Novel Name : Mysterious Male Escort Is a Mogul

Mysterious Male Escort Is a Mogul Chapter 2058

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Chapter 2058q“Yes,” Layla replied, “We have to be very serious when selecting the foundation. There must be no

mistakes, which is why we will go together. Promise me that you'll take good care of yourselves when

we're not around.”

“Okay. Got it.”

The absent-minded Francesca did not dwell on this matter and asked, “So when are you coming


“I can't give you an exact answer now.” Layla avoided the question and continued, “We'll be getting in

touch with dozens of them, and that will take quite some time.”

“Fine.” Francesca nodded. “Anyway, there's nothing much going on in the orphanage right now, and

with Lacy getting better by the day, you don't have to be too worried.”

“Frannie...” Layla mumbled. There was so much that she wanted to tell Francesca, but she found

herself lost for words. In the end, she said, “You should give Danrique a call tomorrow and talk to him


“Nope. We're through!” Francesca explained what happened to Layla and added, “Did you know how

unreasonable he acted? He hung up on me before I could explain! I'm so mad!”

Layla immediately questioned Francesca, “You were the same, weren't you? You scolded Danrique and

hung up on him as soon as you heard another lady's voice in the call. Then, you booked a flight and

flew back to S Nation. Did you know that you were equally unreasonable back then?”

“Um...” Francesca found herself speechless upon Layla's words.

“Now you know what it feels like to be wrongfully accused, don't you?” Layla returned her with a smile.

“When you were with Prince William, you chatted and happily had a bowl of mushroom soup together.You think you are above board because you know what you're doing. Then what about Danrique? How

did you know something shady is going between him and that girl?”

“That's not how it works. Hazel loves him, and she wants to marry him,” Francesca hurriedly explained

herself, “William, he-”

“Then, how did you know Prince William doesn't have feelings for you?” Layla asked again, “If he did

not have any feelings for you, why would he be making you mushroom soup? There's no reason for

him to make you snacks and gift you flowers every day.”

The question hurled by Layla entirely left Francesca choked.

“Frannie, we must not have a double standard in any way.” Layla pointed out. “Think about it carefully.

If Danrique did have something going on with that girl, he wouldn't answer that call. He could've

ignored the call and pretended he didn't hear it as he was busy. If a man cheats on you, there's no way

he would expose himself easily. The only reason you noticed it so easily was because it was a trap set

up by someone instead of a misunderstanding. The same goes for whatever happened tonight.”

“What do you mean?” Francesca was stunned. However, it did not take her too long to get a hold of

what Layla meant. “Ms. Layla, you're telling me Hazel did that on purpose? So that I'd be angry at

Danrique? You're saying William also pulled the same trick on Danrique?”

“What I said are just my assumptions. They may not necessarily be the truth. However, you should

learn to put yourself in Danrique's shoes. Why can't he hang up on you when you did the same to him

just because of a misunderstanding?”

Francesca was speechless.

“This is the first time the both of you fall in love, which means you're going to act childish occasionally

because you lack the experience. However, if you wish to stay together, you must learn to appreciatehim. Instead of keeping it to yourself, you should talk things out with him whenever there is a


Layla continued to reason with Francesca.

Meanwhile, Francesca, who was listening carefully, quickly stopped giving any response minutes later.

“Frannie. Frannie?”

Upon noticing no response coming from the young lady, Layla waved her hand right above Francesca's

face, and she quickly found out that the young lady had already fallen asleep, to which Layla sighed,

“This girl is hopeless!”

At the same time, little did Francesca know that those were the parting words from Layla.

Navig@te back to th€ roots of thïš substance at n0v^lebookShe thought Layla and Mr. Lincoln would be back a couple of days later or even half a month or so, just

as usual. In truth, however, it took about a few years for them to be reunited again.

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