Novel Name : Ex-Husband’s Regret: Barren Mommy Has Quadruplets

Ex-Husband’s Regret: Barren Mommy Has Quadruplets Chapter 483

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Chapter 483Ex-Husband’s Regret: Barren Mommy Has Quadruplets Chapter 483

Chapter 483 Consider this Intimate Contact as a Practice

Not long after Terry left, Flora and Dora returned to their seats. As Flora sat down, she noticed that

Terry was no longer beside Ray, so she asked, “Where’s Terry?”

Ray calmly took a bite of his food and responded, “He received a call and seemed to have some urgent

matter to attend to. He asked me to let you know.”

“Is that so? Okay…” Flora didn’t pay more attention to it. Although she had a good impression of Terry,

they had just met, and his sudden departure didn’t bother her much. She felt relieved for some reason!

Flora found having this unexplained sense of relief strange, but she didn’t dwell on it. They had been

engrossed in their conversation earlier and hadn’t eaten much, so they ordered more food after sitting


After dinner, Dora astutely found an excuse, saying, “I have plans with someone tonight, so I’ll head off.

I won’t be joining you.”

She looked at Flora and smiled, “Flora, I had a great time chatting with you tonight. I’ll come to your

company another day and meet Aletta. I hope you can arrange for her to sign for me!”

“No problem!” Flora readily agreed and made an OK

Chapter 483 Consider this Intimate Contact as a Practice

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gesture.Dora was satisfied and bid farewell, waving her hand. She didn’t forget to tell Ray, “Ray, why don’t you

escort Flora home? Be a gentleman!”

“Sure,” Ray nodded calmly and said, “Don’t have too much fun and get home early.”

“Okay!” Dora left after her response.

Once she was gone, only Flora and Ray remained at the scene. They seemed momentarily

speechless, locking eyes for a few seconds as a subtle tension filled the air.

Flora averted her gaze, avoiding eye contact, and said, “Um… If there’s nothing else, I’ll be on my


Ray stared at her intently and asked, “Where did you park your car?”

“In the parking lot,” Flora pointed in the direction to her left and questioned, “Why? Is something the


Ray replied naturally, “Coincidentally, I don’t have a car. Can you give me a ride?”

Flora paused, looking puzzled. “What happened to your car?”

“Dora drove off with it,” Ray answered without any hint of embarrassment or exhaustion.

Flora was about to suggest he take a taxi, but the man didn’t give her a chance. He took the lead and


towards the parking lot with long strides. Helpless, she followed him.

100% BonusThey arrived at the parking lot one after the other, and Ray stood by the driver’s seat, extending his

hand towards her. “Give me the keys, and I’ll drive.”

Flora didn’t mind and handed him the keys. Ray took them and got into the car, starting the engine.

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookThe car left the parking lot and headed to his private

residence in time.

As they returned to the mansion, Flora had an eerie feeling creeping up her scalp. The images she had

seen on the surveillance footage that night rushed back into her mind, replaying like a slow-motion


Feeling restless, Flora couldn’t help but remind Ray, who seemed to have no intention of getting out of

the car, “We’ve arrived at your place.”

After speaking, she intended to open the door and return to the driver’s seat.

However, as her hand grasped the door handle, she heard a ‘click’ as the car doors automatically


Flora, “???”

She looked at Ray with a bewildered expression.

The man in the driver’s seat had already turned his deep

gaze towards her, his expression seemingly smiling yet not He said, “Why the hurry? Let’s have a


said, “Why thChapter 483 Consider this Intimate Contact as a Practice

Flora, “…”

Ray voluntarily offered to drive because of this.

And why did his expression seem a bit dangerous?

Flora couldn’t help but swallow nervously, pressing her back against the car door. She asked, “Chat…

about what?”

Could he have wanted to discuss something about “taking responsibility”?

“Let’s talk about you renting a boyfriend,” Ray said straightforwardly. “Why go through the trouble of

searching for one on a boyfriend rental platform, Ms. Smith? You can find me! I come from a good

background, have good looks, a great figure, a decent profession. I should be quite a catch.”

Upon hearing these words, Flora was dumbfounded.

Was she hallucinating?

What on earth was Ray talking about?

She wore a self-doubting expression and forced a laugh. “It was too windy earlier, and I didn’t hear

what you said clearly!”

Ray glanced at the enclosed space inside the car and didn’t bother with the excuse of “it was too


Ray had a severe expression as he said, “I’m serious! You can find me if you need someone to pretend

to be your boyfriend! Since we already know each other and haveChapter 483 Consider this Intimate Contact as a Practice

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some understanding, we should be able to cooperate reasonably. My family is pressuring me to get

married, and I’m pretty troubled by it. So, why don’t we help each other? It’s mutually beneficial.

You started by renting a boyfriend from a stranger, but if you bring him home, you might get caught. It’s

different for me. Not only have we known each other for some time, but your best friend, Aletta, is also

your wife. We have a deeper connection. This way, pretending to be a couple will be more convincing

to your parents, and we won’t have to go. through the hassle of blind dates in the future. Isn’t that a

good deal?”

After listening to his words, Flora remained silent for a while. She finally confirmed that she hadn’t

misheard-Ray indeed wanted to be her boyfriend. But it was just


She had to admit that his proposal was quite tempting. Compared to renting a fake boyfriend hastily,

this familiar relationship was less likely to be exposed. And Ray was right. He had good conditions and

was presentable. Her parents might believe the excuses she had made up earlier.

However, when she thought about their complicated relationship, she hesitated. There was something

off about this whole situation…

Ray noticed her wavering expression and immediately seized the opportunity. “What’s the matter? Are

you hesitating even with a fake relationship? Could it be that you want to become a real couple with

me? If Ms. Smith Intends to take responsibility for me, it’s not entirely

WChapter 483 Consider this Intimate Contact as a Practice

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“I don’t! Don’t make assumptions!” Flora instinctively denied it without thinking.

Ray remained calm and said, “Since that’s the case, is it settled? When you have to deal with your

family, I’ll unconditionally cooperate! This young man has good looks. and a good family background.

I’ll accompany you in this act for free. You won’t lose out!”


Wait a minute… How did it become settled?

She hadn’t agreed yet, hey!

She was about to speak up and say she needed to consider it, but Ray didn’t give her a chance.

Suddenly, he leaned over wholly.

A pleasant fragrance, accompanied by an aggressive aura, enveloped her.

The next moment, Flora felt her chin being lightly held, and then she heard the man’s low voice saying,


pretending to be a couple inevitably involves some intimate contact, let’s treat this as a practice, shall


Then, a faint kiss landed on the corner of her lips.Flora, “???”

Her cheeks turned crimson.

Chapter 443 Consider this Intimate Contact as a Practice

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Around 10 PM at Hill Villa.

The children were already asleep, and Aletta prepared to give Jason a massage therapy session.

Jason had just finished showering and was untying the robe with a casual and lazy movement, exuding

a charming appeal.

Aletta waited for Jason while enjoying the sight of a “handsome man after a bath.”

On such a late night, having a “beautiful man after a bath” to admire was a sight not to be missed!

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