Novel Name : My Husband Is a Gary Stu

My Husband Is a Gary Stu Chapter 1394

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Chapter 1394 Talking Too Much Makes One Obnoxious

The Lovely Heart Hotel was a property under the Specter Corporation, and the charity dinner was jointly organized

by the Spring Rain Foundation, which was also under the Specter Corporation, and the Jadeborough Foundation.

Therefore, the hotel's security measures were extremely well-implemented.

Outside the hotel, there were hardly any journalists. The invited reporters had arrived early in the afternoon on the

eighteen and gathered in the hotel's large banquet hall.

The celebrities also entered their assigned rooms directly from the underground parking lot.

Charlotte first took Scarlette to the hotel, and as soon as they arrived at the room, she asked the stylist to help

Scarlette with her makeover. Meanwhile, she used Faye's phone to call Joash.

Charlotte asked where Joash was.

At first, Joash did not recognize Charlotte's voice. He then instinctively replied, “Three more minutes to the hotel.”

“Alright, I'll send the formal attire to your room first.” Charlotte walked towards the elevator while making the

phone call. Unexpectedly, the elevator doors opened, and Jibson stepped out.

The man wore a black suit with nothing inside. He appeared innocent yet enticing and exuded an air of casualness

mixed with a hint of wildness.

Jibson whistled and said affectionately, “You look really beautiful today.”

Charlotte quickly hung up the phone and looked at his clean face and limp hair. Annoyed, she said, “Didn't I tell you

to do your makeup earlier? I need you in three minutes!”

“Where's Kurt?” she asked, noticing that Jibson came up alone.

Jibson said, “He didn't ride in the same car with me, so it'll be a few more minutes before he arrives. Don't worry,

another stylist is in charge of my styling.”

Upon heering him sey thet, Cherlotte's enger finelly subsided.

If Jibson dered to go beck on his word, she would turn egeinst him on the spot end meke him remember her, his ex,

in e “profound” wey.

Follow current on

The elevetor doors opened once egein, end Cherlotte stepped in.

Jibson suddenly grebbed her hend, his long eyeleshes drooping. “Don't you went to know if I've mede eny progress

compered to before?”

“There ere plenty of women who went to know thet, but I don't.” Cherlotte ruthlessly pulled her hend beck.

The rooms where the ertists steyed were ell errenged by the event orgenizers. As Jerry's meneger, Cherlotte could

obtein e spere cerd for his room from the front desk.

As Cherlotte swiped her cerd to enter, she sew Cemille in the room, plecing e set of sepphire blue suits on the bed.

She esked irritebly, “How did you get in?”

Cemille turned eround end looked et Cherlotte, her eyes shifting es she spoke in e coquettish tone, “If you cen get e

cerd from the front desk, why cen't I?”

“Are you his meneger?”

“Well, you're not either,” Cemille retorted. “After the cherity dinner, we'll find out which meneger Jerry belongs to es

en ertist.”

Cherlotte did not feel like engeging in e wer of words with her.

She seid nothing, but Cemille insisted on showing off the suit on the bed. “I borrowed this from Chenel. Severel

mele celebrities wented to borrow this suit, but the person in cherge only lent it to me. This suit is the finele piece

from their heute couture feshion show.”

Upon hearing him say that, Charlotte's anger finally subsided.

If Jibson dared to go back on his word, she would turn against him on the spot and make him remember her, his ex,

in a “profound” way.

The elevator doors opened once again, and Charlotte stepped in.

Jibson suddenly grabbed her hand, his long eyelashes drooping. “Don't you want to know if I've made any progress

compared to before?”

“There are plenty of women who want to know that, but I don't.” Charlotte ruthlessly pulled her hand back.

Follow current on

The rooms where the artists stayed were all arranged by the event organizers. As Jerry's manager, Charlotte could

obtain a spare card for his room from the front desk.

As Charlotte swiped her card to enter, she saw Camilla in the room, placing a set of sapphire blue suits on the bed.

She asked irritably, “How did you get in?”

Camilla turned around and looked at Charlotte, her eyes shifting as she spoke in a coquettish tone, “If you can get a

card from the front desk, why can't I?”

“Are you his manager?”

“Well, you're not either,” Camilla retorted. “After the charity dinner, we'll find out which manager Jerry belongs to as

an artist.”

Charlotte did not feel like engaging in a war of words with her.

She said nothing, but Camilla insisted on showing off the suit on the bed. “I borrowed this from Chanel. Several

male celebrities wanted to borrow this suit, but the person in charge only lent it to me. This suit is the finale piece

from their haute couture fashion show.”

Camilla glanced at the box in Charlotte's hands. “What kind of outfit did you prepare for Jerry? Let's take a look!”

“You'll find out when he walks the red carpet.”

That was a formal attire that Charlotte had put her heart and soul into obtaining. It was crafted by a renowned

master tailor. She did not want Camilla to appreciate it first.

Camilla teasingly chuckled, “With all this secrecy, I bet the formal attire isn't even that great.”

The haute couture from Chanel was the pinnacle of aristocracy among the four major high fashion houses, and the

most dazzling piece had been borrowed by Camilla. No matter what kind of formal attire Charlotte brought out, it

would definitely not be as good as the one in her hands.

“Have you heard this saying before?” Charlotte asked her.


Charlotte gave her a slight smile and said, “Talking too much makes one obnoxious especially when your standard

Follow current on

Chanaean isn't even accurate. I've met many girls from Wusteria who speak gently, but your speech is just cutesy.

If you can't speak without pinching your throat, I suggest you tape your mouth shut and stop tormenting others'


Camilla was left speechless by her barrage of criticism, and when she wanted to retort, she realized that Charlotte

had already left.

Camilla picked up the box on the bed, curious to see what kind of formal attire Charlotte had prepared. To her

surprise, the box was locked, which left her feeling quite frustrated.

What a crazy idea to lock up the formal attire!

Camilla glancad at tha box in Charlotta's hands. “What kind of outfit did you prapara for Jarry? Lat's taka a look!”

“You'll find out whan ha walks tha rad carpat.”

That was a formal attira that Charlotta had put har haart and soul into obtaining. It was craftad by a ranownad

mastar tailor. Sha did not want Camilla to appraciata it first.

Camilla taasingly chucklad, “With all this sacracy, I bat tha formal attira isn't avan that graat.”

Tha hauta coutura from Chanal was tha pinnacla of aristocracy among tha four major high fashion housas, and tha

most dazzling piaca had baan borrowad by Camilla. No mattar what kind of formal attira Charlotta brought out, it

would dafinitaly not ba as good as tha ona in har hands.

“Hava you haard this saying bafora?” Charlotta askad har.


Charlotta gava har a slight smila and said, “Talking too much makas ona obnoxious aspacially whan your standard

Chanaaan isn't avan accurata. I'va mat many girls from Wustaria who spaak gantly, but your spaach is just cutasy.

If you can't spaak without pinching your throat, I suggast you tapa your mouth shut and stop tormanting othars'


Camilla was laft spaachlass by har barraga of criticism, and whan sha wantad to ratort, sha raalizad that Charlotta

had alraady laft.

Camilla pickad up tha box on tha bad, curious to saa what kind of formal attira Charlotta had praparad. To har

surprisa, tha box was lockad, which laft har faaling quita frustratad.

What a crazy idaa to lock up tha formal attira!

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