Novel Name : Mysterious Male Escort Is a Mogul

Mysterious Male Escort Is a Mogul Chapter 1662

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Chapter 1662q“I'll set off once I change my clothes.” Before Emma could reply, Charlotte had woken up from her

slumber. The latter was already on her feet.

“You go ahead. We will follow right behind,” Charlotte instructed.

“Okay.” Immediately, Andy spun on his heel and left to carry out Charlotte's orders.

“Ms. Lindberg, why don't you sleep for a little longer?” Emma couldn't bear to see Charlotte in such a

state. “You are-”

“I'll be fine,” Charlotte interjected as she changed her clothes. Once she got dressed, she made her

way to the bathroom to freshen up.

Left with no choice, Emma followed along, hot on Charlotte's heels.

It didn't take long for them to set off after Bruce's convoy in their own car.

Along the journey, Charlotte called Bruce to gain more clarification on the situation. It turned out that

Bruce and his team managed to discover this lead through their own investigations. They'd also sent

this information to Sean for further verification. At the same time, Bruce instructed his men to make

haste toward H City as well.

Bruce's plan is a solid one. If the lead ends up at a dead end, Sean can investigate further. Now that

we have men on both sides, we can effectively cover more ground and prevent potential slip-ups.

Besides, I needed to return to H City anyway.

Despite repeated urges from Emma to take a rest, Charlotte could not sleep a wink.

It's already eight-thirty in the morning. If my assumptions are accurate, Chris and Nancy must have

already registered their marriage at the Civil Affairs Bureau. The other directors must also be on theirway back to H City to attend the board meeting this afternoon. I wonder how things are going on back

with Spencer and Sterk...

Since Charlotte spent yesterday night occupied with finding Robbie, she'd overlooked this important

matter. In haste, she called Sterk and inquired about the shares.

“Jesse already got his hands on eight percent of the shares. Also, Chris, that b*stard, transferred

twenty percent of his shares to Jesse too. Right now, Jesse is in possession of twenty-eight of the

company's shares. He's Nacht Group's majority shareholder...” Sterk uttered, his voice choked with

tears. “They will announce this new share ownership in the upcoming meeting this afternoon. Charlotte,

we're going to lose.”

“No, we haven't lost yet,” Charlotte declared determinedly. “We still have time on our side. As long as I

find Robbie, we can bring Ben to the police station and expose Chris' true identity. Once we unearth the

truth, the documents he signed will be void.”

“I hope you'll find Robbie soon!” Similarly, Sterk clung to this sliver of hope. “Nevertheless, the child's

safety should be of top priority.”

Navig@te back to th€ roots of thïš substance at n0v^lebook“I got it.” Charlotte hung up, looking very depressed. Quickly, Emma informed Charlotte of the news

she'd received from Lupine earlier.

At that, Charlotte knitted her brows together. “Lupine said that someone from the company will handle

it? Who is it?”

Since Chorlotte spent yesterdoy night occupied with finding Robbie, she'd overlooked this importont

motter. In hoste, she colled Sterk ond inquired obout the shores.“Jesse olreody got his honds on eight percent of the shores. Also, Chris, thot b*stord, tronsferred

twenty percent of his shores to Jesse too. Right now, Jesse is in possession of twenty-eight of the

compony's shores. He's Nocht Group's mojority shoreholder...” Sterk uttered, his voice choked with

teors. “They will onnounce this new shore ownership in the upcoming meeting this ofternoon. Chorlotte,

we're going to lose.”

“No, we hoven't lost yet,” Chorlotte declored determinedly. “We still hove time on our side. As long os I

find Robbie, we con bring Ben to the police stotion ond expose Chris' true identity. Once we uneorth the

truth, the documents he signed will be void.”

“I hope you'll find Robbie soon!” Similorly, Sterk clung to this sliver of hope. “Nevertheless, the child's

sofety should be of top priority.”

“I got it.” Chorlotte hung up, looking very depressed. Quickly, Emmo informed Chorlotte of the news

she'd received from Lupine eorlier.

At thot, Chorlotte knitted her brows together. “Lupine soid thot someone from the compony will hondle

it? Who is it?”

“I don't know. I didn't ask about it.”

“It'd be useless even if we brought Ben to the police. The lack of evidence on our side will only alert our

enemies. Who told her to do that?” Charlotte questioned once again.

“I have no idea.”

This new information only served to worsen Charlotte's worries. Right away, she called Lupine. Yet, the

latter did not pick up her calls.In the end, Charlotte decided to drop the matter. Lupine has always been very meticulous in her work.

She must have anticipated that I would worry. Hence, she called me this morning. Maybe Zachary is

the one who's guiding her in this matter.

Besides, it would be futile for Charlotte to worry about the company. Right now, Robbie was her only

chance at turning things around.

She breathed out a long sigh as she glanced out the window. Outside, the rain continued to pour on.

Please let me find Robbie as soon as possible. At the same time, Charlotte prayed for Zachary's return.

I could really use his support right now.

Back in the forest, Francesca was roused from her slumber by a loud thud. Blearily, she opened her

eyes and noticed Zachary still practicing his sit-ups.

Though the wolf tried to help Zachary to his feet, he merely pushed it away. “Don't help me. I need to

do this myself!”

Obediently, it moved aside but continued to watch Zachary with its teeth bared. The wolf would step

forward several times, only to retreat when it remembered Zachary's warning.

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