Novel Name : Mysterious Male Escort Is a Mogul

Mysterious Male Escort Is a Mogul Chapter 1919

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Chapter 1919q“Then, what else can be done?” asked Sean anxiously.

“I can clean her wounds now to stabilize her condition. There's no problem with that.” Helen said grimly,

“However, that won't be able to buy you a lot of time. The priority is still to get Francesco. It's better for

you to work on that right away.”

“Okay.” Sean nodded. “Please help to treat Ms. Felch's wounds first.”

With that, Helen attended to Francesca at once.

Danrique exited the ward and gave a command to his subordinates. “Go all out and look for the best

doctors in the world. I don't believe that there's only one miracle doctor.”

“Yes, Mr. Lindberg!” Gordon hurried off to carry out his task.

Danrique's phone had since rang multiple times, but he could not be bothered to pick up any calls. He

was too distracted by that one thought that kept on playing in his mind - how could he save Francesca?

In the evening, Francesca woke up with a terrible headache. Her whole body was aching too. When

she opened her bleary eyes, a familiar handsome face appeared in front of her.

Surprised, she shut her eyes close.

Darn it! Is there no way for me to escape him?

“You're awake!”

Seeing so, Danrique pressed the emergency bell to call for a doctor.

“Would you like some water?” he offered gently.Francesca's eyes remained closed. She did not want to engage in a conversation with him.

She could vividly remember everything that happened inside the cave. Thus, she was filled with deep

hatred toward him and wished for nothing more than to strangle him to death.

Too bad she was so badly injured that her exhausted body could not move a muscle.

Therefore, she chose to ignore him totally.

“What's the matter? Why aren't you saying anything?” Danrique leaned forward and stroked her face.

Navig@te back to th€ roots of thïš substance at n0v^lebookFrancesca did not want to entertain him at all. Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of her rolling eyeballs

and knew that she was pretending to sleep. At that instant, he forcefully opened her eye lids and yelled,

“Look at me!”

“D*mn you, b*stard! Argh!” cursed Francesca.

Just as she had finished reprimanding him, the flaring pain from the wound behind her head throbbed

intensely and caused her face to pale drastically.

“Keep that energy to take care of yourself first instead of scolding people.” Danrique's forehead

creased. “Can't you just behave?” He was angry and heartbroken at the same time.

“You...” Francesca got all worked up, but she was too weak to lash out on him.

A few seconds later, a team of doctors strode into the ward to check on Francesca.

“Be gentle, and don't hurt her,” reminded Danrique while observing from afar.

“Sure thing, Mr. Lindberg.”

Hiss!“I told you all to be gentle!”

“Yes, Mr. Lindberg.”

Francesca was at a loss for words. The nurses are just doing their job. Can he stop shouting each time

I draw a sharp breath? His rage is making them trembling in fear.

Thankfully, Norah came forward and appeased the situation. Otherwise, it would have been unbearable

for the poor nurses. She also brought along Francesca's favorite Chanaean cuisine.

Afterward, Norah waited on Francesca during lunch along with two other housekeepers.

Danrique noticed the food and commented with displeasure, “Why is the portion so small? It's so plain

too. Hurry up and order her some beef and seafood.”

“I'm sorry, Mr. Lindberg, a patient should avoid those food.” She explained, “Ms. Cece is injured. So,

her diet has to change to something light.”

“Err...” Danrique shifted his gaze to Sean upon realizing that he had no knowledge in this area. The

latter nodded as a response.

“Okay then. She shall be consuming a light diet these few days. Mdm. Norah, please help to deliver her

some healthy meals every day.”

“I will, Mr. Lindberg. Don't worry.” Norah nodded as she grinned. Then, she spoke softly, “Um... Mr.

Donald has been waiting for you at home for the entire day. Basically, he's just wondering when you are

coming home?”

“Now,” Danrique said after glancing at his watch. Subsequently, he gave his men a stern warning.

“Deploy more people to station here and ensure her safety always.”“Yes, Mr. Lindberg.” Sean went off to make the necessary arrangements as requested.

Danrique waited for Francesca to finish eating. Then, he said, “I'm leaving in a bit, but I'll return as soon

as I'm done with work. Take a good rest.”

“Get lost!”

Francesca rolled her eyes and blurted the words through gritted teeth.

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