Novel Name : Mysterious Male Escort Is a Mogul

Mysterious Male Escort Is a Mogul Chapter 1168

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Chapter 1168Chapter 1168

Charlotte, too, noticed that the fair weather that they had been enjoying was about to turn. She waved

the children over and told them to get into the car.

Louis, however, was untroubled by the darkening sky. “Why are you in such a hurry to get home? It's

just a little rain! Look at how happy the children are!”

“Children should not be playing in the rain,” Charlotte replied. She felt inexplicably uneasy.

“All right! You're their mother,” Louis yielded and bundled the children into the car.

Then, they headed back towards the manor as the rain began to pour violently down on them.

The sky had turned threateningly dark and the atmosphere turned violent as the wind began to howl at

their ears.

A cold fear gripped Charlotte's heart and she urged Morgan to go a little faster.

As soon as their carriage stopped in front of the manor, a loud 'boom' sounded in the distance. The

children screamed in fright and covered their ears. Lupine, Morgan, and their men were immediately on

full alert.

Navig@te back to th€ roots of thïš substance at n0v^lebookCharlotte stuck her head out of the car window and looked in the direction of the sound. There seemed

to be an explosion in the distance. A fire was raging and clouds of thick smoke had begun to choke the


“Paul, what happened?” Louis asked urgently.

“Don't worry, Sir Louis, I'll dispatch my men to check out the situation immediately.”Paul immediately sent his men to investigate the source of the explosion. At that moment, the

bodyguards from the manor's security team called with a report.

“An accident occurred on the road next to the manor. An oil tanker collided with the truck transporting

our wine. The relevant authorities are on their way to deal with the situation.”

“Oh, it's just a traffic accident,” Louis said with a sigh of relief.

“Noted. Don't worry.”

Charlotte kept quiet. She still felt uneasy. Something's not right...

Once they were back inside the manor, Charlotte calmed the children down and quietly ordered Lupine

to send some men to check out the scene of the collision.

At the moment, Gordon appeared and reported, “Ms. Lindberg, I have already investigated the

situation. It is indeed a traffic collision, but it is unclear whether it was sabotage.”

“What do you mean?” Charlotte frowned.

“It could be the case that someone had deliberately caused the accident as a diversion while they try to

sneak into the manor, “Gordon explained. “I have sent men to deal with this. If my suspicion is right, the

culprits will be caught soon.”

“Who could it be?” Lupine wondered suspiciously.

“Could it be an enemy of the Laurent family?” Morgan speculated.

“It shouldn't be...” Gordon countered as he analyzed the situation in his head. “It could be people from

Erihal.”Lupine and Morgan were shocked to hear Gordon's speculation. They were all highly trained elite

bodyguards who feared none of the rivals.

Even so, the people from Erihal were not to be easily dismissed.

“Don't worry, I'll handle it,” Gordon said calmly. “In the meantime, be on alert until I've caught the


“Yes, we understand.” Lupine and Morgan nodded.

“Thank you for your assistance, Gordon,” Charlotte said gratefully. “Please watch out for your own

safety as well.”

“I will, Ms. Lindberg.” Gordon turned to Lupine and Morgan. “Leave the external security matters to me.

You two just focus on guarding Ms. Lindberg and the children.”

“We understand.”

Gordon nodded in satisfaction and left the room.

Charlotte ordered Lupine and Morgan to have their best men watching over the children. She would not

allow anything to happen to them.

Lupine immediately left to arrange for her best bodyguards to be on duty over the children.

Only Morgan stayed on to look over the room for any signs. He could not help sighing and said rather

dejectedly, “I thought it would be safe here in F Nation. Never would I have thought that those people

would pursue us all the way here. It would have been better for us to have stayed put in Xendale. At

least Mr. Lindberg's men would be there to protect us.”“No, it won't be better for us there.” Charlotte countered. She had a clarity of mind that she did not. “If

we had stayed on in Xendale, there would be a terrible fight, but here in F Nation, they wouldn't dare to

attack us openly. Instead, they would try to sneak up on us. Gordon can easily thwart their plans.”

“You're right.” Morgan nodded. “Well then, I guess we'll just have to be extra careful.”

“I don't need you here. Don't worry about me. Go and help Lupine guard the children,” Charlotte said

with a wave of her hand. “Arrange for four men to watch over each one of the children in rotation. Do

not let them out of your sight.”

“Yes, Ms. Lindberg.”

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