Novel Name : King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha

King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha Chapter 86

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Chapter 8686. A New Life


“That’s it, keep going Luna. You’re almost there.” Doctor Linda encouraged. I ran my hand through my

hair, fuck I hated this part. I looked down at the hospital bed where Kiara lay, a thin layer of sweat

covering her forehead as she held my hand in a tight grip. Her legs propped up and she wore a loose

button-down dress that reached mid-thigh. Her eyes were shut as she breathed steadily and heavily.

Our pup was almost here, but it was giving Kiara a damn hard time. She had been in labour for the last

seventy-two hours and I swear I was going to give this little one a good telling off for putting her through

this shit. 3 Then again, I’m the one who put a pup in her. “Is the baby here yet?” I heard Azura’s voice

from the hallway. “What have I said about patience if you want to wait here? Come on let’s go get

something to drink, baby.” Scarlett’s reply came. I know the walls were thick but even soundproof walls

didn’t work on my hearing. Scarlett, Elijah and Azura had shown up the moment Kiara had gone into

labour, but still, there was no sign of baby Rossi, a name everyone had dubbed it since we didn’t know

the gender. “You got this, Amore Mio.” I said quietly, kissing her forehead. Her gorgeous eyes locked

with mine and she nodded. My brave queen.

“Push for me Luna.” The doctor ordered, as Kiara squeezed my hand obeying. She was strong, barely

any sound escaped her, and she hadn’t taken any pain relief either. “Stop.” Kiara breathed heavily and I

breathed with her, guiding her; as I pressed my forehead to hers gently. “You’re doing great, not long

now.” I said, nodding slowly as I brushed her hair back, it had been braided but it was no longer as neat

as it was yesterday. Strands of her hair stuck to her face and I gently brushed them back as she rested

her head against my chest. Her heart was thundering as I knew another contraction rushed through

her. “Don’t fucking focus on the bond.” I growled, knowing she was trying to hold the block up so I didn’t

feel anything.She gave me a weak smile before she lets out a gasp of pain as she pushed. “Another push, come on

Luna, this is it, our little baby is almost here!” Linda said, relief and excitement in her voice. “What’s

your guess?” She whispered, before she pushed, biting her lip to stop her scream. My guess… The

movements were unpredictable, and although it was not as wild as Dante had been with the painful

kicking, it was still a strong pup. Kiara had said she thought it was a girl, but I had refused to guess.

Even now I had no idea, but either way, I was excited to meet our pup. “As long as it’s healthy, I don’t

care.” I said, kissing her lips softly as she let out a soft scream and pushed with all her might. Her face

was scrunched up, but I could tell it was close. “The heads out. My, that’s a lot of hair.” Linda said.

“Push.” “I am.” Kiara replied breathlessly as she focused on the doctor. My own heart was beating, the

moment to meet our pup was here… I couldn’t explain it. No matter if it was the first or third fucking

time, it still filled me with nervousness. Would I have a prince or another princess? Kiara let out a

whimper of pain and I crouched down by the bed, caressing her forehead, holding her hand that

gripped mine to my chest. “You got this, Amore Mio, our pup’s almost here… You are a fucking queen

and you’re doing incredibly.” I murmured, wishing I could take her pain from her. Two pushes later, her

eyes flashed purple and she let out a gasp as our pup’s cry filled the room. My heart thundered as I

looked into Kiara’s gorgeous eyes, before turning to the doctor. “Congratulations Alpha, Luna, it’s a

beautiful baby girl.” I closed my eyes, a strong surge of happiness filling me as Kiara let out a weak

laugh. “A girl, I was right.” She murmured as I kissed her shoulder, standing up and hugging her tightly.

“Fuck, you did it, you’re fucking incredible.” I murmured before moving back as Linda passed our

princess to Kiara, who pulled open a few buttons of her dress and rested our pup against her chest.

“Thank fuck that’s over.” I said, kissing Kiara’s forehead before turning my attention to our little pup. A

head full of . dark hair greeted me before she turned her head up and stared at her mama. A cute

button nose, plump lips, and big innocent eyes. “Fuck, I don’t think I can tell her off for causing you so

much pain… “I muttered, making Kiara giggle before she kissed our pup once more. “Of course not,

look at that face, she looks like you!” She fucking didn’t. She’s too damn cute. ‘It’s a girl.’ I said through

the link to Elijah and Darien, knowing they’ll pass the message on to all our family and to the packLinda cut the cord before she looked between us. “Excuse me, I will give you both a little while.” She

said, leaving us alone with our pup, unable to hide the smile on her face.

The entire pack will party in celebration of the birth of our new pup. Kiara scooted over a little, and I sat

down next to her, wrapping my arm around her as I half lay next to her. “Have you told anyone?” She

asked, I nodded. “Yeah, think everyone’s been on edge waiting for this news. I’m fucking proud of you,

Amore Mio.” She looked up at me, kissing me softly. = “Thank you… for giving me this little angel.” She

whispered. “Well… it was fun to make her.” I shrugged, making Kiara laugh. “So… name? You said if it

was a boy I got to name him and if it was a girl, you got to name her. Wait, did Dante tell you it was

going to be a girl?” “No, I didn’t ask him.” She smiled. “But I have a name. If you trust me, I would like

to keep it for her.” “I fucking trust you with everything. Go for it, you carried her and went through the

pain of birthing her, you deserve to fucking name her.” I said kissing my pup’s head, she wriggled as

Kiara adjusted her so she could latch her onto her breast. I almost fucking pouted, our pup looked up at

me as she began sucking on Kiara’s nipple. I hated sharing… and these fuckers knew exactly how it

irked me. Look how she was looking at me with those innocent eyes of hers…’ “Al, you’re frowning at

her, she’ll get scared.” Kiara scolded lightly. “She’s a damn Rossi, she won’t.” I smirked, bending down

and kissing her chubby cheek. “So, what’s her name?”

Navig@te back to th€ roots of thïš substance at n0v^lebook“Alessandra Rossi.” My heart skipped a beat as I looked at Kiara in surprise. She smiled softly, giving

me a small nod, knowing I had clicked on. A derivation of my name… “And it couldn’t be more fitting

because she looks just like her namesake.” She said softly I looked down at our pup unable to say

anything, the emotions were fucking making me go blank. Fuck I think her emotions were seeping

through the bond, ’cause I don’t get this emotional, right. Yeah, they were hers, I ain’t this fucking soft.4

“Do you like it?” She asked, making me look at her, trying to make sense of the influx of emotions that

consumed me.“Yeah, it’s… Do I really deserve to have a pup named after me?” I asked quietly. Her eyes glittered with

tears as her smile faded away. “Shit, don’t cry. Fuck, I didn’t mean to make you cry.” I said brushing the

first of her tears away. “Then don’t ever ask do you deserve it or not. She is lucky to be named after a

true king in all aspects, and even luckier to have you as her father.” She said. “I love you Alejandro and

please, never ever think you don’t deserve anything. You are one of the most incredible beings I know.”

“Yeah, well thanks to you. I won’t, ok?” I said wrapping my arm around her shoulder tighter. She rested

her head against my chest and I ran my fingers through our pup’s hair with my other hand. “I can’t

believe she’s here,” Kiara whispered softly. “Yeah? She was a few days late though.” “I know but it’s

still a miracle.” It was, there was just something inexplicable about witnessing our pup come into this

world. Seeing the miracle that Kiara was a part of… “Yeah, it is. How are you feeling?” “Tired…” She

whispered smiling up at me. She must be, she had been at this on and off but the last few days had

been killer, not to mention her seventy-two-hour labour had been really fucking draining for her. “Sleep,

I’ll take her to meet the rest.” “I want to shower first, but I am exhausted.” She said wrapping a shawl

around Alessandra, who had fallen asleep already, a dribble of milk at the corner of her mouth.

“She needs burping.” Kiara murmured, as she passed her to me and I mind linked the doctor to come

back. “I’ll deal with her.” “Come on little one, let’s meet the rest of the fuckers.” The moment the door

opened, and Linda stepped inside, I walked past her and looked at the crowd that awaited us. Kiara’s

parents, Maria, Delsanra, Rayhan, and then there were my three pups. “Can I see her?” Dante asked

quickly, I smirked as I lowered her to her siblings. · Kataleya and Skyla rushed forward as well,

excitement clear in their faces. “Oh, she’s so cute.” Kataleya exclaimed, kissing her cheek tenderly.

“She’s my minion.” Skyla breathed in awe.

“She’s perfect.” Dante said as Azura came over and nodded her agreement, kissing her feet. “I have

such a beautiful niece.” She said, sounding way fucking older than she was. “You made a cute baby

Alejandro, well done!”:22 Her words made everyone laugh and I smirked at her. “Thanks, kid.” “Here

you go, another granddaughter for you.” I said, holding her out to Elijah with a smirk. Before he could

even take her, Scarlett · stepped forward, quickly taking her from me as Elijah smiled, looking down ather. “She’s beautiful, have you got a name yet? “Scarlett asked, kissing the baby as Delsanra and

Maria gathered around her. “Alessandra.” I said gruffly. As expected,

Now Life all eyes turned on me, and I glared back” I didn’t choose it, Kiara did.” “It’s perfect.” Maria said

softly. “I like it too!” Azura added. I smirked, ruffling her hair as she kissed Alessandra’s hand. “I’m your

aunty, and us A girls stick together, ok?” O. “Raihana’s on her way.” Rayhan smirked just as I heard the

sound of heels. “I want to see my baby cousin!” She said with excitement, holding her own baby, who

was six weeks old, in her arms. Maria took Heaven from her as Raihana scooped Alessandra away

from Scarlett. Everyone began gushing over her again and I glanced over at Heaven, who was eating

her hand contently. She was a cutie, with light brown hair and brown eyes. I glanced back at the open

door wanting to see my queen again. “She’s not wearing a nappy, I’ll clean her up myself once they

weigh her and do the checks.” Scarlett was saying. “Raven and Liam are on the way too.” Rayhan

added. I zoned them out, simply watching them all talk and chatter. Kataleya was improving a little,

although she still wore the necklace at all times, she carried her teddy less. Although she still tried

doing everything with one hand. Delsanra was working with her, but it was going to take time… I

glanced back at the door to the room as Scarlett stepped forward. “How is she?” “Tired but good, she

went to shower.” I told her with a jerk of my head. Scarlett nodded and I realised she needed to see her

daughter, so when I heard Kiara emerge, I motioned for her to go in. “She’s out, go.”

She gave me a grateful smile as she hurried inside. “Kiara, congratulations my baby!” “Mom…” “She’s

beautiful… I’m so proud of you…” I leaned against the wall, giving them some space as Elijah.stepped

up, leaning against the wall next to me. “Still feels surreal right?” “Yeah, can’t believe I’m a dad of four

now. “I crossed my arms, looking at my little one in Rayhan’s arms as Delsanra whispered something in

baby talk to her. “Yeah, you fucking beat me, now don’t go making my daughter go through that again.

Besides, you ain’t fucking young anymore.” He said cockily and I smirked. “Do you really want me to

answer that?” asked cockily.“No.” Elijah replied and although we didn’t bother turning, I could feel two pairs of eyes were watching

us, my own green-eyed Lucifer incarnate and the Westwood devil. “Good.” I remarked, about to reach

for a cigarette before I decided against it. After a few more minutes I knocked and Kiara told us to

enter. The kids ran in first, hugging her. Linda had gotten the room cleaned up and the sheets changed.

“Mama, are you ok?” Kataleya asked softly. “I’m perfectly fine, my baby.” Kiara responded kissing and

hugging them all. I heard Delsanra Whisper a spell before she hugged Kiara and I knew she was

healing her. One by one, they congratulated her. I gave them space, although all I wanted was to hold

my queen in my fucking arms. I watched as Elijah stroked her hair. It made me think that one day, my

girls would have their own mates… how was I going to deal with that shit? Whoever my girls were

mated to, better treat them right or I fucking swear, I’ll destroy them.. An hour had passed, and

although Kiara had wanted to rest, everyone was too excited. Finally Scarlett had to firmly get everyone

to leave, telling Kiara, who had just finished feeding Alessandra, to get some rest. It was finally just the

three of us in the now dimly lit room. “I’m sorry you didn’t get to rest.” I said quietly. Kiara yawned as

she stretched, making her shirt strain against her breasts. “Its fine, Delsanra healed me, so I feel so

much better.” She said yawning again. “But you need sleep, you’ve not slept properly in three days.”

She nodded before scooting over on the bed. “Then come hold me so I can sleep, I’ve missed having

you pressed against me fully.” a I smirked, I fucking missed that too, although I had enough fun either

way. I slid into the sheets beside her and lifted her head onto my arm as I pulled her close. “I love you,

Amore Mio.” “I love you too, my love.” As much as I could fucking talk to her forever, I needed her to

get some rest. “Sleep.” I said huskily as I claimed her lips in a deep kiss.

“Mm.” She agreed, her eyes fluttering shut as she kissed me softly, before snuggling firmly against me.

Although I knew I’ll have a fucking hard-on despite the lack of sleep, I was just glad the labour was

over, and our little princess was by our side…

Welcome to the family, little one.

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