Novel Name : Mysterious Male Escort Is a Mogul

Mysterious Male Escort Is a Mogul Chapter 1027

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Chapter 1027Chapter 1027

Navig@te back to th€ roots of thïš substance at n0v^lebookZachary had been trying to locate Zara while collecting evidence of her wrongdoing. His aim was to

bring her to justice.

At the end of the day, he had taken into consideration Henry's feelings. After all, she was still his

daughter. If the Lindbergs killed her, he would be devastated.

From then on, the animosity between the two families would only deepen.

Given Henry's temper, he would fight the Lindbergs for the rest of his life.

No one would come out the winner if such a situation came up.

Therefore, Zachary's solution was to capture Zara and hand her over to the authorities.

That way, he would be able to fulfill his responsibility to Charlotte and stop the hatred between the two

families from escalating.

If the law sentenced her to death, it would be because she deserved it.

Henry had no one else to blame.

However, Zachary didn't imagine that Henry would make such a mistake as to harbor a fugitive.

If Charlotte had found out about it, it would become a huge misunderstanding between the two families.

Feeling anxious, all Zachary wanted to do now was to solve the problem.

However, he still hadn't figured out how to do so.He couldn't infuriate Henry, and neither could he let Zara escape. Also, he had to keep the matter

under wraps.

“Mr. Nacht, why don't we set up an ambush at the airport? We can seize Zara and hand her over to the

police while Mr. Henry isn't there,” Bruce suggested.

“Given that he is willing to take such a big risk, Grandpa will definitely send her to the airport


Zachary explained softly, “He wouldn't leave until he sees her board the plane.”

“In that case, why don't we check on their private jet?” Bruce asked.

“Don't do anything rash to alert them.” Zachary knitted his eyebrows.

“Yes.” Bruce didn't dare propose anything else.

“You're dismissed for now.” Zachary wanted to have some time alone.

“Yes.” Bruce lowered his head.

Zachary locked himself up in his office for seven hours.

It wasn't until four in the afternoon that he called for Bruce. Handing him a USB drive, he instructed,

“Hand this over to the police. Go right now.”

“Yes.” After carefully receiving it, Bruce headed to the police station.

Next, Zachary gave Lucy a call. “Tell the firm's legal team to gather in my office at once.”

“Yes.” Lucy cascaded his orders. Deep down, she knew something big was going on. However, she

didn't dare to ask.Ten minutes later, the Nacht Group's legal team arrived at once.

Zachary declared to them. “In my name, sack Zara from the Nacht Group board and seize all the

company shares she has. Also, freeze all of Chris' shares and suspend his positions in the Nacht

Group. It's your job to figure out how to do this from a legal perspective. I want it done by five. After

that, make the announcement through the firm's official channels. Understood?”

The lawyers exchanged chaotic glances.

Considering how Zara's wrongdoings were exposed on the internet, causing untold damage to Nacht

Group's reputation, it was understandable for Zachary to take such actions. However, the shares that

Zara and Chris were holding were gifted by Henry himself.

Without his permission, no one dared to take action.

“I will deal with Grandpa. All you have to do is follow my instructions,” Zachary ordered. “He isn't feeling

well now, so everything in Nacht Group will be decided by me.”

“Yes!” The lawyers went off without further question.

Everyone knew that Zachary was undoubtedly Henry's favorite. Many years ago, he had already

appointed Zachary as his successor.

Furthermore, Zachary had been running Nacht Group over the last few years and Henry had never

questioned his decisions.

Therefore, everyone did as they were told even though it seemed to be against the rules.

At five in the afternoon, the Nacht family sent out an official statement while the police issued a warrant

for Zara's arrest.

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