Novel Name : Ex-Husband’s Regret: Barren Mommy Has Quadruplets

Ex-Husband’s Regret: Barren Mommy Has Quadruplets Chapter 685

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Chapter 685Chapter 685 My heart aches when you cry

About half an hour later, the car finally arrived at home.

Jason stopped the car, seeing that Aletta was still in a daze, he couldn’t help gently holding her hand.

“Aletta, we’re home.”

His voice was warm, and his tone was a little gentler than usual.

When Aletta was reminded by him, she suddenly came back to her senses, “Ah? Oh, are you here yet?

Then go upstairs quickly and change your clothes. The children will be back later, don’t scare them.”

With that said, she unbuckled her seat belt, unscrewed the door handle, and got out of the car


Jason was taken aback for a moment, always feeling that Aletta’s mood was not quite right.

He hurriedly opened the door and followed.

The two entered the house one after the other, and went upstairs again, silent the

whole time.

Seeing people enter the room, Jason finally couldn’t bear it, and wanted to pull people.

He just called her.

Unexpectedly, Aletta stopped first, then turned around suddenly, and slammed into his arms.

She almost used all her strength, and Jason was knocked back a few steps, his whole back was

pressed against the door panel.The person in his arms tightly encircled his waist, and his entire head was almost buried in his shoulder


Jason was stunned for two seconds, before he had time to say anything, he felt the

soft body in his arms trembling slightly.

His heart twitched violently, and his heart ached so badly that he quickly hugged her and hugged him

back with all his strength.

“It’s okay, it’s all over…”

Jason comforted patiently.

But Aletta didn’t relax because of these words, but trembled even more.

She didn’t want this either.

Before, when she left the abandoned winery, she had already settled down emotionally.

When operating on Eaton, he was also very focused and did not dare to be distracted.

But after leaving the institute, her tense nerves relaxed, and she couldn’t help but imagine what would

happen if the person lying on the operating bed was Jason today.

If Eaton hadn’t blocked the bullet for him, would he be the one who got shot now?

What would have happened if the bullet had hit his chest, or any vital point?

The more she thought about it, the more fear spread.Until now, when she returned to this place that made her feel at ease, she suddenly couldn’t hold back

any longer.

Aletta tightly clenched Jason’s clothes, her knuckles turned white with force, and tears kept gushing

from her eyes.

Jason didn’t notice at first, until he felt a rush of heat and wetness at the neckline, and he realized she

was crying.

He was so frightened that he hurriedly pushed people away.

Jason called her, and then, his eyes met her flushed eyes.

At this sight, it was as if someone had stabbed him in the heart.

Aletta’s nose was red from crying. At this moment, her gaze met his, and he

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookcouldn’t bear it any longer, and directly raised his hand to beat her.

She beat me up and said, “Jason, you are such a bastard! You drugged me first, then took risks behind

my back, and almost got hurt… It scares me! You are too much! How can you do this?

Do you know how it feels when I see you covered in blood? I was almost freaking out. All I could think

was that you had been shot! If anything happened to you at that time, what would the children and I


Speaking of this, Aletta sobbed, feeling a suffocation in her chest.

Jason was beaten without any resistance, on the contrary, he still suffered silently.

Aletta didn’t use much strength, obviously not willing to use it.Moreover, although she was reprimanding, it contained worry and love for him.

Jason’s heart softened, and he didn’t talk nonsense right away, he directly held the person’s face and

kissed it.

Aletta was kissed suddenly, and she struggled subconsciously.

But Jason hugged her tighter and kissed harder, stirring and sucking in her mouth with a strong


Aletta was imprisoned by him, and gradually stopped struggling, silently perceiving the aura and

possession of a man.

This long kiss didn’t bring much lust, but it lasted for several minutes before it stopped completely!

Both were panting a little as they let go of each other.

Aletta no longer shed tears, but her eyes, the tip of her nose, and her lips were all


Seeing this, Jason was full of love and affection, raised his hand and lightly pressed the back of her

head, and pressed his forehead against hers, and said apologetically from a very close distance: “I’m

sorry, I made you worry and sad! It’s my fault for drugging you. Back I was wrong for asking you to take

risks. I was almost injured, let alone. I thought I was sure, but I ignored the possible “accidents”. In this

world, how can there be absolute “non-dangerous”? I am too Take it for granted!

Therefore, in the future, I will consider the overall situation of the matter more comprehensively, and try

not to worry you as much as possible.

You’re right, I already have a family, you and the kids are all I have, I should have thought more.I was so wrong, don’t cry. When you cry, my heart hurts!”

After saying that, the man couldn’t help but kiss Aletta’s eyes.

Her slender eyelashes were still stained with wet tears.

Wetting on his thin lips, Jason tasted salty.

Aletta never expected that she would hear such a long list of answers.

What she said just now was blurted out of her emotions out of control, and she wasn’t really blaming


She just wants to express her worries and fears more.

But Jason responded very seriously.

She didn’t know what to say for a while, and in the end, she just said, “Fortunately, you are fine.”

Hearing this, Jason gently pecked her on the lips,” How dare I have something to do? We agreed that

we will go back and get married when the matter here is over. You haven’t become my Mrs. Hill yet, I

won’t allow myself something happened.”

Speaking of this, he coaxed people, “This time, it’s my fault! However, Cole is dead, and this crisis is

completely over!”

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