Novel Name : Ex-Husband’s Regret: Barren Mommy Has Quadruplets

Ex-Husband’s Regret: Barren Mommy Has Quadruplets Chapter 390

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Chapter 390Chapter 390 It’s Best to Hold Each Other Every Day

Upon hearing a “click” sound, Aletta had immediately looked over and had happened to see a man with

a gentle smile on his lips and tenderness in his eyes.

He had set this photo as his phone wallpaper and lock screen.

In the evening, Jason had taken Aletta and the children out for dinner, and then they had returned to

Hill Villa.

Looking at the familiar scene outside the window, Aletta had chuckled, “Why are we back here again?”

Jason calmly looked at her and asked in return, “Didn’t you remind me to rest well? No need keep an

eye on me? In case I get busy again and can’t attend to other things!”

Aletta had smiled, pretending to be stubborn, and had said, “Whether you sleep or not is your business,

I don’t care.”

Seeing her response, Jason had smirked and had leaned close to her ear, whispering, “Since you’re

already here, don’t even think about going back.”

With that, he had reached out and had scooped Aletta up, carrying her in his arms and walking straight

towards the entrance.

The sudden sensation of weightlessness had startled Aletta.

And she had instinctively grabbed onto Jason’s neck, reprimanding him with a slightly coquettish tone,

“What are you doing! The children are still here!”

The four little ones behind them obediently covered their eyes and said,“Mommy, we didn’t see anything, we didn’t see anything…”

Teased by the children, Aletta became even more embarrassed.

Jason chuckled lightly, looking completely unperturbed, causing Aletta’s already blushing face to

almost drip with blood…

Later in the evening, after Aletta finished bathing, she accompanied the children to the home theater to

watch a movie.

Jason instructed the servants to prepare plenty of food and drinks for the five of them and then went to

his study to attend to some important business.

After finishing his work, Jason came to check on them but discovered that Aletta, at some point, had

leaned back and fallen asleep in the chair.

Jason chuckled at the sight before him.

She had slept the entire afternoon, and yet she was still able to fall asleep now.

Either the movie had been too boring, or she was really exhausted.

The four little ones also realized that mommy was asleep, but they were very well–behaved and didn’t

disturb her, quietly turning off the movie.

Seeing daddy approach, the four little ones made a gesture with their mouths to indicate. Took mommy

to rest quickly!

Jason nodded and walked closer to them, whispering, “You all should go to bed too.”

The four little ones obediently nodded and held hands as they returned to their rooms.After seeing them off, Jason reached out to lift Aletta and left the home theater.

However, Aletta wasn’t sleeping deeply, and almost as soon as they entered the room, she woke up.

She opened her eyes with confusion, and upon seeing the familiar face in front of her, she asked in

puzzlement, “Is the movie over?”

“Mmm, it’s over,” Jason nodded.

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookAletta blinked and asked again, “Where are the children?”

Jason said, “I let them all go back to rest.”

While speaking, he gently laid Aletta on the bed. Jason looked at her weary complexion, bent down,

and asked in a low voice, “Are you very tired?”

Aletta instinctively nodded, “Yeah, I haven’t been sleeping well these past few days, and suddenly I get

easily exhausted.”

“Then rest well.”

Aletta nodded, “You should go back and rest early too, don’t be busy anymore.”

At this point, she proactively hooked her arms around the man’s neck and planted a kiss near his lips,


Due to this unexpected kiss, Jason momentarily froze, but quickly his lips curled up, and his deep gaze

spoke, “Are you… intentionally trying to prevent me from having a good sleep?”

Before Aletta could respond, in the next second, Jason leaned in and kissed her.

Aletta didn’t resist at all, allowing his tenderness to invade her.The air seemed to grow warmer, and after everything was over, both of them were slightly breathless.

Jason leaned against Aletta’s side and, with a husky voice, asked her, “When can I make you mine


People were always greedy. After winning her back, he wasn’t satisfied with just kisses. He wanted…


Aletta blinked, regaining a trace of clarity, and smiled, “Mr. Hill, you’re really impatient!”

Jason admitted, “Indeed, I’m very impatient. I’m eager to bring you back soon and hold you every day.”

Amused by his words, Aletta said, “Then keep up the good work, maybe it’ll happen soon.”

Jason smiled faintly, not insisting.


With that, he kissed Aletta on the forehead and said, “Goodnight.”

Soon, Aletta closed her eyes and fell into a drowsy sleep.

Jason stayed by her side for a while before leaving the room.

However, as soon as he stepped outside, he saw Eaton waiting there.

Jason asked, “What’s the matter?”

Eaton nodded and said to him, “There’s news from Sam… Following the lead provided by Ms. Aletta,

he investigated that mentor called Albert and found quite a lot of information.”

Jason’s eyes narrowed, and he immediately said, “Let’s discuss in the study room.”Eaton nodded.

The two quickly entered the adjacent study room.

Once inside, Jason took a seat. And without delay, Eaton got straight to the point, “That Albert is a

person from country F. His background is average, his parents were ordinary employees of a small

company. However, he himself is far from ordinary. Since childhood, he excelled academically and

skipped several grades in school. After high school, he was directly admitted to a world–renowned

university. However, after entering university, his situation started to change… He was initially

ostracized by his classmates, then experienced bullying and almost dropped out of school. Later on, for

some reason, those classmates who had bullied him ended up dead or injured! At that time, there were

rumors circulating in the school, claiming that he had befriended dangerous individuals or even hired

assassins to target those classmates… And it turned out to be true! During his university years, Albert

worked in the black market and thus came into contact with many dangerous people. He used his

connections to retaliate against those who had bullied him. Later, he collaborated with the black market

using his own developed drugs…After all these years, he likely has a significant position in the black

market, especially now that he holds a prominent position in the World Medical League, making

everything more convenient. Being a ‘mentor‘ serves as a good protective shield for him.”

After listening to this, Jason’s expression became terribly grim.

As soon as he thought about Aletta being targeted by such a person all these years, his expression

turned sour.

Jason continued to ask, “What else did you find out?”

Eaton continued, “We also found out that Albert is a small leader in a branch of the ‘Hunter Group‘!

However, very few people know his true identity. Outwardly, he’s an esteemed member of the MedicalLeague with numerous honors. He has many shady dealings hidden away, and we’ve only dug up this

much so far.”

Upon hearing this, Jason coldly said, “Keep digging. Don’t let anything slip, whether it’s the extent of

his control over the branch or the exact size of the ‘Hunter Group“!”

Since they were enemies, it was necessary to have complete control over all information about the


Only by eradicating those threats completely could he truly be at ease!

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