Novel Name : Mysterious Male Escort Is a Mogul

Mysterious Male Escort Is a Mogul Chapter 1989

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Chapter 1989qFrancesca finally calmed down at Sloan's sincere demeanor.

On second thought, Francesca realized that Sloan had a point. Danrique was a stubborn and hard-

headed man. One woman was more than he could handle. Hence, why would he trouble himself to

look for another one?

Could there really be a misunderstanding?

However, it was most likely true that he gifted Hazel Moon River's Heart.

Francesca fidgeted uneasily at the thought.

She then decided it was not a good time to be throwing a tantrum. I'd better wait for Gordon to bring Dr.

Felch down from the mountain and undergo the surgery first.

Feeling a weight lifted off her chest, she lay on the bed comfortably.

Even though Sloan had put a SIM card in her phone, she did not turn on her phone.

Is he going to call me if I turn on my phone now? He is a man with few words, but he's oddly good at

arguing, the type to never concede defeat.

Then, she set her phone aside and decided to just leave it as it was.

However, she was afraid that Layla might not be able to contact her and would be worried.

Hence, she turned on her phone in the end.

She was even thinking that if Danrique were to call, she would block his phone number so that he

wouldn't be able to bother her.Nonetheless, hours passed by, and still, he did not call. There was not a single text from him either.

To her surprise, Layla was the one who called.

Francesca hurriedly answered it. “Ms. Layla!”

“Are you all right? You did not leave the Lindberg residence, right?” Layla asked anxiously.

“Yes, I'm still here,” Francesca smiled bitterly. “How did you know that Anthony called me?”

“That brat needs to be taught a lesson,” she chided. “I've asked him to not tell you, but obviously he

had paid no heed to my words and gone on to tell you. Francesca, if you truly like Danrique and want to

be together with him, you have to be mentally prepared for more of such gossip to surface in the future.

Even if he is a loyal man, women will just flock to him and causing rumors to fly around. They're just

trying their luck with him. You have to toughen up and be prepared for what may come. Don't simply

throw your tantrums at him without substantial evidence.”

“I finally understand the reason you were so against me dating him,” Francesca lamented.

Layla was a wise woman, and she had weathered many storms to be able to see things from a clear


“Francesca, you are smart, but you lack experience in life.”

Layla then continued in a solemn tone, “Lincoln and I will help you out in this. Your priority right now

should be to prepare and focus on your upcoming treatment. Don't delay your plans because of

anyone. Do you understand?”

“I understand.” Francesca nodded. “Thank you, Ms. Layla. Also, do convey my gratitude to Mr. Lincoln

as well.”She had lost her parents when she was a child. Dr. Felch had raised her and taught her basic skills to

survive. However, she knew little about everything else.

Francesca was a smart girl and had innate talent. However, she was young, and her life was just

starting; hence, she lacked experience in a lot of things.

She was grateful that she had someone like Lincoln and Layla to guide her along the way.

Without them, she would not have been able to survive.

“You silly girl. We are a family. Why are you saying thanks? Do remember my words and focus on your

upcoming surgery. Do you understand?” Layla repeated.

“Yes, I understand,” Francesca replied seriously.

“The surgery has to be carried out as soon as possible. You can't delay it any longer. If the Lindbergs

have not yet found Dr. Felch, why don't you just be upfront with them? I'm sure that he will forgive you if

you apologize sincerely.”

Navig@te back to th€ roots of thïš substance at n0v^lebook“I think they're going to be able to locate him soon. I'll ask around later.”

Francesca was following up closely on the matter as well. The thing was, Dr. Felch was unwilling to get

off the mountain, and Gordon's hard-headed attitude had scared him off.

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