Novel Name : Ex-Husband’s Regret: Barren Mommy Has Quadruplets

Ex-Husband’s Regret: Barren Mommy Has Quadruplets Chapter 583

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Chapter 583Chapter 583 Aletta, Wait for Me

Aletta was shocked upon hearing the driver’s words.

The car behind her was following her intentionally!

She frowned and asked seriously, “Since when have they been following us?”

“Since you left the studio.”

The driver truthfully reported and then reassured, “Don’t worry, Ms. Rogers. I have excellent driving

skills, and I’m confident that I can shake them off. However, just to be safe, I’ll contact Mr. Brown and

Mr. Hill.”

With that, he immediately made a phone call.

Eaton on the other end picked up shortly after and asked, “What’s going on?”

While through a curve, the driver responded, “Mr. Brown, I’m currently on my way to take Ms. Rogers

back, but we are being followed…

The current identity of the other party is uncertain. But they have been following us since our return

journey. They likely have malicious. intentions.”

Eaton was startled by the information.

He subconsciously tightened his phone and sternly ordered, “Find a way to distance yourself from the

other party. I will immediately instruct the undercover bodyguards in detail to intercept…

Remember, under no circumstances should anything happen to Ms. Rogers!”In the last sentence, Eaton emphasized each word, afraid the message wouldn’t be taken seriously.


The driver responded solemnly.

Eaton hung up the phone and hurriedly went to Jason’s office. Not even bothering to knock, he barged

in and exclaimed, “Trouble! Someone is following Ms. Rogers!”

Jason’s demeanor changed instantly as he stood surrounded him up, and an icy aura Like a provoked

beast, he exuded extreme coldness.

His voice chilled as he asked, “What’s going on?”

Eaton swiftly recounted the information he had just received.

Hearing this, Jason’s typically composed expression was directly missing.

Jason swiftly grabbed his phone and walked out, instructing Eaton, “Get the car ready!”

As he said, his slender fingers glided across the phone screen, calling Aletta.

After the driver ended his call, Aletta could immediately feel the car accelerating.

The streetlights on both sides became blurry streaks. They passed by too fast to see clearly.

In this high-speed situation, Aletta’s heart raced, and her nerves were taut.

She gripped the securely fastened seatbelt with one hand and held onto the overhead handle with the


Just then, Jason’s call came.Seeing the incoming call, Aletta quickly answered, “Hello?”

“It’s me.”

Jason’s voice sounded slightly anxious.

Aletta simply responded, “I know.”

Sensing the unease and nervousness in her voice, Jason’s face remained cold. But his tone was

incredibly gentle as he reassured her, “Aletta, don’t be afraid. I’m coming to find you right now, and I

won’t let anything happen to you.”

Upon hearing his words, Aletta’s jumbled emotions suddenly calmed down.

She was about to respond with an “Okay.”

But at that moment, the car accelerated once again!

Caught off guard, Aletta’s body leaned forward abruptly, and she instinctively shouted.

Jason naturally heard it, and he felt anxious!

He clenched his phone tightly and anxiously shouted, “Aletta???”

Aletta held her forehead where she had accidentally hit, and took a breath, explaining, “I’m fine. The

other car just accelerated, and our car was also speeding up. I didn’t hold on properly.”

When he heard that the other car had caught up again, Jason’s face turned cold.

He always disliked the feeling of threat and was now filled with anger. He sternly instructed. “Okay,

don’t hang up. Wait for me.”As he spoke, he and Eaton had already arrived at the underground garage.

Once they got into the car. Jason ordered Eaton, “Drive to Aletta’s location as fast as possible!”

Eaton quickly stepped on the accelerator and said, “Okay.”

During the rush, Jason used another phone to call the police. He informed them of the situation and

requested their cooperation with the traffic police for interception.

At this point, relying solely on his resources was not enough.

He had to minimize the danger to Aletta.

After giving his instructions, he turned around and continuously reassured Aletta….

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookInitially, Aletta was able to respond with a word or two.

The car trailing behind seemed to realize that their presence was exposed. They no longer bothered to

hide and became extremely aggressive on the road. They recklessly attempted dangerous overtakes

and even tried to crash with the car carrying Aletta!

Fortunately, the driver was vigilant and prevented the collision.

Unable to succeed the first time, the other persisted and approached for Me once again.

Observing the situation, the driver promptly said, “Ms. Rogers, hold on tight!”

Then, he decisively pressed the accelerator to the floor. And to ensure safety, he swiftly changed lanes

one after another.

When turned, the car didn’t slow down and even did a half drift on the spot.Aletta was thrown off balance and felt dizzy. She couldn’t utter a word.

The phone in her hand inadvertently dropped to the side, abruptly ending her call with Jason.

Jason grew anxious upon hearing the call being disconnected. “Aletta? What’s happening?”

Seeing this, Eaton hurriedly reassured Jason, “Mr. Hill, I’m still on the line with the driver. Ms. Rogers

should be fine!”

Upon hearing that, the driver on Aletta’s side managed to find a moment to reply. “I’m sorry, Mr. Hill.

The others are closing in, and I’ve been driving at high speed. Ms. Rogers’s phone got thrown away…

And she seems to be feeling unwell.”

Jason felt worried.

But he remained calm.

In moments of urgency, it was crucial not to panic.

Jason took a deep breath and asked for the details of their current route.

The driver quickly responded.

Jason ordered, “Make a left turn after one kilometer and onto Tulips Street. There will be someone

there to assist.”

“Understood, Mr. Hill!”

The driver promptly obeyed the order and was about to follow the instructions.

However, as they were about to reach Tulips Street, he sensed something was amiss.Two more black vehicles emerged when they approached the intersection for the upcoming turn,

It appeared that they were attempting to surround them.

The driver reacted swiftly and immediately turned towards the right bend in the road.

At the same time, he relayed the situation to Jason on the other end of the phone, “Mr. Hill, it seems we

can’t proceed onto Tulips Street! Two more suspicious vehicles have appeared, and if we continue

straight ahead, we might crash…

I’ve adjusted and turned to the right. How should we proceed next?”

Jason’s gaze darkened.

Below Tulips Street was a river, and if one managed to catch up. There was a real risk of them

crashing the car Aletta was in.

When the car fell into the water, the danger would be unimaginable.

Though a strong resentment hid in Jason’s eyes, his tone remained calm and composed as he said,

“Aletta, how are you doing right now? Is there any way you can grab your phone and send me your


As he spoke, he reached for a nearby tablet. He opened the map application and started examining the


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