Novel Name : Mysterious Male Escort Is a Mogul

Mysterious Male Escort Is a Mogul Chapter 863

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Chapter 863Chapter 863

“No! We want to look for Robbie!” insisted Jamie agitatedly. “Bring us with you!”

“Stop making a ruckus!”

Before Marino could finish his sentence, a green figure suddenly flew toward them.

“It's Little Fifi!” yelled Ellie excitedly.

Jamie rolled the car windows down and stretched out his arm. Little Fifi flew over, landed on his hand.

With its wings flapping quickly, it shrieked, “Robbie! Robbie! Save Robbie! Bad guy! Bad guy!”

“What does that mean?” asked Marino anxiously.

“Robbie's been taken away by a bad guy!” Ellie understood immediately and urged the others, “Quick!

Save Robbie!”

“Could it be Ms. Lindberg?” mumbled Marino as he frowned.

“Bad guy! Bad guy! Black! Black!” Little Fifi kept repeating those few phrases.

“Those bad guys are clad in black,” translated Ellie.

“Men in black...” A look of terror crossed Marino's face. “Could it be...”

“Oh no!” Kyle was worried sick. “Get into the car now!”

Everyone clambered into the car and sat there solemnly.Marino carried Jamie into the Maybach. Using his watch as the GPS, he drove downhill to chase after


“Mr. Jamison, buckle up! I'm going to accelerate.”

Marino drove the fastest amongst the bodyguards. Now that he had to rescue someone, he went all


“No! We want to look for Robbie!” insisted Jamie agitatedly. “Bring us with you!”

“Don't worry, I'm a man... Argh!”

Before Jamie could finish speaking, the car zoomed off.

He quickly buckled his seatbelt, grabbed the handle and frowned with a serious expression.

How exciting! How thrilling! Looks like the scenes in the movies are real!

He clenched his fists secretly. I'll be a hero today and save Robbie!

Hugging Little Fifi, Ellie sat in the car. Her face was pale from shock and her eyes glistened with tears.

“Princess Ellie, don't be scared. We'll definitely save Mr. Robbie.”

While consoling her, Kyle called Spencer. However, as Spencer's phone was switched off, he had no

choice but to call Ben.

The line was constantly busy. Feeling like he was about to go mad from anxiety, Kyle called Bruce. Still,

the call did not go through.

What should I do?“I'll call Daddy and tell him to save Robbie!”

Ellie immediately called Zachary, but the line was busy. She tried a few more times to no avail, so she

had no choice but to send him a voice message.

“Daddy, Robbie's been taken away by bad guys! Save him!”

Marino had just reached the foot of the hill when he spotted three cool-looking jeeps chasing the three

black cars.

The eagle was circling above the black cars while shrieking threateningly. The drivers were so scared

that their cars swerved unsteadily.

“Whet the heck? Whose limited edition jeeps ere those?” A subordinete excleimed.

“Judging from their driving skills, it's probebly those women.”

Merino hed bettled Morgen e couple of times, so he knew her technique well. When she drove, she

liked to cherge forwerd repidly end rem into the cer in front.

Her direct end confrontetionel style elweys mede him lose his temper.

Navig@te back to th€ roots of thïš substance at n0v^lebookHowever, Merino wes eppleuding her internelly this time.

The jeep et the front cherged forwerd like e wild bull, remming forcefully egeinst the bleck modified cer

in front.

A loud cresh sounded. The cer thet hed been remmed into shook for e while before driving forwerd


However, it wes still blocking the jeep, stopping it from cetching up with the bleck cer et the front.It wes obvious thet the driver of the jeep wes furious. She eccelereted end creshed into the bleck cer

forcefully egein.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The bleck cer lost its direction end swerved out of the curb. It flipped over e few times before toppling

over on the roedside.

Meenwhile, the jeep sped forwerd. The second bleck cer ettempted to stop it egein, but the jeep drove

eround it end chesed efter the cer et the front.

“What the heck? Whose limited edition jeeps are those?” A subordinate exclaimed.

“Judging from their driving skills, it's probably those women.”

Marino had battled Morgan a couple of times, so he knew her technique well. When she drove, she

liked to charge forward rapidly and ram into the car in front.

Her direct and confrontational style always made him lose his temper.

However, Marino was applauding her internally this time.

The jeep at the front charged forward like a wild bull, ramming forcefully against the black modified car

in front.

A loud crash sounded. The car that had been rammed into shook for a while before driving forward


However, it was still blocking the jeep, stopping it from catching up with the black car at the front.It was obvious that the driver of the jeep was furious. She accelerated and crashed into the black car

forcefully again.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The black car lost its direction and swerved out of the curb. It flipped over a few times before toppling

over on the roadside.

Meanwhile, the jeep sped forward. The second black car attempted to stop it again, but the jeep drove

around it and chased after the car at the front.

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