Novel Name : Ex-Husband’s Regret: Barren Mommy Has Quadruplets

Ex-Husband’s Regret: Barren Mommy Has Quadruplets Chapter 585

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Chapter 585Chapter 585 Afraid to Sleep Alone

“I see!”

Eaton suddenly realized and asked, “So, what to do next?”

“What to do?”

Jason sneered, emanating a chilling aura. “Since they’ve taken action, they should be prepared to face

the consequences!”

He immediately ordered, “Go, increase the manpower in the King League to continué tracking the

Countess’s whereabouts.”

Eaton nodded, “Yes, I’ll make the arrangements right now!”

At this moment.

In Lyon, France.

Inside a scenic villa.


A crisp sound of a slap resonated through the room.

Countess was filled with anger after slapping Joe. She couldn’t contain herself and wanted to strangle

Joe, who was standing before her.

She scolded loudly, “Who permitted you to hire people to kidnap Aletta? Did I say that no one is

allowed to take any action without my command?”Joe covered her painful cheek and felt a burning sensation spreading through it.

Her fair complexion quickly swelled up, becoming noticeable.

Staring at the handprint on her face, her gaze seemed hollow as she said, “I can’t stand seeing Aletta

living well. I want to take revenge on her…make her miserable!”

Countess was furious.

She didn’t expect Joe to be so uncontrollable!

Even after two hypnosis sessions, Joe’s behavior still carried her paranoia!

Countess gritted her teeth and cursed, “What’s the use of temporary success? I’ll have plenty of time to

deal with her in the future! I’ve been preparing to leave the country these past few days. And now,

because of your actions, everything has been ruined!

You’re good at causing failures but lacking in achievements!”

After scolding Joe, Countess couldn’t contain her anger and kicked her hard.

Joe was hit heavily, and she fell out. She spat a mouthful of blood and curled up on the floor. Her

expression was painful and twisted, and she was not daring to resist Countess.

Countess looked at her indifferently, devoid of any compassion.

In her eyes, there was even a hint of disgust toward Joe.

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookShe would have shot her without hesitation if she didn’t have some use!

Countess glanced at Joe coldly and withdrew her gaze. She covered her painful shoulder injury that

was caused by anger. And she called out, “Leo!”Shortly after her voice faded, a man wearing a half-mask appeared before her.

Leo bowed to Countess and called out respectfully, “What can I do for you, my lady?”

Countess said, “We need to move immediately. We can’t stay here any longer. Joe has alerted the

enemy, and that person won’t let us go casily.”

Leo understood that the person Countess referred to as “that person” was Jason.

He couldn’t help but feel a bit puzzled.

With the capabilities of Bloods, they should have no fear even when facing the King League.

But why did Countess keep avoiding Jason?

Was there something undisclosed between her and the leader of the King League?

Leo had his doubts, but he didn’t dare to ask aloud.

Leo obeyed the command and said, “I will make it immediately.”

Countess then asked, “How are things with our departure?”

Leo replied, “Everything is taken care of, but the ship won’t be able to leave until tomorrow night.”

This response caused Countess’s expression to turn colder.

When in her life had she ever been in such a messy state?

However, the thought of Jason made her fear exposing her identity.

So, she could only say, “I understand. You go ahead and arrange the relocation.”Leo nodded and quickly left.

He was efficient in his work. That evening, Countess and her entourage swiftly relocated.

About 2 hours after they withdrew, the members of the King League also tracked down the location.

Leading the way were Cora and Leah.

They looked at the empty mansion with furrowed brows.

“Escaped again! That wretched rat is slippery!”

Cora grumbled and grabbed a handful of potato chips, chewing on them angrily.

The snack she usually enjoyed suddenly tasted flavorless at that moment!

“After all, they’re Bloods. It’s not easy to catch them.”

Leah responded.

Cora immediately looked at Leah in disdain and complained, “It’s all your fault! Why did you have to

have a toilet on the way? Otherwise, we could have been faster!”

Leah felt a bit aggrieved.

His handsome face looked pitiful as he said, “Cora, I only took 10 minutes for the toilet. They had a

head start for a long time…”

So, Leah refused to shoulder the responsibility!

Cora had no words to counter him, and she vented her frustration by angrily munching on potato chips.Then, she turned her attention to her subordinates and said, “Don’t just stand around here! Why aren’t

you continuing the pursuit?”

Fearing being scolded, the subordinates immediately moved.

Meanwhile, at Hill Villa,

Ray received news of Aletta being tracked and quickly rushed over with Flora.

Upon seeing Ray, Jason’s expression remained calm as he casually remarked, “Your information

network seems quite efficient.”

“Of course.”

Ray replied, “When it comes to matters about you, I naturally stay well-informed. Is Aletta, okay?”

Jason replied, “She’s fine.”

Flora was worried and anxiously checked Aletta all over.

“Is it true that you’re not injured? Wasn’t there almost a car accident?”

She spoke with a self-blaming expression, “It’s all my fault! If I hadn’t asked you to meet Jock for

collaboration, you wouldn’t have met this kind of thing.”

Seeing Flora like this, Aletta couldn’t help but smile and reassure her,

“You can’t blame yourself. After all, nobody could have predicted encountering such a situation.

Don’t blame yourself! They were after me, even if I didn’t go to meet Jock today. They would have

found another opportunity to target me!”Flora still felt guilty, saying, “But no matter what, you went out because of this, so I share the

responsibility… Thankfully, Mr. Hill arrived in time today, or the consequences could have been


She sighed with relief but looked at Aletta with concern. She advised, “I think you shouldn’t go out

alone anymore. It’s too dangerous…”

Aletta replied. “Even if you didn’t mention it, I don’t think Jason would allow me to go out alone


It was obvious that Jason was more frightened than Aletta!

Later in the evening, Flora and Ray didn’t stay long and quickly left.

After they left. Aletta asked the children to take a bath and go to bed, and she went back to her room.

After a shower, Aletta already felt tired and planned to sleep.

However, shortly after lying down, she heard some noise coming from the balcony.

Almost reflexively, her nerves tensed as she fixed her gaze in the direction of the balcony.

It was only now that she realized she hadn’t been completely unaffected.

The tension from being pursued during the day came rushing back.

Now, every sound made her feel like there was someone outside.

Aletta frowned and didn’t have time to think about anything else. She threw off the covers, not even

bothering to put on her shoes. And she rushed out of the room to find Jason.

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