Novel Name : Mysterious Male Escort Is a Mogul

Mysterious Male Escort Is a Mogul Chapter 1255

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Chapter 1255Chapter 1255

Knock, knock. Someone knocked on the door, and the door opened to reveal Avril. She bowed politely

at Charlotte and said, “Ms. Lindberg, please rest here tonight. If there is anything you need, I can bring

it to you.”

“Huh?” Charlotte stiffened for a moment before a frown grew on her brows. “What are you talking

about? How can I rest here? This is Louis' room.”

“Lady Sherlyn has said that Sir Louis has been calling out your name in his feverish dreams. With you

here by his side, he'll be able to recover quicker.”

As Avril spoke, she motioned at Diana.

Diana immediately brought a blanket over and placed it beside Louis before putting down a pillow as


Charlotte was stunned into silence. This is too much. She's actually making plans on my behalf without

bothering to hide it now.

Right as she was about to explode into an angry outburst, her eyes swept past Diana, and she was

reminded about that clue.

Hence, she said, “Okay. I'll keep Louis company here tonight. However, I'll need someone to stay here.

After all, I'm not used to taking care of others. If there's anything he needs, it'll be better to have

someone else help him with it.”

“Of course,” Avril replied. “I'll be staying here to await your instructions.”“Let Diana stay instead,” Charlotte said nonchalantly. “She's the one who usually takes care of Louis,

so she'll know him better.”

“But...” Avril glanced at Diana.

“Ms. Avril, I can do this.” Diana was more than willing to do it.

“Well, all right then,” Avril relented. “Take good care of Sir Louis and Ms. Lindberg. Feel free to come to

me if anything happens.”

“Of course. Don't worry.” Diana nodded fervently.

“Ms. Lindberg, I'll excuse myself now. Please let Diana know if you need anything.”

With a bow, Avril moved to exit the room.

Once she was gone, Charlotte walked to the doorway and said to Lupine and Morgan, “I'll be staying

with Louis tonight, so you guys should go and rest.”

“Huh?” Lupine and the others were confused.

Morgan whispered, “Did they force you to do this? Don't worry. At most, we'll have a falling out with


“No, it's not that,” Charlotte replied. “Go and rest. Get your energy back. If anything happens, I'll give

you guys a call.”

“Ms. Lindberg...”


Morgan was about to say more, but Lupine stopped her.Lupine then handed Charlotte's bag to her before pulling Morgan and the others away.

After Charlotte closed the door and went back into the room, she switched on the wall lights.

At that moment, Diana was standing by the side of the bed, watching Louis with indecipherable

emotions in her eyes. When she noticed Charlotte's returned, she quickly averted her gaze and said,

“Ms. Lindberg, is there anything you need help with?”

“Fill a bucket of water to give Louis a wipe down.”

Charlotte then moved to sit on the couch and sipped on some tea.

“Understood.” Diana hurried away to fill a bucket of warm water. After squeezing the towel, she

tentatively handed it to Charlotte. “Ms. Lindberg...”

“Did I ask you to stay so that you can watch me work?” Charlotte raised a brow.

“I'm sorry!” Diana squeaked before she started wiping Louis' body with utmost care.

Charlotte paused in her tea-drinking motion as she silently studied Diana. The woman was being

extremely gentle with Louis as if he was a morning dew that would fall off its leaf if she were any


Navig@te back to th€ roots of thïš substance at n0v^lebookDespite being deep in his sleep, Louis could sense someone cleaning him. Subconsciously, he

muttered, “Charlotte... Charlotte...”

Then, he reached out to grab Diana's hand and pulled it toward him.

Diana was startled, and she nervously peeked at Charlotte before prying Louis' hand off hers. At the

same time, she murmured, “Louis, you've gotten the wrong person. I'm Diana, not Ms. Lindberg.”Then, like a frightened rabbit, she retreated to the side, not daring to go near Louis anymore.

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