Novel Name : Mysterious Male Escort Is a Mogul

Mysterious Male Escort Is a Mogul Chapter 1664

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Chapter 1664qBang! The truck hit Charlotte's car forcefully.

The car overturned a few times before crashing into the guard rail on the bridge. When it finally came to

a stop, half the car was hanging off the bridge and seemed like it was going to fall off anytime...

The airbag in the car was deployed when Charlotte's head knocked against the windscreen and started


Covering her wound with one hand, Charlotte nudged Emma with the other. “Emma, Emma...”

However, Emma, whose face was covered in blood, did not respond. She sprawled over the steering

wheel, unconscious.

Charlotte unbuckled her seat belt, wanting to get out of the car. However, she realized that the car was

hanging off the bridge and any slight movement inside the car would cause the car to shake vigorously

and lose its balance...

In order for the car to regain some balance, Charlotte pulled Emma backward such that she was

leaning against the seat of the car. After that, she unbuckled her own seat belt and climbed out of the

car window cautiously.

Right after she landed on the ground, the car started plunging. Charlotte immediately grabbed the car

door and put one foot against the guard rail to prevent the car from sliding downward...

Using all her might, the woman gritted her teeth and yelled anxiously, “Emma, Emma, wake up! Please

wake up...”

In her current position, it was impossible for Charlotte to reach into the car to save Emma. The only

way for the other woman to survive was for her to wake up and climb out of the window herself.

Otherwise, there was no way she would survive once the car fell off the bridge.“Ms. Lindberg...”

Emma finally regained consciousness. She turned toward Charlotte and looked at her weakly.

“Emma, get out now! Hurry!” Charlotte urged anxiously.

Her hands were trembling and she was unable to hold on any longer.

Using her remaining strength, Emma unbuckled her seat belt and tried to get out of the car. However,

as the car door on her side was severely deformed from the crash, she was unable to open it.

“Get out through the window!” Charlotte reminded loudly.

Emma swept away the glass shards from the car window using her elbow and tried to climb out with

much difficulty...

Just then, a few tall and strong-built men in black were seen approaching Charlotte with murderous

looks on their faces...

“Are you guys sent by Jesse?”

At that moment, Charlotte could choose to let go of the car and fight those men. However, if she did

that, Emma would surely lose her life. However, if she did not let go, both of them would die...

“Ms. Lindberg, just ignore me and leave!” Emma shouted weakly.

However, Charlotte continued grabbing onto the car door, refusing to let go. After all, Emma had been

through thick and thin with her, and she would never leave her in the lurch at such a critical moment.

Those few men in black struck Charlotte once they charged over.

Charlotte sent a kick toward one of the men, knocking him to the ground.Very quickly, another few men surrounded her, and she was losing control of the situation.

Navig@te back to th€ roots of thïš substance at n0v^lebookThose men tried to pry her hands off the car forcefully in order to take her away, but Charlotte was

holding on to the car door with her life, refusing to let go...

Emmo finolly regoined consciousness. She turned toword Chorlotte ond looked ot her weokly.

“Emmo, get out now! Hurry!” Chorlotte urged onxiously.

Her honds were trembling ond she wos unoble to hold on ony longer.

Using her remoining strength, Emmo unbuckled her seot belt ond tried to get out of the cor. However,

os the cor door on her side wos severely deformed from the crosh, she wos unoble to open it.

“Get out through the window!” Chorlotte reminded loudly.

Emmo swept owoy the gloss shords from the cor window using her elbow ond tried to climb out with

much difficulty...

Just then, o few toll ond strong-built men in block were seen opprooching Chorlotte with murderous

looks on their foces...

“Are you guys sent by Jesse?”

At thot moment, Chorlotte could choose to let go of the cor ond fight those men. However, if she did

thot, Emmo would surely lose her life. However, if she did not let go, both of them would die...

“Ms. Lindberg, just ignore me ond leove!” Emmo shouted weokly.

However, Chorlotte continued grobbing onto the cor door, refusing to let go. After oll, Emmo hod been

through thick ond thin with her, ond she would never leove her in the lurch ot such o criticol moment.Those few men in block struck Chorlotte once they chorged over.

Chorlotte sent o kick toword one of the men, knocking him to the ground.

Very quickly, onother few men surrounded her, ond she wos losing control of the situotion.

Those men tried to pry her honds off the cor forcefully in order to toke her owoy, but Chorlotte wos

holding on to the cor door with her life, refusing to let go...

“Ms. Lindberg...” Emma broke down and burst into tears. “Let go now! Please let go!”

“Get out of there now!” Charlotte simply would not give up. No matter what, she was determined to

save Emma.

However, those men in black were making things difficult for her by kicking her hands, forcing her to let


Just when Charlotte was unable to take it anymore, a car sped over at the most critical moment.

Bruce and a few other people dashed out of the car and started battling those men in black at once. At

the same time, they managed to save both Charlotte and Emma.

“Ms. Lindberg, are you all right?” Bruce helped Charlotte up.

“Why are you here? Shouldn't you be saving Robbie?”

When Charlotte saw Bruce, her first thought was that the man might not be able to save her son in time

if he was there to save her.

“I sent Marino and some of the other guys over. I couldn't reach you through your phone and was

worried that something might have happened to you. That's why I decided to take two men along withme and come back to help you.”

Right after Bruce escorted Charlotte to the car, hundreds of assassins gushed out from the huge truck.

They were all armed with weapons and charging at Charlotte and Bruce in a threatening manner...

“Get Ms. Lindberg out of here first.”

Bruce handed Charlotte over to his subordinates and was prepared to meet those assassins head-on.

“Bruce!” Charlotte called out. However, the man had already disappeared into the crowd. No matter

how skilled he was at fighting, it was impossible for him to win against those people...

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