , whilst two heads of black hair were on the other bed . I smiled at

Mom , who looked so relieved to see me awake . I quickly hurried over to her , hugging her tightly . ”

Thank the goddess . ” Her hushed voice came , kissing my cheek . I moved back looking at Kataleya .

Clean , no bruises and seemingly at peace … I crouched down by the bed running my hand through her

hair and kissing her forehead softly , closing my eyes as I rested my head against hers . She was safe ,

she was home …

Goddess , thank you … ” How has she been ? ” ” She woke up crying a short while ago , so I brought her

to my bed . ” Mom replied , running her hand through my hair . I looked into her soft sage green eyes ,

knowing she was doing her best to control her emotions … Growing up 1 often felt like Dad was too

protective and don’t get me wrong he was very overbearing but when I became a mother … I realised

why ; the fear of losing a child or of them

getting hurt was terrifying … Just the way Mom was relieved that I was ok , I totally understood that .. ”

I’m fine . ” I said softly , she nodded cupping my face and I placed my hand over her pale one . ” Thank

you for letting me go , I know it was hard for you too . ” 31 She didn’t reply , nodding , I knew she was

trying to control her tears . ” I love you , Mom . ” 1 ” I love you too , baby . ” She whispered , wrapping her

arms around me once again , a very quiet shuddering sob escaping her .

I closed my eyes , my arm around my baby girl and my mother . For a few moments we remained like

that , until Mom moved back wiping her tears . ” Goddess , Kia , I don’t cry . ” She sniffed lightly . ” It’s okto at times . ” I smiled softly before kissing Kataleya gently . ” I want to take her to my room . ” 31 Mom

nodded ,

I walked over to the other bed kissing Skyla and Azura tenderly . Azura was a messy sleeper just like

Aunty Indigo . Her arms and legs sprawled were all over the place . I tucked her in slowly , careful not to

disturb her , and caressed Skyla’s hair . She wasn’t the type to speak up about things that troubled her , I

just hope she’d be ok . We all would need time to heal from this . I stood up . ‘ Baby , take Kataleya to

our room ? ‘ I mind linked Alejandro who was at the door .

Navig@te back to th€ roots of thïš substance at n0v^lebookHis sharp piercing eyes met mine , that sexy arrogant pout on his face , and his clenched jaw only

adding to how handsome he looked . I knew he wanted me , but he’s going to have to wait for tomorrow

… I made my way down the hall to Dante’s room , whilst Alejandro took Kataleya to our room . I opened

the door slowly , and as expected Dad was up in a flash , his eyes blazing in the dark . ” Kiara . ” ” Dad . ”

I replied walking over to him , leaving the hallway door open to cast some light in this dark room . He

hugged me tightly and I smiled up at him . ” How are you feeling ? ” ” I’m perfectly fine . ” I replied pulling

away after a moment and going over to Dante , his aura filled the room . eyes fluttered Seems like his

necklace was removed . His open , frowning as he looked around before realising it was me and a small

smile graced his lips . ” Mama . ” ” Baby , ” I pulled him into my arms , wishing I could do something

about those

veins that covered his body . We’ll find a way . He hugged me tightly before I moved back and cupped

his face , planting a kiss on his forehead . ” I missed you . ” I whispered . up . ” ”

Me too … I’m glad you woke >> I nodded . 55 ” Me too . ” I sat with him for a few moments settling him

back down and promising that we’ll talk more in the morning before bidding both him and Dad goodnight

. I returned to our bedroom , where Kataleya was fast asleep in our bed . The lights were on dimly and

Alejandro was standing near the window which was slightly open , smoking a cigarette . My eyes ran

over his body , my heart skipping a beat when he glanced at me as I entered , closing the door quietlybehind me . I walked over to him , wrapping my arms around his waist , very aware of his manhood

against my stomach .

Goddess …. ” Did you see him ? ” He asked , his eyes hard and cold . I frowned . ” Yeah … I did … ‘ ” I

remember asking to see the crimson king … wasn’t I shown into an office ? Then what ? I placed a hand

on my neck and shook my head . ” I can’t remember . ” I whispered . His frown deepened , his eyes

flashing as he squeezed my ass . ” He probably made sure you didn’t remember … Do you remember

anything ? ” I pondered over what happened ,

but it was just … empty . ” I remember demanding to see him …. then walking along the hall … and then

I was in a fight … or something happened because I was hurt … ” I unwrapped my arms from around his

waist , pushing my hair back as I turned away . Why the hell couldn’t I remember ? This was frustrating ,

they must have done something . ” So , they’ve made sure you forgot everything that you saw or some

shit like that . When I saw you , you were a fucking mess , they did a number on you and looked like they

were going to fucking carve your head open . ” His voice held venom and

I placed my hand on his bicep . ” I’m fine , did you come inside or did Kataleya go out ? ” I asked ,

glancing towards our angel who was sleeping peacefully . ” I came in , she was trying to pull you out from

under a beam . ” His arms locked around me from behind , pushing my breasts up as he kissed my neck

, I closed my eyes leaning into him . 39 ” Hmm … I’m glad you came . ” ” Yeah ? Care to explain why you

didn’t leave it to me ? You snuck out Kiara and it fucking worried me . ” His voice was quiet , but I could

sense his anger and irritation . ” I couldn’t just sit and do nothing , and you didn’t allow

me to go . Look , Alejandro , she’s home , she’s safe . Let’s not think about it . ” I pleaded , tilting my

head back to look up at him . ” I saw you fucking near death , Amore Mio I can’t just not think about that

shit . We can’t just fucking pretend it never happened . ” He frowned but I didn’t reply , not wanting to

argue there was nothing 1 could do about it , and something told me this conversation wasn’t over . I

understood his concern , but he clearly didn’t want to see my point of view .I knew we were going to have to talk about it , but not when Kataleya was around , the last thing we

needed was for her to see us argue . Despite his anger , his arms remained around me tightly , placing

kisses along my neck , yet I could sense his emotions … ” Let’s get to bed . ” I said , softly pulling out of

his arms . I walked over to the bed and slipped between the sheets , pulling Kataleya onto my arm and

holding her tightly . I felt the bed dip when he got in , his intoxicating scent made me feel safe and when

he pulled me against him , I closed my eyes wishing that we managed to sort our issue out soon .

‘ I love you . ‘ I murmured through the mind link . ‘ That shit ain’t ever – changing , I love you too . A small

smile graced my lips before I fell asleep , once more holding my baby girl close . I won’t ever let you go

again … ENRIQUE I stood silently before my father’s desk . My face was emotionless , my chin tilted my

shoulders back despite the up , and pain that filled my body . He had summoned me but I wasn’t sure

why . It couldn’t be good , he was still angry at me for giving the chica food . My punishment was carried

out daily and I wasn’t healing as well anymore . The lack of food and water was slowing me down , but I

won’t let it show . I was strong , an Alpha who could handle anything .

I looked at fathers back , he was standing behind his chair taking something off the shelf . I could feel his

anger , his irritation and the darkness of his immense power surrounding him . ” Padre , you called for

me ? ” I asked after a few minutes , standing here was unbearable , pain was spreading through my

calves and back , today’s punishment had been hard . ” How are you finding the new location , mijo ? ” I

looked around his office , the house was darker than the previous one … When we had come here

earlier all I could think about was if the chica got out … ” It’s good , Padre . ” ” Is it ? What of the other

one that burned down to a crisp ? ” He spun around , his hatred burning in his eyes as he glared at me .

I lowered my head . ” It was also befitting , padre . ” I replied keeping my head bowed in respect . ” You

know that girl would have died … but I heard that somehow … the door was unlocked . Do you know

who unlocked the door ? ” Danger . His voice was so scary I couldn’t help but flinch . I saw the warning

signs in his burning eyes as I stayed rooted in my spot … If I lied , I was dead . If I told the truth , then

what will happen to me ? ” Yes padre , I do . ” I replied quietly .” And who unlocked the door ? Was it Ronaldo ? Maybe I should kill him for disobeying me … I gave no

order to anyone to unlock that door . ” 33 He dropped into his seat , and I could now see the small thin

blade in his hand . ” No padre , it was I. ” I swallowed , trying not to show how scared I was . ” Then do


struggled to voice my thoughts , feeling a strange emotion overcome me . It felt like

there was something stuck in my throat and I couldn’t speak . ” I … I’m sorry padre , she was only a chil-

” A menacing growl echoed around the room and he lunged across the table , grabbing me by my neck .

” 1 ” Who was meant to die ! ” He growled . What magic has she done upon you that you have disobeyed

me not once but twice ?!

” I couldn’t breathe , his grip around my neck was painful . He dragged me across the table , slamming

me face forward onto it . ” Was this the hand that you used to free her !? He grabbed my right hand ,

pinning it to the table as I gasped for air , relieved he had let go of my ! neck . ” Padre , please ! I’m sorry

! I’m sorry ! She was only little- AHHH ! ” I screamed in agony and fear , the smell of blood filled the air

as I stared in complete horror at my hand , or where my hand once used to be .

Father had cut it off completely . ” No , padre ! ” A strangled sob left my lips as I begged him , but it was

no use , as my entire hand went up in flames . I stared at my bloody stump numb .

My entire life flashing before me ; I’ll never be able to run in wolf form … I’ll never be the best I could be

… ” Reap the repercussion of your actions . ” Father hissed before he walked out of the office , leaving

me behind . I couldn’t stop the tears , it was strange to cry . It hurt so much , it hurt physically , but it also

hurt inside … I stared at the ashy pile , all that was left of my hand as I fell to my knees , sobbing silently

. I felt so … broken … Was this the price of kindness ?

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