Novel Name : Ex-Husband’s Regret: Barren Mommy Has Quadruplets

Ex-Husband’s Regret: Barren Mommy Has Quadruplets Chapter 527

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Chapter 527Chapter 527 This Is The Only One I Like, I Have To Spoil It

As soon as those words were uttered, before Bates could react, the door swung open.

Startled by the sudden appearance of the masked man, Bates visibly jumped.She stood up cautiously

and asked, “Who are you?”

Without uttering a word, the other party slowly approached her, wearing a mask with green faces and

fangs, exuding a tremendous sense of intimidation.

With an icy-cold voice, he said, “It doesn’t matter who I am. What you need to know is that you must

obey me from now on, that’s all…”

Simultaneously, he took out his pocket watch and hypnotized Bates in the same manner!

Ten minutes later, Bates looked vacant, her eyes empty, resembling a puppet under someone else’s


At that moment, her mind was flooded with the words, “Those children are not your grandchildren. They

are illegitimate children born to Aletta and others!”

She repeated it countless times.

Ultimately, this notion was forcibly instilled into Bates’ mind, impossible to dispel!

Aletta and Jason arrived in FRANCE by plane, but didn’t stay for long. They headed straight to the

World Medical League.

Twenty hours of non-stop running around left Aletta exhausted.

Upon disembarking, Thomson arranged for a car to pick themThe driver informed them, “Thomson told Aletta to rest well today and recuperate, and then go to the

research room tomorrow.”

“Well, okay,” Aletta nodded wearily, lacking enthusiasm.

The driver dropped them off at the familiar Mansion and departed.

Aletta entered the house and collapsed onto the bed, too fatigued to lift a finger.

During lunch, Jason brought the food to bed.

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookAletta had no appetite and shook her head at him, saying, “You eat, I can’t eat.”

“How much do you want me to feed you?”

Even after he said that, Aletta didn’t feel like eating anymore, but she took a few bites.

“I really can’t eat any more.”

Jason didn’t insist, he took the remaining food away and advised her, “Get some rest. You’ll feel hungry

later, and then you can eat.”

“I haven’t showered, I feel uncomfortable all over.”

She tugged at his clothes. It was rare for her to act so lazily and coquettishly. “Help me.”

Jason was helpless, he didn’t know what to do with her.


He set aside what he was holding, carried her into the bathroom, and gave her a shower.

Aletta was truly exhausted, and she drifted off to sleep in a daze.When she woke up, it was already seven or eight o’clock in the evening.

Refreshed from her nap, but feeling hungry, she rubbed her uncomfortable stomach, scanned the

room, but couldn’t find Jason. So she got up and went downstairs.

Unfortunately, Jason wasn’t downstairs either.

Only Shepard was busy in the living room.

Seeing Aletta coming down, Shepard took the initiative to greet her.

Aletta asked her, “Do you know where Jason went?”

Shepard replied, “Jason went out this evening and didn’t say where.”

The Only ave To Spo Aletta nodded and was about to call Jason when he walked in.

“You’re awake?”

Jason inquired as he approached Aletta.

Aletta nodded and asked, “Where have you been?”

Jason took off his coat, draped it over the sofa’s armrest, and informed her, “I met with Thomson and

Lewis to inquire about the antidote.”

He didn’t elaborate much, but Aletta knew he was concerned about his own well-being, and it warmed

her heart.

Jason smiled and inquired, “Are you hungry?”

Aletta honestly nodded.“Do you want dumplings? I can make them for you.”

Aletta’s eyes lit up at the mention, and she immediately nodded, saying, “Yes!”

Her anticipation resembled that of their two little girls at home.

Jason’s soft heart led him to pat her head gently. “Wait here.”

He rolled up his sleeves and headed into the kitchen.

In the refrigerator, there were freshly made dumplings that Shepard had wrapped before he left. They

were still very fresh.

Aletta trailed behind him.

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She didn’t contribute much, only observed as he cooked the dumplings and prepared the sauce.

Aletta expressed surprise, “I don’t recall having sauce last time.”

Jason nodded, “It’s a recipe given by the chef back home. I’ve tried it before, and it’s not bad. You can

give it a taste later.”


Aletta beamed with a smile, her eyes crinkling, and she nodded eagerly.

Ten minutes later, the dumplings were cooked and ready to be served.

Jason filled a bowl for Aletta.

The two sat at the dining table and enjoyed their meal together.The aroma of the dumplings stimulated Aletta’s appetite.

She picked one up with her chopsticks and took a quick bite.

The savory filling spread through her mouth instantly.

It was truly delicious!

The thin skin, the flavorful filling, and the sauce added the perfect touch.

Aletta squinted her eyes in satisfaction and praised, “Delicious!”

Seeing her contented, Jason also smiled and said, “If it’s delicious, eat more.”

Aletta nodded and demonstrated with her actions that she wasn’t exaggerating. She ate a hearty


By the end of the meal, the plate was emptied of dumplings.

Rubbing her stomach with her hands, she remarked, “I might have eaten a little too much…”

Jason chuckled and said, “If I had known you would go about it this way, I should have stopped you


Aletta stuck out her tongue and replied, “It’s mainly because I was so hungry!

The in-flight meals weren’t satisfying, and I didn’t eat much at noon, so I couldn’t restrain myself.”

“Well, how about we take a stroll outside to aid digestion?” Jason suggested.

His tender affection made Aletta smile and her eyebrows curved. “Okay.”The two handed their bowls and chopsticks to Shepard for cleaning and stepped out.

The World Medical League was tranquil at night, and they wandered aimlessly, simply enjoying the

walk until they reached the new area.

The last time we were here, Jason got into a brawl with the Hunters, and it was a complete mess.

Now everything is back to normal!

Furthermore, it seems like the research room has started operating again, with people seen moving

around inside.

After walking for a while, Aletta felt tired and said, “I want to go back.”

Jason asked, “Are you able to walk?”

“If you can’t walk, can you carry you?”

Aletta blinked and looked at him expectantly.

Jason didn’t reply but squatted down.

Aletta smiled happily and didn’t hesitate. She leaned on his broad back and let him give her a

piggyback ride…

Unexpectedly, not long after, they ran into Lewis and Thomson face to face.

Having witnessed the affectionate gestures between the two, Thomson started joking, “Engaged

couples are indeed. different. Look at that indulgence. Couldn’t even bear to let her walk away, huh?”

Aletta felt a bit embarrassed upon hearing this and instinctively struggled to get off Jason’s back.Jason remained unfazed. With Aletta on his back, he stood there like a mountain and calmly replied,

“Well, she’s the only one I adore, so I have to spoil her.””

“Oh, young people these days…”

Thomson’s love fatigue almost blinded him, and he couldn’t stand it.

Since Aletta couldn’t get down, she simply lay down and retorted, “What, jealous? Otherwise, why don’t

you go back and carry Mrs. President?”

Lewis quipped, “With your old bones, I’m afraid you can’t carry her anymore, can you?”

Thomson was unconvinced and said, “Nonsense, of course, I could carry her!”

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