Novel Name : Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 14

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14. Discussions & Decisions LEO.

I switched the coffee machine on, smoking a cigarette as I leaned against the worktop, looking down at

my arm. The wound was long gone, but the memory remained. She was a fucking psycho, who the

fuck went around stabbing people with whatever shit they had at hand?!

I overreacted. 1

I know I fucking did, but the moment Corrado started to show off his doll… I wanted her out of my life. I

needed her gone, but I also knew she had reasons that were forcing her to stay, none that involved me.

There was something that she was running from, and I was certain it was linked to whatever the fuck

happened that night. 1 If I was able to find out, I could have it dealt with, and then tell her she was safe

to leave early.

Her phone. I needed to get to work on that shit. “Good morning, Daddy.” Corrado said, as he came out

of his bedroom with Winona. “Good morning, you sleep ok?” I asked, crouching down and ruffling his

hair. He smiled at me and nodded, giving me a hug. “I slept the best, and Simon the robber slept with

me! I want to go to Azura’s again today, ok? She said I can!” 1 I resisted frowning, hiding my irritation

as I ruffled his hair. “Don’t you want to hang with Jackie or Nikki instead? Or Winona, I’m sure she

takes good care of you?” “But Azura is so fun.” He said.

Yeah, she was fun, and a complete psycho! You never knew what shit she’s going to pull next.

“She even made a doll that looked like you, Daddy!” 11

I raised an eyebrow. “Did she now?”

“Yeah, she said it’s not you but it did look like you.” He grinned as Winona began taking things out for

breakfast. I stood up, lifting Corrado onto the worktop. “I’ll make breakfast for us today.” I told her, she

had already gotten him dressed.

I had a bit of time before Emmet showed up anyway, and I needed to explain to this kid that he was not

to see her again. 1 “Are you sure, Alpha?”

I nodded, and just as she was about to leave, I spoke to her through the mind link.

‘He is not to meet Azura. She is a guest here, nothing more. I don’t trust her entirely. Be more careful

next Winona, not everyone who appears to be good is good.’ 1 “Sorry Alpha, I will keep that in mind.’

‘It’s fine.’

‘Thank you, I’ll be back at noon?’


She lowered her head to me before closing the door behind her.

“So, what do you want to eat, kid?”

“Pancakes.” He replied without even thinking.

“Pancakes it is, Nutella?”

“Yes, and fruit!”

Flipping the kettle switch on, I took the readymade mix out, adding water before getting the pan. He

watched me, smiling happily, and I ruffled his hair before I began on the pancakes. “Thank you for

spending time with me, Daddy.”

This kid could induce so many fucking emotions from me, I don’t even know how. I gave him a one-

armed hug, squeezing him.

“You don’t need to thank me for anything. I told you that.” I reminded him, pouring some boiling water

into a large bowl.

“Yes, but I want to.” He smiled as I flipped the pancakes, adding some Nutella to a small bowl and

placing it in the boiling water to soften.

He sighed heavily, and I glanced at him as I took the three pancakes out and added some more.

“What’s up?” I asked him, waiting for the second batch to be done. “You know Azura? She can’t cook.

She said making sandwiches was cooking.” 2

My heart fucking did some weird shit. I hated when I learned new shit about her, because I hated how it

fucking caught my attention. She was a Westwood, remember that Leo.2



I drizzled the Nutella on top before slicing some strawberries and raspberries, scattering them over the

pancakes. I grabbed a knife and fork, then picked up the plate.

“You should teach her.” He added as I lifted him down from the worktop and carried his breakfast to the

table. 1

“She’s only visiting, Corrado. She isn’t a friend, so you need to stay away from her.” I reminded him

quietly as he happily climbed into his chair.

Stubbing my cigarette out, I walked to the fridge, taking out a bottle of milk. Pouring him a glass before

picking up my own coffee, I carried both to the table and sat down.

“But I really get bored. I don’t have anyone to play with.” “Corrado, we have an entire Pack here, what

about Amanda and Jake?”

He scrunched his face at the mention of his friends at school, he had just started but he was already a

grade ahead of the rest of his age group. I made sure he focused on learning the moment he showed

signs of being ready. “I don’t like Jake anymore, and Amanda cries all the time.” Corrado was a mature

kid in many ways, he didn’t really get on with the other kids his age, and those a little older didn’t really

mix with him due to the age gap. He also wasn’t interested in playing ball as much as he liked watching

it, preferring to colour and paint in his free time. “What about the other one, what’s her name… Anita?

Didn’t you say you were going to marry her?”

He put down his fork and rolled his eyes as if I had just asked a dumb question. “Daddy? Did you marry

the first girl you liked?” 2 I raised an eyebrow. The kid had a point.

The first girl I liked… I don’t remember her name… but I remember she was killed back in the caverns,

because her father refused to obey Endora… I remember those days still … Seeing the blank look in

Dad’s eyes as he obeyed her blindly… the scary reminder that I was on my own… Even though he

didn’t remember half of what he was forced to do, I did. I remembered it all… The horrors of life without

even an ounce of daylight. Every night I fell asleep, unknowing who would be dead the following

morning. 2 “Daddy!” 1 glanced at him, picking up my coffee as he pulled me from my thoughts. “Yeah?”

“Will you marry Nikki?” He whispered, glancing towards my bedroom door. She was probably still

asleep… I knew I had been avoiding her because I just couldn’t get

intimate with her lately. Seeing Azura here had made it fucking weird. Sure, I ended it with her, but… try

fucking someone when the woman you’re fucking distracted by is in the same building

“Probably not kid, I’m not considering marrying her. Now, drink up.” 2

I ran my fingers through my hair, thinking that back to that night… I was ready to come home and tell

Nikki I had found my mate and it was over. I never wanted a mate, nor did I ever try to look for her, but

when I ended up marking her, I knew I needed her. I craved her and so did my wolf. 1

I didn’t even know her name, but I was ready to make this shit work, but then I learned of her identity…

I couldn’t accept her… Fuck, how do you accept someone who would never share the same views as


I know she wasn’t biologically a Westwood by blood, but she was by birth and upbringing… 1 “Nikki

said you will.”

Corrado’s words made me look at him sharply. “What do you mean?”

“She was on the phone to the birds, and they were saying that because you made a mistake, she

should ask you.” He continued, eating his food contently, chocolate covering his lips.


Birds. He meant her screechy nasal-voiced friends who I couldn’t fucking stand. – Marriage… Why

couldn’t anyone just take life a day at a fucking time? “Hmm.” I replied, grabbing a tissue and wiping his


He gave me a grin as he ate a strawberry.

“These are the best pancakes. Ever.”

“I’m glad, kid.”

‘Leo, I’m outside.

Come on in.’ I replied, unlocking the door via my smartwatch. “Good morning champ! Damn, pancakes

without me?” “Sorry, Daddy made them, and you know Daddy only cooks for me.” Corrado replied,

making me smirk slightly.

This kid knew the fact that he was my number one perfectly. “Damn Leo, I’m sure a few more won’t

make a difference?” Emmet said, dropping into the chair opposite me. ‘Is the shipment here yet?’ I

questioned through the link.

‘No, tomorrow night. It’s a big one, Leo. Risky as fuck, and I don’t even want to think about the

consequences if we’re caught.’

“No one will get caught, I’ve rewired security long enough for our shipment to get past the radar. This

shipment alone will give us the money to set us ahead. Every child here will have funding in their bank

to fall back on.’

‘I love you Leo, and I love how much you care for our pack… but risking it all just to make sure every

child is financially set? This one was fucking risky. Come on man, people can fend for themselves, you

ain’t their fucking godfather to have to deal with everyone.’

‘I know what I’m doing.’

I looked at Corrado, who was scrutinising us sharply.

“I’ll go play in my room, Daddy.” He suggested, knowing we were talking business through the link.

Smart pup.

“Sure.” I ruffled his hair as he gulped his milk down.

I stood up, turning the TV in his room on from my watch and headed to my study with Emmet behind


“Leo, your father, the Alpha, is coming back. Where are you going to keep such a big number of

drugs?” 3

“Right here. Like I said Emmet, I know what I’m doing. I already have buyers from the entire continent

ready to get their hands on some. When I’m done, I will become one of the wealthiest men in the

world.” I said coldly, sitting down in my chair. “At a very dangerous risk… I heard RJ is not going to sit

back, Leo…”

“Let him come, the next time he crosses my path I will kill him.” I said carelessly.

He sighed and sat down opposite my desk. “I’m the Delta Leo, if your dad so much as questions me-” “I

put you in that position Emmet, we both know the truth, you work for me, not Marcel.” I warned icily,

lighting another cigarette. He sighed but nodded. “I know man, but the Alpha said if you settle down

and shit, he’ll pass the title to you… Are you going to mark Nikki soon? Do it. She’s hot and I’m sure

she’s good for you, you haven’t been in any relationship longer than a year before her.” 1 “Yeah, but I

have a plan.”

“Marcel will be back soon right. What is your plan?”

Marcel… Yeah, he would be. “I’m sure he’ll visit his precious brother before returning home.” I replied,

ignoring his comment about Nikki. “My plan is of no concern to you. I’ve got a shitload to do.”

He understood the dismissal and stood up.

“Well, I hope he doesn’t come back here and act like you owe those Elite anything, all they fucking did

was ruin our lives.” Emmet said coldly, his eyes filled with hatred. 3

I nodded.

“Yeah, he can try, nothing can change me.” “Good man, you know they’re all manipulative and fake. Oh

yeah, all ok with you and the visitor? I heard shouting last night…” 2 “Did you? Then why are you

asking me?”

He simply shrugged and nodded. “Well, I don’t know what the deal is between you two, but if you need

someone to talk to, that’s what friends are for, right mate?” “Right.” I said standing up, thinking she

hadn’t left her apartment today… Emmet left and I locked the door after him with a touch of a button,

before I walked over to the wall behind me. Placing my hand on the small square panel on the wall, it

instantly lit up and my hand was scanned by a blue light. A keypad showed up and I thumbed in the

twelve-digit code before the wall opened and I stepped into a lift. Closing it after me, I keyed in a third

code before it zoomed downwards towards one of my favourite places.

One final code and a handprint opened the metal door that covered the entrance to my cave.

The room was dark, only the lights from the screens and the blue led lights filled the dark room. My

main desk was a curved one, which contained three screens hooked up to the main monitor. A touch

screen with maps was on the far wall. Whilst the wall opposite had twenty screens each displaying

different things, connected to a tower computer block. I had a few tables covered with things I was

working on. Including one of the latest weapon designs I was working on. In the wrong hands, these

would be dangerous, but they were made only for the Sangue Pack…

A screen near the lift looked into my office up in my apartment, so I knew if anyone knocked.

Two doors led off from here, one to the underground car park, my secret passage away from the pack,

and the second was a bedroom.

I walked over to the far table where I had been working on the psycho’s phone, picking up the decoder

just as my watch beeped.

Will you look at that…

I pressed a button, making one of the screens flicker on, and I turned to see none other than Azura

sitting on the bed.

Leaning down as she keyed something into the laptop I had left in her room, her breasts caught my

attention in just her blue sports bra.

She was fucking fine, I couldn’t deny that. So she had finally decided to use the laptop I had given

her… Who was she about to contact?

I walked over to my desk and sat down, turning the volume up, splitting the screen and bringing up the

screen that Azura was looking at. She was video-calling two people.

It took me less than ten seconds to check the IP addresses. One was from down towards London, the

other was from Midnight Academy.

She sighed and I looked into her blue eyes as she waited for her call to be answered. I could tell from

her eyes she hadn’t slept well, and she almost looked upset.

She tilted her head and my attention fell to her neck, my mark was fucking beautiful… and it sat

perfectly on her smooth skin…

She looked into the webcam, and for a moment she seemed to be staring right at me. She didn’t look

away until I heard a sound as her call was answered. “Hey hey, Zu!” The green-eyed girl on the screen

was none other than Alejandro’s daughter Skyla. Next to her was her twin, Kataleya.

The two were opposites, with Skyla having black hair and several piercings, Kataleya had sandy

blonde hair and was by far the gentler one. She waved at Azura as a fourth girl joined their

conversation. She had short, dyed hair. I knew her too from when I did a background check on Azura.

Song Daquin. She was Azura’s age and one of her friends from the academy, a witch.

Feeling like a creepy online stalker, I muted the images from the screen so the only one I could see

was Azura, and sat back, still able to hear them perfectly. I looked at Azura, I know even watching her

was fucking wrong, but I needed to see her facial expressions. See what exactly she was planning to

tell them.

I lit a cigarette as I waited for them to finish their mundane conversation. I wanted to see if I learned

anything interesting from this conversation…

“Where are you Azura?” Kataleya asked softly, obviously concerned for Azura. “Yeah, we all know that

you are not in Sweden.” Skyla added. “I’m… at his pack.” Azura replied quietly. I raised an eyebrow, my

gaze flicking back to her gorgeous face.

“Shut the fucking front door!” Skyla snapped, and I heard a thud. +

“But he… rejected you right?” Song asked quietly.

“He did… but I didn’t have a choice…”

“What do you mean?” Skyla asked sharply.

Azura frowned and stared at her nails. I had never seen her so serious.

“He contacted -” 1

My phone beeped and I took it out. It was from Emmet, a fucking image that made my heart thud. An

image of none other than Marcel below my apartment block. 2

“The Alpha’s back.’ His voice filled my head.


Oh shit no, he wasn’t meant to be back for a few fucking weeks. I needed to get Azura out of here

asap. I hit close on the window and headed back up.

I had to get her out before Marcel saw her. 3

Read Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire Alpha Leo And The

Heart Of Fire Chapter 14 - the best manga of 2020

Of the Moonlight Muse stories I have ever read, perhaps the most impressive thing is Alpha Leo

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Leo and the Heart of Fire Moonlight Muse story right here


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