Novel Name : Ex-Husband’s Regret: Barren Mommy Has Quadruplets

Ex-Husband’s Regret: Barren Mommy Has Quadruplets Chapter 530

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Chapter 530Chapter 530 Why Are Your Hands Still Not Honest

Lewis was also taken aback by this revelation.

Raising his eyebrows, he instinctively looked at Jason, sounding surprised as he spoke, “Jason, you’ve

also heard of this?”

Jason didn’t deny it and continued in a casual tone, “I’ve heard of it. Many years ago, this profession

gained popularity, especially in South America. There was a mysterious organization dedicated to

cultivating such individuals!”

“These people caused quite a stir, instilling fear worldwide. Eventually, various countries mobilized their

forces to eradicate them, and they vanished.”

As he spoke, Jason seemed to have made a connection.

He looked directly at Lewis and asked, “Could there be a similar incident within your country’s Royal


After a brief hesitation, Lewis felt there was no reason to hold back from these two.

He nodded and replied, “A minister was manipulated and caused trouble. I won’t delve into the details.

Fortunately, my father became aware of it and took action.”

“At present, the minister is under control. I need to rush back to investigate and find a way to deal with


Aletta’s heart skipped a beat upon hearing this, and she immediately cautioned, “Lewis, be cautious

when you return. There could be a hypnotist lurking within your Royal Family!”Lewis reassured her with a comforting smile.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be careful. You should focus on taking care of your health and wait for the next


After that, the three of them didn’t engage in further. conversation.

Upon reaching the dock, Lewis departed first to meet the person who came to pick him up.

Aletta and Jason returned together to their residence in FRANCE.

Given her current physical condition, she couldn’t afford to be as active as she was a few days ago.

Therefore, Jason took her directly back to their FRANCE residence.

That night, as soon as they entered the house, Aletta felt. dizzy and began to lose consciousness.

Leaning against the wall for support, she paused.

Jason immediately held her in his arms and asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Perhaps just a slight fever…”

Aletta touched her forehead.

Jason became instantly anxious, carrying her in his arms and declaring, “I’ll take you to the room to lie


Observing his decisive actions, Aletta quickly reassured him, “It’s alright, it’s just the cold weather and

my body feeling a bit weak. I can take some medication.”Concerned, Jason escorted her back to the room, gently placing her on the bed, and promptly called


Thomson’s response was almost identical to Aletta’s.

With a final admonition, “Monitor her fever closely. She should be fine. If it worsens, let me know.”

Hearing this, Jason felt a sense of relief.

Aletta gazed at him with her wide eyes, seemingly saying, “I told you it’s alright, but you didn’t listen

and got so worried…”

Unable to resist, he chuckled and playfully pinched Aletta’s cheek, saying, “I care about you.”

“I know!”

Aletta responded with a smile.

Unexpected events that once seemed out of reach were now within grasp. She felt truly happy and

enjoyed the feeling of being cherished by him. Later.

Jason remained in the room, keeping a close watch on Aletta.

Fortunately, her condition was fine, and the fever subsided within two or three hours.

However, based on this situation, Jason didn’t dare to book a ticket back to america the next day.

On the following day, he made a decision, saying, “Let’s stay in FRANCE for a few more days before


Having a few days of quality time together was a rare opportunity, and Aletta had no objections. She

smiled and said, “Okay, let’s stay a bit longer then.”Although the fever had subsided, she still felt weak, and the snow outside was thick.

Jason was concerned about her going out in the cold.

With not much to do, they stayed inside the room, warming themselves by the fireplace in the hall,

boiling hot water, brewing tea, and snuggling up on the sofa.

Jason had to attend to some documents from time to time, while Aletta behaved like a lazy kitten,

wrapped up in a blanket, resting her head on his lap, and napping beside him when she got tired.

Around noon, Flora called.

She first expressed her concern and offered condolences, saying, “Aletta, how’s your health? Is the

treatment going well?”

“It’s going well. The treatment is complete, and in a month, we can proceed with the third stage to fully

recover,” Aletta replied, stealing glances at Jason from her angle.

Even when looking up, he was handsome from all 360 degrees, flawless.

Especially his jawline, the lines were sharp and well-defined, giving off a rugged charm.

Aletta couldn’t help but raise her hand to touch and playfully tease him.

Noticing her mischievousness, Jason couldn’t help but smile, looking down at her and playfully nibbling

on one of her fingers, his tongue even lightly brushing against her fingertips.

Aletta’s expression froze, and her ears turned red…

“That’s good,” Flora responded. Her phone call wasn’t just to inquire about Aletta’s health but also to

discuss some work. “The research institute at headquarters has released a new perfume product. Takea look and see if it meets the standards.”

“Okay, no problem.”

After all, it was just about the fragrance, not a job that Aletta would refuse. She had no objections, and

Jason didn’t mind either.

Around eleven in the morning, the staff from the research institute arrived, bringing several new


After Aletta received them, she carefully examined the fragrances multiple times.

Once she felt satisfied, she stated, “It can be produced based on this formula. These bottles of perfume

will be kept here.”

The staff nodded and swiftly left Aletta’s house.

After they departed, Aletta repackaged the perfumes and prepared them for Carla.

Since Carla had a penchant for collecting, she took this opportunity to invite her over for a meal and

give her the perfumes as well.

Realizing this, Aletta immediately dialed Carla’s number.

However, to her surprise, all her attempts to call Carla resulted in her phone being turned off.

Aletta felt perplexed. Could Carla have returned to work?

In her confusion, she decided to call Carla’s assistant, Sawyer.

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebook“Carla, something happened a few days ago,” Sawyer’s voice sounded concerned over the phone.Hearing this, Aletta’s expression changed, and she quickly. inquired, “What happened?”

“I saw Carla being forcibly taken away by a group of men in black when I went to see her the other

day,” Sawyer explained. “I didn’t recognize them, so I called the police. Then, Black arrived and said he

would handle it.”

A wave of worry washed over Aletta as she heard the news, and she immediately suspected that Black

family was behind this attack.

She anxiously ended the call.

Observing her distressed expression, Jason asked, “What’s wrong?”

Aletta didn’t conceal the truth and informed Jason, “Carla has been abducted, and it might be related to

Black family.”

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