Novel Name : King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha

King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha Chapter 45

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Chapter 4545 A Goodbye


I ran down the stairs quickly before Mama caught me listening, my tears spilling down my cheeks. Why

did Enrique hate me so much? Was it because his papa took his hand off because of me?

I clamped my hand over my mouth, rounding the corner as I stifled a sob, only to knock into Daddy and

almost fall back. I got to my feet, ready to run away when he caught hold of my arms, kneeling down in

front of me.

“What’s wrong, princess?”

I shook my head, flinging my arms around his neck and sobbing into his arms. He picked me up and I

clung to him. I know Dante calls me a baby when Daddy carries me, but I’m sad.

“It’s going to be f*****g ok.” He stroked my hair, and I closed my eyes, inhaling his smell.” Tell me what


Safe. I was safe with Daddy.

I slowly moved back, staring at him, I needed to be brave and strong.

“Nothing Daddy, I’m a brave girl.” I whispered, brushing away my tears with one hand. “My girl is f*****g

brave. Always remember that.” I nodded, playing with the chains around his neck

“Yes. I will.”

Navig@te back to th€ roots of thïš substance at n0v^lebookAnd I will talk to Enrique, even if he doesn’t want to talk to me, I will make him see me because this was

my last chance to thank him and say goodbye. Forever.Dinner was over, everyone usually went to the living room and Enrique would go to his room, not wanting

to spend time with us.

Rayhan was still angry, over what happened earlier with Leo I think, so everyone was very quiet. I

pretended to play in the playroom with Sky, Sienna, and Ahren, but I could hear Uncle Marcel asking

Enrique about Puerto Rico in the entrance hall, that’s where Enrique was from.

I took the chance to sneak away when Clara wasn’t looking. They never noticed when I snuck away

because they couldn’t hear me. I needed to go before Enrique. I quietly made my way upstairs and

hurried to my room to grab the present I had made him; I then ran down the hall and slipped into

Enrique’s room before he came up. Otherwise, the guards would find out I was there. They only guarded

the room when Enrique was in it.

I looked around the room, panicking. Where do I hide? I didn’t ask Mama about talking to him because I

heard what he said earlier. If I was stubborn and said I wanted to talk to him, it would only hurt Mama

even more because she would stay with me, and I know Enrique was

going to be angry.

I heard the door handle turn and hurried into the bathroom, clutching my present to my heart. I heard him

shut the door and sigh. Should I go out? I peeped through the gap, watching

Enrique walk over to the window and stare out at the moon.

He looked sad. The angry face he makes wasn’t there, it made me unhappy that he looked so lonely and


He turned, glancing towards the bathroom door. I quickly hid behind it, my heart racing. I heard him

approaching and then he pushed the door open, roughly stepping into the bathroom and looking around.This was my chance. Taking a deep breath, I pushed the door shut just when he turned to look behind

the door. He became so angry when he saw me and was about to grab the door handle, but I stood in

front of it, blocking his way. “Please don’t ignore me.” I pleaded softly.


“What do you want?” He frowned, crossing his arms. My heart ached, as I looked at my shoes. “I wanted

to say I’m happy you are going to be safe. I -” “Hurry up!” He snapped, making me jump. Don’t cry. “O-ok.

… I’m sorry you suffered because of me, if I could turn back time, I wouldn’t have allowed you to bring

me food. I wouldn’t have let you get hurt, I wish-” “If I could turn back time, I wish I had never met you!”

He hissed, his anger burning in his eyes.

I nodded.

“I know.” I whispered. It hurt. “The thing is, we can’t change the past, but I can look to the future. Stay

away from me. I hate you; I hate the fact that I ever met you. You were nothing but a bad mistake. You

cost me my entire future; I hate you! I should have left you to die!” He shouted.

My lips quivered, but I simply nodded, agreeing to his every word. He was right, it should have been me

who lost my hand, not him. It was my fault. If I could give my hand, I would.

“I’m sorry… I’m so sorry.” I whispered. “I wish I could make it up to you.”

“If you want to make it up to me, don’t ever talk to me again, because talking to you makes it hurt even

more! You destroyed everything; don’t you get it? Seeing you hurts me! I hate remembering what

happened, because of you!” 3 I flinched, brushing my tears away as I stared at him.

If this was what he wanted, then I would do that.

The little pouch with the crystal necklace I had made almost slipped from my fingertips.“Ok, I promise that I will never speak to you again,” I whispered. “Then leave me alone now!” He hissed. I

swallowed, staring at my little pouch, but I wasn’t

brave enough to give it to him. “GET OUT!”

I jumped, dropping the pouch and pulling open the door, I fled before my tears fell. I rushed from the

room, ignoring the guards who called out to me. I just wanted to be alone. I reached my bedroom and

rushed inside, curling up on my bed and sobbing quietly.

I’m so sorry Enrique, for ruining your life… I’m not sure when Skyla came and saw me crying or when

Mama came and held me. All I remember is Enrique screaming at me to get out, all I had to remember

him by was that little piece of torn fabric. I will always keep that. net The pain had become stronger, I felt

strange. It was hard to breathe… It hurt but I also couldn’t feel anything else either.

What was happening to me? 3


ALEJANDRO I had not been f*****g expecting Kat to sneak into the f****r’s room and try to talk to him.

Whatever he said to her had made her cry for hours. Only about ten minutes ago did Kiara say she had

calmed down and fallen asleep.

As much as I wanted to sort the pup out for upsetting her, it was f*****g complicated. Her infatuation with

him f*****g worried me too, once gone, it was going to be f*****g easier. She needed to get over her guilt,

and the best way was for her to forget him. They both needed to heal, and time would do that. More like I

f*****g hoped it would. I now looked at the f****r in front of me. He was smart, that was for sure, despite

being a mouthy d******d.

“Want to say something?” Leo asked, as he clicked away at the keyboard. He had spent the last two

hours hooking up several screens to his own laptop, which he had brought along. I raised an eyebrow atthe image of the busty woman in a barely-there bikini, that was covering his entire screen. “S**y, isn’t

she?” He asked.


“Far from it.” I replied.

The f**k was hot about her? She was a fake as f**k, silicon walking plastic doll. “I’m sure you wouldn’t

say that if you were single.” He gave me a humourless smirk before he pulled up some windows. F*****g

kids. “I do want to say something actually. What you did to Sienna… You don’t mess with kids. Do that

s**t again and I won’t just stand by.” I growled, resisting the urge to smack his head.

“I tossed her up, just like I’d do any of the kids back home. I wasn’t going to f*****g hurt her. “He cast me

a scathing look, his icy blue eyes rolling irritatingly.

“Yeah? But you did it to p**s Rayhan off. It was f*****g wrong to use a pup like that. She’s f*****g one.”

“Yeah, I did, and?” 1


“You need to allow him to explain his reasons, Leo.” “I don’t need to allow him s**t. The w****r f*****g

thinks he’s some sort of big shot.” He sneered, sitting back as he carried on working. “If you want me to

do this, I need you to stop f*****g bothering me.” He glanced up at me and I knew he was at the edge of

snapping. “Hatred and bitterness won’t get you far… We all make mistakes… but sometimes try to

understand what the cause behind those actions are.” “I could say the same.” His voice was quiet and

dangerously level now, and I could feel the anger rising from him. I ran my hand through my hair. How do

I tell him what Delsanra had f*****g been through? I had seen some of her memories and they f*****g

made me sick. The thing is, Leo refused to f*****g listen. “One day, you’ll realise what he did. When you

find your mate and realise that you’d destroy the world for her, that’s when you’ll realise that he didn’t doanything wrong. I saw some of her memories… what she suffered… I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.” I

explained quietly. He didn’t react, and I didn’t wait for a reply, knowing I wouldn’t get one, leaving him to

do his job but mind linking two of my men to keep an eye on him. I was not having him walk around the

pack alone, not after that f*****g stunt he had pulled with Sienna.

I returned to the mansion that was silent. The hallway had been cleaned up and someone would fix the

light tomorrow. I had examined the weapon he had used, very thin and extremely sharp. Something like

this could slice through someone’s neck if thrown with enough force… Leo would shift soon when he

turned eighteen, and I didn’t want to think of the chances that the darkness within him might grow…

I headed to my room, needing Kiara, I just wanted to f*****g hold her and kiss her senseless. She was

the only thing that kept me f*****g sane. The anger I was feeling inside towards this Crimson King and

Djinn was only growing with every passing day. I entered our bedroom, but she wasn’t there, I glanced

around before deciding to take a shower first. I entered the bathroom, the smell of her shampoo and

body wash lingering. I stripped, stepping into the shower that was still wet. ‘Where are you?’ I asked her.

Since she had showered, it meant that she had been in here not long ago. ‘I was making us some hot

chocolate… ‘Came her hesitant reply.

I smirked.

‘Sounds f*****g good.’

Although the only thing that smelt of chocolate that I wanted was her… My d**k twitched and the urge to

w**k off to her was f*****g tempting. The only problem was that she had ruined that for me. She was all

that I f*****g wanted to get me off… I heard the bedroom door open, and then the key turned in the lock. I

smirked, a thought coming to me. I finished showering quickly, grabbing a towel, but instead of wrapping


around me, I quickly wiped myself down, glancing down at my f*****g hard-on. I was probably going to

scare the f**k out of her… But who f*****g cares. 1 I left the bathroom, towel in hand, it just aboutcovered my d**k and I smirked, spotting her bent over as she plugged her phone into the charger. To my

surprise, she was clad in a black silk nightgown and, from the way she was bent over, I could see she

was only wearing a thong underneath… The f**k was she trying to do to me? “Nice view.” She turned

startled, tugging at the hem of her gown, which only resulted in making the fabric strain against her

nipples. F**k she looked too f*****g hot. Her eyes flew open when they landed on my body, I tilted my

head smirking as I stood in front of her naked, the towel in my hand only covering my raging c**k.

I heard her breath hitch as her gaze skimmed my body. She swallowed, biting her lip as her gaze

lingered on my towel.

“What’s wrong, Amore Mio?” I asked, walking towards her.


“Nothing at all.” She replied defiantly, despite her pounding heart and the tell-tale sign that I was getting

to her when she pressed her thighs together. “Really? Because seeing you like this is f*****g turning me

on…” I murmured huskily, taking hold of her chin just as I let down the barrier on my emotions.

Letting her feel exactly how I was feeling. How much I wanted to f**k her and how much she f*****g

meant to me. She gasped, almost stumbling backwards if I didn’t catch her. “Al… Alejandro…” She

whispered shakily, her eyes widening when she felt my c**k press against her through the towel between

us. “F**k…” Yeah, f**k is the right term, baby.

Her heart was pounding, so I reined in my own storm of emotions, not wanting them to influence her. If

she wanted me, I wanted it to be of her own accord. I looked into the beautiful eyes of my f*****g queen

and just then the scent of her arousal filled the air, making my eyes simmer red.

The hunger and desire within me threatened to unleash themselves.“Wait… I… There’s something I need to tell you first.” She whispered, her hand going to my shoulder, her

heart thundering as she looked up into my eyes. It was taking my f*****g all not to kiss her right now.

“What the f**k is it?”

“Earlier, I heard a voice in my head.” And just like that, my mood changed, the harsh reality of what she

had just said hit me like a f*****g freight train…

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