Novel Name : King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha

King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha Chapter 36

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Chapter 3636 Was He A God


I felt so comfortable snuggled against the hard, firm body next to me. A deep, seductive scent filled my

nose and I inhaled deeply. A strong pair of arms were wrapped around me tightly, and to my utter

surprise, one hand was firmly on my a*s, his fingers between my cheeks, making my face heat up. My

eyes flew open and I found myself staring at a tattooed chest.

F**k, f**k, f**k! What happened? How did I get here? 3

Slowly, I pried his arms off me, trying to ignore the tingles that coursed through me and the way my body

seemed to enjoy his touch and moved back. The lamps were on, but I could see the sun was rising

outside. I stared at the man lying there and my breath caught in my throat. He was simply put, a

complete and utter s*x god. From his tanned skin, refined jaw and black hair, to his tattoos that covered

his entire body, save some parts of his abs, he was hot as f**k. His nipples were pierced; his chest rose

and fell deeply as he slept.

For a moment, I don’t think I minded if he had his hands on me once again… He was fit as hell.

He was built with muscles and ridges that any man would die for. Right down to his bulging biceps, to his

abs, and that V… He wore a pair of sweatpants and I almost gasped, noticing the long rod in his pants.


Did we f**k? Maybe, I’m sure I would be feeling it if we had… I looked down at myself, realising I was

wearing a black lacy bodysuit. I slipped out of bed, my heart hammering. Where were my clothes?

“Kiara?” A deep, husky, dangerously s**y voice came from behind me, making me jump as I spun around

to see the god had risen. He was now sitting up and I found myself staring into a pair of dark, dangerous

eyes. Eyes that seemed to peer into my soul.+My heart raced even faster when I saw his gaze rake over me, his eyes flashing red and making me

nervous. I could tell from his aura he was someone strong. Dad was going to kill me. “Hi.” I said, inching

away. He frowned, watching me warily as he got out of bed. “Kiara, are you alright?” How the hell does

this God know my name? Did I die? Am I in heaven? Am I dreaming? No, I don’t think so… Did I get

drunk last night? He was inching towards me. He was tall… Maybe a foot taller than me… or more… I

backed away slowly, raising my hand. “Can you talk from a little away?” I said, my voice sounding shriller

than it was meant to. “Amore Mio…” He seemed serious and concerned, watching me sharply.

“I don’t know how I ended here… but I should go. Um, where are my clothes?” I asked, now realising I

was practically naked and flaunting my assets in front of this god. 1

“Go?” His face seemed to pale slightly, his heart was thudding and I tensed, ready to jump if he tried

anything funny. “Home?” I replied softly.

“Kia… Do you recognise me?” He asked, his voice so quiet and strained that it confused me. 2

He sounded like he was in pain…

“Nope… Should I?” I replied, backing away, until my back hit the wall. “If we uh met at a party or

something… then I’m sorry, I should really get going. My dad will kill me.” I scanned the room, assessing

if the window or the door would be better. I glanced back at the handsome god, who seemed frozen

despite the heaving of his chest. “Do you remember anything?” Why does he keep asking me that?

“Excuse me? About last night? Nothing…. um, can I go now?” I asked in a hurry. I’m sure if I had s*x with

that thing, I would have felt it. Goddess, it looked big… “I think you should sit down; we need to talk.” “No

thanks, I’d rather go home.” I repeated. “Kiara, this is your home.” “No, it isn’t.”

What did he want? Was he trying to keep me here? “It is. If you have any doubt, you can take a look at

the pictures around this room, or on our phone. You’ll see there are plenty of photographs of us together.

That ring on your finger? We’re married, Amore Mio.”I glanced at my finger; indeed, I was wearing two rings, no that wasn’t possible though…

This was a trick; 1 didn’t need to see any pictures. I nodded, glancing at the phones he had gestured to.

Walk past him, then bolt for the doors… My heart thundered as I slowly edged past him acting as if I was

about to go for the phone, and instead, I darted towards the door. But before I even reached it, he was in

front of me, his eyes blazing red. A rumbling growl reverberated through his chest and before I even

realised what was happening, he had me on my back on the bed, straddling my hips. “Let go of me!” I

shouted, my heart pounding, when I felt an intense surge of sparks ripple through me, sending pleasure

straight to my core. “Calm the f**k down. Listen to me, Amore Mio. We need to talk. You’re my f*****g

mate. You know I’m not lying.” He growled. I stared up at him, I couldn’t deny the pain In his eyes that he

was trying to hide. The concern that was enveloping him and the sparks of his touch. But how? How was

this possible? I don’t remember him or anything, the last thing I remember is… What is the last thing I


I shook my head, trying to push away the throbbing headache that was beginning to form. I knew he

wasn’t lying, I could sense that… “I don’t know you. Get off me.” I said quietly as he slowly got off of me

but refused to let go of my wrists.

He knelt down in front of me on the ground, pulling me upright until I was sitting on the bed instead of

lying down.

I was terrified. What did this mean? What kind of trick was this? Was I dreaming? I needed to call Mom

or Dad. Or Liam… Surely, they must be worried about me…

He caressed my wrists and I felt a surge of fear rush through me. He was dangerous… I could sense the

power from him. I was about to pull away, but to my surprise, he raised my hands to his lips and placed a

chaste kiss on my knuckles before looking up into my eyes. “Do you remember anything?” He asked

quietly. I was not going to sit here naked and tell a stranger what I remembered or not, whatever he

meant by that.“Just what I needed to remember.” I replied, pulling free and covering myself with my arms.” Can I get

some clothes?”

His heart was racing, I suddenly felt fear… and then it was gone. I shivered for a moment. It felt like it

had been my emotion … but it hadn’t been. Strange. “Ok… let me grab you something to wear.” He said

quietly, he raised his hand to my face and I moved back, turning my face away. I don’t know this man and

I was not happy with him trying to get in my personal space. He didn’t say anything else. Standing up

and walking off through the archway, I looked down at my thighs, realising I had a garter belt tattoo

around one thigh. I don’t remember that either. What on earth was going on? As much as I wanted to run

for the door, I didn’t even get to ponder over it when he returned with a black t-shirt in his hand.

Seriously? Did he bring me one of his shirts?


“Where are my clothes?”

“In your wardrobe, but I thought this was easier to grab.” He said. His eyes looked hard, his voice was

dangerous and cold. Deep down, something told me he wasn’t an enemy… My wolf wasn’t panicked.

Surely that was a sign?

I took the shirt and pulled it on quickly, watching him warily as he picked up the two phones from the

bedside drawer.

He unlocked the first and held it out.

“That’s your phone.” He said quietly. If you say so. I didn’t recognise it.

I looked down at the image on the screen wallpaper, frowning slightly. It was of me and the

god. His arms were around my waist, one hand on my breast, his nose buried in my neck as I smiled for

the selfie.What the…

I began scrolling. There were lots, some with some young women I didn’t recognise… I even looked a

little older in these images. Did I somehow jump into the future? Was that possible?

My head began throbbing. Each picture I looked at made my mind reel. There were too many for me to

think these were fake… There was even an image of Dad and the guy in front of me, although it looked

like whoever took the picture did it sneakily… I stopped scrolling, staring at an image of me, the god, and

three children. My heart thundered as I stared at it…

This looked…

“Our kids, our son Dante, Skyla is the one with black hair, and mini you, Kataleya.” His deep voice came.

My ears rang with his voice, a sudden squeezing pressure wrapping around my head.

Navig@te back to th€ roots of thïš substance at n0v^lebookThis… This wasn’t possible. What was going on?

The ringing only grew louder and I gripped my head. Why did it feel like the truth, but it didn’t add up?

“Kia… Kia, baby look at me…”

His voice was distant and suddenly I felt a surge of emotions the moment his hands gripped my arms, I

looked up into his eyes. My vision blurring as tears threatened to fall. I didn’t know him. I didn’t know how

to digest his words, and above all, I couldn’t remember much. “I want to talk to my dad or mom. Now.” A

flicker of hurt flashed in his eyes, but it was gone as fast as it had come and he nodded. “I’ll call them.

Can I ask for one favour?” He asked quietly. “What is it?” I asked, shuffling away from him on the bed.

“Our son is currently sick. Our youngest daughter, Kataleya was kidnapped. Around the time you found

her, that’s when they did something to your memory, but I’m not trying to justify anything. I just… at least

treat them as your own. You’ve always loved everyone… but I don’t think Kat could cope if she knew youhave forgotten her.” My heart clenched at his words. Our son? It sounded foreign, but a child who was

sick? I nodded. He didn’t need to ask that of me, I wouldn’t do anything to harm a child in any way.

I pulled my legs to my chin, wrapping my arms around them as I sat there trying to comprehend what

was going on. After a moment, I looked up sharply. 1 “Wait, if we’re from the same pack, we should be

able to mind link.” I said suddenly. ‘We sure f*****g can.’ His reply came in my head, making my heart

thump. Unless he forcefully marked me… But that didn’t explain why I couldn’t remember anything much.

I needed Mom or Dad…

“Call my parents, I want to talk to them.” I whispered.

I couldn’t remember anyone but my family… He took the phone from my hand, his hand brushing mine,

and a surge of sparks rippled up my, I jerked away.”

Our eyes met but he didn’t say anything, and instead dialled a number. If he really wasn’t a kidnapper or

something, Dad or Mom would pick up the call.


My heart leapt when I heard Dad’s voice, and I jumped from the bed, snatching the phone from his hand.


“Kia, are you alright?” He sounded sleepy, I guess it was still quite early. “Dad, please come get me.” I

whispered, my heart thundering as I felt the god’s energy fill the room.

“Kia, what happened?” Dad sounded concerned and fully alert. “I don’t remember what I’m doing here…

Do you know where I am?” I asked him.

Silence.“F**k… Kia, it’s alright, Alejandro won’t hurt you. You had an injury and you hurt your head. I’ll be there in

an hour’s time, ok. Just relax.”

“But Dad, I don’t know him.” I whispered, knowing he could hear me,

“He’s your mate and I assure you he cares for you. Just hold on for me, I’m coming.” My mate? Why was

Dad saying the same thing. Was it really the truth? Nothing made sense.

“Ok… Please come soon.

“I will, don’t worry princess… Can you pass the phone to Alejandro?”


The god, or should I call him Alejandro, was watching me, his face cold and unreadable as I slowly held

the phone out.

He’s my mate… “I’ll be there soon. We’ll figure this out…” I heard Dad say. Alejandro didn’t reply before

hanging up. He tossed the phone onto the bed as he advanced towards me. I moved away, making him

stop, his eyes blazing red with anger. “You’re mine, I’ll f*****g tear this world apart until I find the one

responsible for f*****g with your mind and make sure this s**t is fixed.” His cold threatening voice came.

He reached out for me and I flinched, making him pause.

He clenched his jaw before looking away. I couldn’t remember him, but I could tell beyond that calm, cold

exterior there was a man who was in pain and raging with immeasurable anger

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