Novel Name : King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha

King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha Chapter 12

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Chapter 1212. An Act Of Kindness UNKNOWN I could hear the sounds of night animals outside my bedroom

window hooting , howling , and crying out extremely loudly as I stared at the ceiling , laying on the hard

plank of wood that was my bed . My room was luxurious enough , but as future . Alpha , there were

certain things I didn’t need and shouldn’t get used to . Like soft beds , for one , or blankets . As a

werewolf , my body kept itself warm and it was better to get used to things than being spoiled with

useless , unnecessary items . It had been a while since I talked to the Lycan’s daughter , but I couldn’t

brush off how innocent she seemed .

I know her father was a horrible person who owed m y family a lot , and I know that inevitably she may

die . But whilst she was alive , perhaps I could offer her some sympathy ? Or something of the sort . I sat

up remembering how her dress was torn at her waist , covered in bloodstains . She had lost a lot of

blood too … I ran my hand through my black hair sighing . It wasn’t like me to show compassion , it was

a weakness after all . Is this why father says women are nothing more than to bear pups ? Regardless of

that , perhaps I should ask mother , 4 I got out of bed and exited my room , father stayed on a separate

floor from my mother and I.

I guess that was convenient right now , I didn’t like going behind his back but something about the girl in

the basement didn’t sit right with me . I walked down the carpeted halls and knocked lightly on mother’s

door . It was past two am , she was probably asleep . The door opened and I looked up at her , although

father said I shouldn’t care for anyone , I dare not tell him that I do care for mother . I love her dearly ,

just as much as I love him . She had black hair with large hazel eyes that were similar to mine . ” Mi Vida

, what a surprise . ” Mother said softly , she wore a good mask too , she knew father’s rules .

” Yes , I wanted to ask you something , if I’m not intruding . ” I stated . I wasn’t allowed to visit her too

often as father said it made me weak , and it was a waste of time . ” Of course not . ” She replied ,

smiling slightly . I walked into her room , and she closed the door . ” There’s a girl in the basement , the

Lycan’s daughter . I went to visit her earlier , I know we shouldn’t trust anyone or anything no matter how

helpless and innocent they may look , but I was wondering , how bad would it be to give her food ? ” Iasked . Mother’s smile vanished and I could hear her racing heartbeat . H ” Mi Vida … don’t do it . ” She

whispered . ” The Alpha will not forgive you . ” ” 1 I tilted : my head . He wouldn’t need to know and it was

clear , despite mothers refusal , I still wanted to .. ” I understand , good night . ” I turned and left the room

swiftly .

” Mi Vida … I ignored her and walked towards my room , hearing mother sigh and closing the door to her

room . I glanced back at it before changing direction and heading downstairs instead , making my way to

the kitchen . I needed to take something that I could carry discreetly . We had ribs for dinner . Perhaps

there’s some left … I entered the large kitchen , the silence was deafening . I began opening the drawers

, knowing I would have to hide the food when I went down .

I took a plate and went to the fridge , as I assumed there were some left over ribs and roast potatoes . I

put them on the plate along with some spicy rice and placed it in the microwave . I’ve never really used

this before … After pressing around on the random buttons , I finally got it figured out , the sound

seemed to be blaring loud and I hoped no one came to check . I frowned wondering if father would hear

me . But he usually liked to have adult time at night , whatever that meant . Hopefully , he didn’t hear me

. Whilst the food was being heated , I busied myself with finding something to place the food in , a I

rummaged around in the drawers , until I found some kitchen foil and a freezer bag . This should do …

I glanced towards the hallway before I spread two layers on the work top and got the plate from the

microwave . Placing the ribs , potatoes and rice on the foil , I wrapped it up . She would have to make do

without a spoon . I placed the foil into the freezer bag , hoping it wouldn’t smell too strongly . Going to the

fridge , I grabbed a bottle of orange juice before sliding the hot food bag under my baggy top and left the

kitchen .

I headed towards the basement and saw only Ronaldo , one of the four brothers , standing there . Well ,

one of three brothers now . ” Open the door , I want to see the foolish thing . ” I stated emotionlessly . His

gaze dipped to the bottle of orange juice in my hand and I smoothly unscrewed the cap , taking a gulp . ”

I just stopped by the kitchen for some food as I felt peckish , and now I can’t sleep . I need to vent someof this anger , I’m sure padre wouldn’t care if she gets a little injured . ” I smirked coldly , he lowered his

head . ” Yes of course . ”

The moment the door opened , I glanced at Ronaldo . ” Keep the door shut , I will knock when I’m done ,

I don’t want anyone to get disturbed . ” He nodded , bowing his head to me , and the door shut behind

me . I didn’t hear her this time . I scanned the dark room below and saw her body on the floor near the

sink . Had she tried to drink water ? The tap was on , but it was obvious it didn’t really work , a dirty

trickle of water was coming out of it . I took the food parcel out from under my shirt and placed it on the

floor along with the juice bottle before walking over to her .

I switched the tap off , frowning when she didn’t even stir , it seemed she had fallen unconscious …..

How weak … I’ve been without food for two weeks , several times . Father made . sure I learned how to

cope , yet here was this little weak thing unable to even keep awake after a few days of no food … I

crouched down when I suddenly realised her body was bruised . Those weren’t there earlier … My heart

began to race … she had been beaten . Had father done this ? My stomach twisted , I wasn’t sure but

this wasn’t right Even if he was to kill her , why prolong the suffering ? TH No , I shouldn’t question father


” Oye chica , get up . ” I said , shaking her slightly . She whimpered , my eyes falling on the large bruise

on her face . Had father actually beaten a child ? Sure my training consisted of beatings , but that was for

me to get stronger … ” I have brought you food , but if you do not get up , then I can’t help you . ” ” 1 Still

, she didn’t get up . I frowned , lifting her body and carrying her to where I had left the food . How

troublesome . I propped the life – size rag doll against the wall , prodding her head that lolled to the side ,

actually she looked a lot like a china doll . Creepily cute with too much hair …

I don’t have time for random thoughts . I tapped her cheek lightly and this time her eyes fluttered open . ”

Wake up , chica . ” I whispered . Her eyes flew open , her heartbeat thundering as she flinched as if

ready to be hit again . ” I don’t hit girls . ” I rolled my eyes and held the orange juice bottle to her ;

confusion filled those dark eyes of hers before she took it . ” Thank you . ” Her soft reply was rather pitifulNavig@te back to th€ roots of thïš substance at n0v^lebookas she sipped some of the juice with trembling hands , supporting the bottle . I quickly opened the plastic

bag and unwrapped the foil , I prayed that by tomorrow the smell vanished or father may do worse . ” Is

that for me ? ” She asked . ” No , it’s for me , I decided to come and eat down here because it’s much

more appealing than the dining room ” I frowned . ” Of course it’s for you , but be quick . ” 1 She was

hesitant , almost as if wondering i f this was a trick question .

” I ” Thank you .. ” Is that all you can say , chica ? ” ” My name is not chica , it’s Kataleya . ” She said ,

giving me a smile that lit up her bruised face . My eyes widened in shock . Did she not . realise I was the

enemy ? She slowly reached over , moving the foil closer to herself , flinching with pain that clearly shot

up her arm . Girls are so useless . I shook my head , pushing the foil paper towards her . ” Be quick ,

chica . ” Kataleya … it was an interesting name .

She reached for a potato first and looked a t me as if waiting for me to beat her , but once she realised I

wasn’t going to do anything , she bit into it . We stayed silent a s she dug in , even though I knew she

was starved , either she was far too weak to eat faster , or from what I could tell she was eating with

manners . Tears streamed down her cheeks silently a s she ate , and they were beginning to irk m e . ”

I’m sorry I couldn’t bring a spoon or fork . ” I stated when the silence and awkwardness became too

much , thinking I had forgotten tissue as well , instead I tore off a square of my pyjama sleeves and gave

it to her . ” It’s ok , this is more than enough . I really am grateful for it . What is your name ? ” She asked

, taking the square of fabric and patting her lips . I frowned , was it important ? Well , she was probably

not going to live long … ” Enrique , Enrique Ignacio Escarra , future Alpha of the Fuego de Ceniza Pack .

” I claimed proudly . Her eyes widened as she looked me over , before fear flooded her eyes and she

shrunk into the wall . ”

That man … Was he your papa ? ” She whispered , utterly terrified , visibly beginning to tremble . I

looked over the bruises on her tiny body and frowned . ” 1 ” Yes . ” She nodded , gulping , but I could tell

she was tense ; her heartbeat was erratic , and i she was shaking . ” Finish the food , I don’t have all day

. ” I added coldly , getting up and turning away from her .” I – I’m done . Thank you . ” She whispered . How foolish … did she not realise that she won’t get any

more food here ? Well , that was her loss . Silently , I wrapped the remaining food back up with the foil

and shoved it into the plastic bag . ” Drink the juice . ” I commanded , glaring a ther . She quickly obliged

, fat tears rolling down her cheeks , but they only annoyed m e even more . ” Padre is right , girls are

useless .

” I pushed the empty orange juice bottle into the plastic bag and stood up , shoving it under my top and

made my way up the stairs without even looking back . I had just about reached the door when it was

pulled open before I even managed to knock , revealing none other than father himself . His nostrils

flared and his eyes blazed goldish brown . Oh damn … ” Did you give the girl food mijo ? ” He asked me


His voice was scary and I knew I would be punished . ” Yes , I did padre . ” I admitted , lowering m y

head to him in submission . He scoffed , before he backhanded me across the face , sending me reeling

into the door to the basement . The food packet slipped from under my top , falling to the ground as my

vision spun from the sheer force of father’s hit . My head pounding . ” Well … well … well … Enrique …

What have I told you about rules and law ?

” I must always abide by yours , padre … ” ” And yet you didn’t . ” I heard a quiet sob from down below

and the sound of scurrying footsteps . Realising what was about to happen , I frowned . The foolish chica

was going to help me ? She really had a death wish ! Father smirked as Kataleya appeared behind me .

” P – please don’t hurt him , I promise I won’t- ” ” Bitch ! ” He growled , suddenly lurching forward ,

kicking her square in the chest and back down the stairs . I heard her tiny body tumble down the stairs ,

but no sound escaped her . My heart thumped in my throat ; I shouldn’t have given her food !

This was my fault ! Father was about to go down the stairs when I stepped in his way . ” Padre , I

disobeyed and commanded her t o eat . It is I who needs to be punished for defying you . ” I stated ,

praying the silly girl stayed down . Father frowned , before smirking coldly . ” Indeed , mijo , indeed … Hegrabbed me by my hair painfully , pulling me away from the door . ” Lock the fucking door and make sure

no one sees her ! ”

Father hissed and I knew what was to come when he dragged me outside . Lashing or a beating . The

moment father took his belt in his hand , I raised my head prepared for what was to come , after all I

have learned how t o take this …

I closed my eyes when the first hit connected to my back . Father would unleash all his anger upon me ,

but it was the right of the Alpha … This is how I would learn to be the best kind of Alpha … Just don’t feel

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