Novel Name : Ex-Husband’s Regret: Barren Mommy Has Quadruplets

Ex-Husband’s Regret: Barren Mommy Has Quadruplets Chapter 567

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Chapter 567Chapter 567 Because I Love You

God knows how worried she was during that chaotic situation.

Thank God… He was all right!

As they were talking, Jock entered carrying the unconscious Jenny.

Facing Jason’s gaze, she explained, “She seemed frightened just now and accidentally bumped into a

decorative shelf in the corridor, causing her to faint.”

“Thank you,” Jason politely replied.

Then, he glanced to the side.

A bodyguard approached and helped Jenny to a sofa nearby.

After settling her down, Jock glanced out the window and asked, “What about the hypnotists? Aren’t we

going after them? Are we just letting them escape like this?”

A sense of coldness surged on Jason’s face as he calmly responded, “I’ve ordered someone to

pursue… not sure if they’ll capture them! If I’m not mistaken, that person is most likely Countess!”

With such a prominent leader on the move, it was unlikely that there would be no nearby assistance.

However, Jason felt puzzled.

They seemed solely focused on escaping and had no intention of engaging with him.

It was truly unexpected!“Countess?” Aletta was unaware of Jason’s confusion. But it struck a familiar chord with her upon

hearing the name,

She remembered that Jason had mentioned that she was the leader of the Bloods Group…

Jock chimed in, “This name sounds familiar to me too. Isn’t she the leader of the Bloods Group which

disappeared many years ago? What’s going on?”

Jason glanced at Jock calmly.

Although he didn’t know Jock’s background, she was undoubtedly extraordinary by the skills she


Thinking of the assistance she had provided to Aletta, he explained, “In simple terms, she is likely the

leader of the Hunters and the Devourers Group, both of which are factions under the Bloods Group.”

Jock was greatly shocked upon hearing this.

However, she regained her composure quickly and agreed, “It’s highly possible! I thought her attire was

peculiar when I first saw her. But it wouldn’t be surprising if she is Countess. After all, it’s her signature


Jason nodded in agreement.

Jock remarked, “It is truly unlucky to be entangled with such a character!”

She paused for a moment and continued, “But now that she’s injured, she shouldn’t be able to escape

France in the short term.”

Jason’s tone turned cold as he said, “Since they travelled such a long distance, infiltrated my family,

and hypnotized Jenny to try to ruin my marriage, they should pay a price for it!”Confused by the situation, Jock asked, “What happened? How did they try to ruin your marriage?”

Aletta interjected, “This is our assumption… They might still have a lingering desire for me for their

experiment, so they attempted to sow discord between me and Jason by using Jenny, claiming that the

child isn’t his…”

“This is malicious!” Jock was astounded.

Jason didn’t comment and he asked Jock, “When will Jenny wake up? Was she hypnotized just now?”

Jock said, “I intervened and disrupted the process, so she shouldn’t have had a chance to be


Jock walked over to Jenny as she spoke and lifted Jenny’s eyelids, observing her eye condition.

Aletta joined the observation but couldn’t discern anything significant.

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookHowever, Jock said, “It was fortunate that I intervened at the right time. Jenny has already been

hypnotized twice! If it happened again, she would have become a complete puppet in her lifetime.”

These words surprised both Aletta and Jason, who looked at Jock with a hint of astonishment.

Aletta asked, “Jock, how can you determine the number of times she has been hypnotized with just a


Jock paused for a moment, realizing that she might have accidentally revealed something.

However, she regained her composure and smiled at Aletta, saying, “Isn’t it a coincidence? I happen to

be a hypnotist myself!”

Aletta widened her eyes in shock, astounded to learn that Jock was a hypnotist after knowing her for so

long.Jason was surprised too and he took another look at Jock.

They had been struggling to find a hypnotist, and now one had presented herself voluntarily.

After the realization, Jason looked at Jock solemnly and requested, “Could you please help Jenny? We

have been searching for a hypnotist to resolve this situation but haven’t found one yet.”

Jock, surprised by his humble attitude, replied, “Considering it’s for Aletta’s sake, I will help.”

Aletta said instantly, “Jock, thank you!”

“No problem. Hand over your skincare secrets to me… Your skin is getting more and more tender!”

Jock pinched Aletta’s check gently.

Aletta allowed her to do and continued asking, “Jock, you mentioned earlier that she has been

hypnotized twice. Will it be troublesome to resolve the hypnosis?”

“It does require some time, but it’s not troublesome,” Jock withdrew her hand and glanced at Jenny.

“The hypnotist we encountered earlier doesn’t seem to have a profound level of skill. She should be

able to recover with two treatments.”

Aletta felt relieved after hearing this.

Jock continued, “I’ll treat her right away once she wakes up. fast updater, we

should carry out the treatment in a silent place.”

Aletta looked at the chaotic scene outside–police, journalists who had arrived after hearing the news,

and onlookers causing a commotion-

and couldn’t help but worry.She glanced at Jason and voiced her concern, “Jock might be affected by all the commotion here,


He understood her intention and reassured her, “Don’t worry, Eaton

will handle it. No one will report anything that could jeopardize Jock’s


“That’s good,” Aletta breathed a sigh of relief.

Soon, the group, with Jenny, left the restaurant.

On their way to the Old Mansion, Aletta relaxed her nerves and gradually leaned against Jason.

Seeing this, he gently embraced her and asked softly, “Are you tired?”

“A little,” Aletta replied. Then she added, “I’ll wait outside when Jock is conducting the treatment.”

Jason could sense her distant and complicated emotions from her words and he understood her


Perhaps helping Jenny today had made her uncomfortable.

Jenny had gone to great lengths to accuse and belittle her, but in the end, she had to rely on her to

escape the danger.

Jason felt sorry for her.

If it weren’t for his sake, Aletta wouldn’t have had to suppress the grievances she had endured and

helped Jenny!“Sorry!”

After all, that was all he could say.

Upon hearing this, Aletta tucked her head into his embrace and muttered softly, “I did it for us… It

doesn’t mean I forgive her!”

Aletta could never forgive Jenny for her past actions in this lifetime.

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