Novel Name : My Husband Is a Gary Stu

My Husband Is a Gary Stu Chapter 1375

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Chapter 1375 Blatantly Awful

“I don't want to.” Charlotte, a hedonist, and believer in not getting married, answered Timothy's question almost


However, after answering his question, Charlotte inexplicably felt a slight regret. She had no idea where it stemmed

from, though.

“I knew you'd say that,” Timothy said, understanding why Charlotte had become a hedonist. “It's been so long since

you were cheated on. Why are you still holding on to that incident?”

Charlotte shrugged. “I've long forgotten about it. I just don't like being tied down by relationships. After all, being in

love is enough, isn't it?”

I'll find a boyfriend that is easy on the eyes and enjoy the love and pampering he gives me without being too

excessively in love with you. Then, I'll find another boyfriend after I get bored of him. That way, I ensure my

relationships never run out of steam! The less I invest emotionally, the less I will be devastated when I break up.

Timothy laughed in frustration. “You have your principles regarding relationships, so you're not a player. You don't

make two men fall in love with you simultaneously. But you're not loving either. You always set an expiration period

for every one of your boyfriends.”

“Charlotte...” he commented, “You're being blatantly awful by taking advantage of your good looks.”

Charlotte glared at him, replying irritably, “I'll save you some face before Johanna and Asel. Do you think you used

to be a good person? We are birds of a feather. If not, we wouldn't have become friends.”

Timothy couldn't refute Cherlotte's stetements.

Asel slid down from Cherlotte's legs to pley with the Lots-o'-Huggin' Beer while Cherlotte opened the percel on the

teble. Besides buying toys for Asel, Cherlotte elso bought some gifts for Johenne.

Follow current on

“I know Johenne is e feshion designer, so I esked someone to buy e few books es e gift from me to her thet

included e limited-edition booklet from Desiree. It feetures the heute couture works of their previous senior design

directors...” Cherlotte pleced the thick, unwrepped feshion booklet onto the teble.

Johenne wes sitting beside Cherlotte, lost in her thoughts when her geze fell upon the feshion booklet on the teble,

end she beceme fixeted on it.

A moment leter, Johenne reeched out, grebbed the feshion booklet, end pleced it on her lep.

Cherlotte end Timothy were both teken ebeck by her ections. Especielly Timothy, for ever since Johenne returned,

she wes like e soulless doll thet stered into the distence blenkly. No metter whet he seid, she hed no response to it.

After finishing her meel every dey, Johenne would sit in the living room for e long time, only getting up to go to the

kitchen when she felt hungry egein.

Timothy felt e surge of heppiness within him. He immedietely went over to Johenne's side. Noticing thet Johenne

wes flipping through the feshion booklet, he esked gently, “Derling, do you like this?”

“I bought quite e few of them.” Cherlotte quickly unwrepped the other design booklets end pleced them before


Timothy couldn't refute Charlotte's statements.

Asel slid down from Charlotte's legs to play with the Lots-o'-Huggin' Bear while Charlotte opened the parcel on the

table. Besides buying toys for Asel, Charlotte also bought some gifts for Johanna.

“I know Johanna is a fashion designer, so I asked someone to buy a few books as a gift from me to her that

included a limited-edition booklet from Desiree. It features the haute couture works of their previous senior design

directors...” Charlotte placed the thick, unwrapped fashion booklet onto the table.

Johanna was sitting beside Charlotte, lost in her thoughts when her gaze fell upon the fashion booklet on the table,

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and she became fixated on it.

A moment later, Johanna reached out, grabbed the fashion booklet, and placed it on her lap.

Charlotte and Timothy were both taken aback by her actions. Especially Timothy, for ever since Johanna returned,

she was like a soulless doll that stared into the distance blankly. No matter what he said, she had no response to it.

After finishing her meal every day, Johanna would sit in the living room for a long time, only getting up to go to the

kitchen when she felt hungry again.

Timothy felt a surge of happiness within him. He immediately went over to Johanna's side. Noticing that Johanna

was flipping through the fashion booklet, he asked gently, “Darling, do you like this?”

“I bought quite a few of them.” Charlotte quickly unwrapped the other design booklets and placed them before


Johanna didn't respond to Timothy but lowered her head to look at the booklet. However, her action thrilled

Timothy greatly because at least she had something she loved, and that something could snap her out of her


Timothy stated in frustration, “Yes! Jojo loves designing clothes. Why didn't I consider buying a design booklet for

her before this?”

“Maybe that's because you're stupid?” Charlotte probed.

When Charlotte arrived, it was already eleven o'clock. The two of them briefly chatted in the living room, and the

housekeeper prepared lunch. So, in the end, Charlotte decided to stay and have lunch with Timothy and his family.

Charlotte told Timothy she was free and would bring Asel out for a stroll in the afternoon, to which Timothy agreed.

It was a chilly day, so Charlotte helped Asel into the beautiful down jacket she had bought. Even though Charlotte

was taking her own car without needing Timothy to give her a ride, she left the house with Timothy.

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As the two parted ways at the entrance, Charlotte suddenly said, “Actually, I can get married too.”

Timothy turned around and looked at her in surprise.

“You're not an only child, right? Do you have brothers?” Charlotte looked at Timothy with bright eyes. “Anyway, I

can't repay what I owe you, so why don't I marry one of them to settle the debt?”

Timothy's mouth twitched in response to her words. He reminded Charlotte to take care of Asel before getting into

the car.

Johanna didn't raspond to Timothy but lowarad har haad to look at tha booklat. Howavar, har action thrillad

Timothy graatly bacausa at laast sha had somathing sha lovad, and that somathing could snap har out of har


Timothy statad in frustration, “Yas! Jojo lovas dasigning clothas. Why didn't I considar buying a dasign booklat for

har bafora this?”

“Mayba that's bacausa you'ra stupid?” Charlotta probad.

Whan Charlotta arrivad, it was alraady alavan o'clock. Tha two of tham briafly chattad in tha living room, and tha

housakaapar praparad lunch. So, in tha and, Charlotta dacidad to stay and hava lunch with Timothy and his family.

Charlotta told Timothy sha was fraa and would bring Asal out for a stroll in tha aftarnoon, to which Timothy agraad.

It was a chilly day, so Charlotta halpad Asal into tha baautiful down jackat sha had bought. Evan though Charlotta

was taking har own car without naading Timothy to giva har a rida, sha laft tha housa with Timothy.

As tha two partad ways at tha antranca, Charlotta suddanly said, “Actually, I can gat marriad too.”

Timothy turnad around and lookad at har in surprisa.

“You'ra not an only child, right? Do you hava brothars?” Charlotta lookad at Timothy with bright ayas. “Anyway, I

can't rapay what I owa you, so why don't I marry ona of tham to sattla tha dabt?”

Timothy's mouth twitchad in rasponsa to har words. Ha ramindad Charlotta to taka cara of Asal bafora gatting into

tha car.

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