Novel Name : Ex-Husband’s Regret: Barren Mommy Has Quadruplets

Ex-Husband’s Regret: Barren Mommy Has Quadruplets Chapter 484

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Chapter 484Ex-Husband’s Regret: Barren Mommy Has Quadruplets Chapter 484

As Jason watched the woman’s eyes sparkle, he couldn’t. help but smirk, a hint of amusement in his

voice. “Ms. Rogers, with that gaze of yours, it’s as if you want to eat someone.”

Eat someone?

Indeed, Jason’s smooth and beautiful muscular physique. was genuinely tempting!

However, Aletta could only satisfy her eyes for a moment.

Innocently, Aletta blinked her eyes and denied, “No, no, it’s just a casual look. Even if I wanted to do

something, I can’t. My health doesn’t allow it.”

Seeing that she was relying on her physical condition, Jason shamelessly teased her, his gaze


He leaned close to her in an instant, his voice low, “Well, it’s not entirely impossible. As long as you

want it, anytime…”

A rush of hot breath sprayed on Aletta’s ear, causing her to blush.

Her face also showed a hint of pink as she hurriedly said, “No, please lie down and get comfortable


As she spoke, she pushed Jason lightly, urging him to move faster.

Chapter 484 Playing Pretend

Observing her submissive demeanour, Jason chuckled softly, nodding in a good mood.Soon enough, Jason was lying face down on the bed.

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Aletta took the opportunity to fetch massage oil and evenly applied it on his back and neck.

She gently reminded him during the massage, “The pressure will be quite strong, and it might be a bit

sore, especially on the shoulders and neck. Just bear with it.”

Jason lazily responded, “Hmm, it’s fine…”

For him, the slight discomfort was insignificant.

Noticing his reaction, Aletta didn’t say anything further.

Soon, the massage was completed, and she raised her head to tell Jason, “You can rest a bit longer

while lying down.”

As she spoke, Aletta sat down by the edge of the bed, waiting.

Jason positioned himself with his face on the pillow, intending to browse work-related emails on his

phone to pass the time.

But as soon as he unlocked his phone, a notification popped up-an image sent by Eaton.

Jason initially thought it was work-related.

However, upon opening it, he saw Ray’s status update.

Three words accompanied the post, “No longer single.”

Chapter 424 Playing Pretend© 100% Bonus

Jason raised an eyebrow, unable to help but think about Ray’s situation with Flora.

Immediately, he found Ray’s chatbox and sent a question mark as a message, followed by another

inquiry, “With whom?”

Ray responded promptly with a sentence that popped up on the screen, “Who else? Flora!”

Jason chuckled, seemingly surprised.

Aletta, hearing this, couldn’t help but lower her gaze in confusion and ask, “What’s so funny?”

Without saying a word, Jason handed her the phone to read.

After taking it, Aletta went through the messages between the two, her eyes widening involuntarily.

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookShe was utterly astonished and blurted out, “They’re together?!”

Jason responded with a noncommittal sound telling her, “Seems like it’s not pretending.”

Returning the phone, Aletta was still a bit dizzy, filled with doubts.

She was pretty puzzled.

Wasn’t Flora vehemently denying the possibility of them being together? How did they end up in a

relationship so quickly?

Chapter 484 Playing Pretend

This change was too rapid…Aletta immediately sent a WhatsApp message to her best friend, asking, “What’s going on with you


Naturally, Flora also saw that status update.

She couldn’t believe that Ray acted so swiftly. When she replied, a hint of helplessness could be

sensed in her message, “It’s a bit complicated…”

Aletta quickly typed back, “It’s fine. Take your time to explain. I have nothing to do anyway.”

Flora paused momentarily, thinking, when did Alta become so curious?

However, she understood that her friend was genuinely concerned about her. So, Flora had no choice

but to tell her about the agreement she made with Ray to pretend to be a couple.

“It’s not real between us. We’re helping each other out! As for Ray’s posted status, it’s to make his

parents believe.”

After reading Flora’s message, Aletta had a vague feeling in her heart.

She sensed that Flora might have fallen into someone else’s trap.

Aletta immediately poked Jason’s side and asked, “Doesn’t Ray’s proposal seem unreliable?”

Seeing her worried expression, Jason couldn’t help but

Chapter 404 Playing Pred

smile and say, “Whether you believe it or not… Ray wants to turn pretend into reality.”

“Turn to pretend into reality?”Aletta raised an eyebrow, sceptical and asked, “Why do your say that?”

Jason’s tone was calm and warm, “I know him. Although he is usually carefree and unconventional, he

is very cautious regarding heart matters. He wouldn’t propose such an absurd request if he didn’t see

potential in developing something with Flora.”

Hearing this, Aletta furrowed her brow again and voiced. her concern, “If that’s the case, it means Ray

wants to take responsibility for Flora, which is good. But I’m afraid it’s not the case! What if they fall out

again because of this or even face embarrassing situations? Both are familiar, and I don’t want to see

that kind of situation happen.”

Seeing her worried expression, Jason decided to comfort her, “Don’t worry, I’ll ask him.”

He then dialled Ray’s number without wasting any time.

Aletta held her breath, preparing to listen carefully to Ray’s response.

Ray answered quickly on the other end, and Jason wasted no time beating around the bush, asking

directly, “Are you planning to make it real?”

Ray was taken aback by Jason’s straightforward question and sounded a bit surprised, “You can tell



Chapter 494 Playing Pretend

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Jason responded calmly, “You made a publicannouncement, and all your friends, family, and parents can see it. What’s there not to see? But this

method of yours… is it feasible? Or is it because you like her? Are you making this decision based on

genuine feelings?

Pretending to be a couple carries certain risks, so be careful not to take it too far.””

As he spoke, he glanced at the woman next to him, who looked serious. His tone became more solemn

as he warned, “You’d better think carefully before answering. I don’t want Aletta to worry about this


Ray wondered why Jason suddenly called him but quickly understood when he mentioned Aletta.

Aletta was right there!

Ray didn’t dare to act recklessly this time.

After all, Aletta was Flora’s best friend, and if he didn’t behave properly, he might lose Aletta’s support

in the future!

Ray pondered for a moment and spoke seriously, “I think I do like her. Although the feelings are not

intense now, I belong to the kind of person willing to develop a relationship with her… Flora has been

going on blind dates, and I came across her. Instead of regretting it after missing the chance with her, I

might as well make up my mind and try it. But I feel like Flora doesn’t have romantic feelings for me.

So, I had to resort to this plan, using this opportunity to cultivate our feelings. I believe… she will

eventually come to like me!”

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