Novel Name : Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 17

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17. His Hope AZURA. 1 "Later." Leo's quiet, cold voice came as I walked over to Marcel. “Babe…”

Conceal how you feel.

You got this girl.

"It smells so good." I said, smiling as I look at the flames.

"Be careful, Azura, it's very hot." The heat of the grill was nothing compared to the burning pain in my


"I don't mind getting burned." I replied quietly, before giving him a smile.

"So, where did you go on holiday?" "Well, I was in Scotland for the most part, and then I stopped at a

few places before my visitto Alejandro was cut short." I could feel Leo's irritation, but I didn't bother

paying him any attention.

"I'm sorry about that." I replied as I picked up the platter of cooked meat and carried it to the round

table, where everything wasalready set up.

I didn't want to sit at the table with him, but I had no choice but to.

When Corrado jumped into the seat between Marcel and me, I expected Leo to take the seat next to

his father, but instead, he took the seat onmy left.

I clenched my jaw but didn't even spare him a glance as I began filling my plate.

Nikki said down last, placing her hand on Leo's bulging bicep before she moved back, a small smile on

her face.

1 "It's tasty!" Corrado declared and I smiled as I carried on building my tower burger.

"That's so big!" "Well, she's got a big gob." Leo remarked.

• I clenched my jaw.

Yeah, I fucking do, or I wouldn't have been able to take your damn dick! Ishould have bitten it off when I

had the fucking chance...

4 "Leo, be nice." Nikki said, despite the small, amused smile on her face.

"Oh, it's ok, I get a lot of people jealous of my big mouth.

Are you jealous, Little Alpha?" I asked sweetly, turning my attention to Leo.

• He raised his eyebrow as he looked at me.


How about you, jealous?" We weren't talking about my lips anymore.

"Keep talking." I challenged him with a dangerous smirk, satisfied when his confidence faltered.

"Oh yes, Marcel, what is the law against marking someone without permission?” 2 Leo’s hand shot out

under the table, grabbing my thigh, as he gave ita squeeze in a warning.

2 Marcel frowned as he stared at my neck, before his eyes met mine.

"It's a serious crime, one that would be taken to the court of Selene.” Leo scoffed.

"No one from this pack is going to ever be trialled at the court.” “Why not, Daddy?” Corrado asked.

I discreetly tried to push Leo's hand off of me.

His fingers on my inner thigh were driving me nuts, with equal desire and anger.


“We follow the council, Leo.

We are part of this country and its rules." "I follow no rules.” Right.

If he was not going to remove his fucking hand....

Then I'm just going to have to remove it for him.

One last chance, fucker.

I glared at him, but he simply gave me another one of his emotionless cold glares that oozed power

and dominance.

Nope? Ok.

I picked up the knife and cut my burger down the middle, before slipping my hand under the table, knife

in hand.

Everyone was too busy eating, or in Marcel's case, trying to get Leo to acknowledge thecourt.

Leo was ignoring him, arrogantly drinking some Coca Cola, so I took the chance, slamming the knife

into his hand that gripped my thigh and clenchingmy teeth as I felt the blade dig into my leg.

10 Good, it means I went right through his fucking hand.

• "The fuck!" Leo growled, his knee hitting the table, jolting the entire thing as he almost spilt his coke.

Sitting up straight, he turned sharply, glaring at me with steely blue eyes.

* That's what you get for fucking touching me! 2 His murderous aura swirled around him, but I was not

goingto get fucking intimidated by him.

"What!?" I snapped, yanking the knife from his hand and my leg, before quickly wiping the blade clean

onmy pants.

“What happened?!” Nikki exclaimed.

"I can smell blood." Marcel said getting up, as Leo smoothly shoved his hand into his pocket,his eyes


"Sorry, I just accidentally cut myself, I didn't realise how sharp the knife was.” I : reassured him, blinking

at him innocently before waving my hand.

"It's nothing at all." I need a band-aid?" Nikki asked concerned.

"No, not at all." The dick-face might, oh wait, a band-aid wouldn’t cover that.


I almost snickered.

"Babe, what happened to you? Why did you swear?" Nikki asked confused, as she now turned to Leo.1

Leo clenchedhis jaw, turning his cold glare toward me.

"She's just fucking crazy, she almost cut me." He hissed icily, suddenly standing up.

1 Almost? LOL Blue-Eyes, I fucking impaled you, and next time it will be your dick.

"Daddy isn't scared of a knife..." Corrado mumbled, but he looked scared too, and remained silent.

I felt bad for that, but Leo had pissed me off.

Without a glance back, Leo stormed off.

Nikki stood up but after a moment she sat down, frowning deeply, and I’m sure Leo had told her notto


“He just needs space, dear.” Marcel sighed.

I placed the knife down.

Poor little Alpha has no fucking idea who he's messing with.

2 I picked my burger and I saw Nikki watching me as I bit into my triple stack with ease.

Yeah, this big mouth comes in good damn use.

• After lunch, I played with Corrado for a bit, before thanking Marcel for the food and toldhim I'd be

heading back.

He had asked me once more if I was sure I didn’t want my parents to know, how he felt bad for me and

he couldtalk to them himself, but I didn't want them to know and made it clear.

Time to get out of here…

I would get a taxi once I was in the city close by, then from there, I’d go straight to Kiara’s pack.

I didn’t have any other option.

Surely they wouldn't put me forward to the court of Selene…

'Daughter of an Elite.' Leo's words returned to me, and I sighed.

Trying to hide my crimes…

wanting to be pardoned by those in power, wasn't I proving to him that it was exactly what I was? I

picked up my phone, and staring at it.

Kataleya had texted asking to let her know what I needed from Dante.

She had also attached his number, telling me they and Dante would always be there for me.

She really was a gem.

What had I gotten myself into? I looked at the number Leo had texted me from, would he even agree to

get meout of here when I had stabbed him just hours ago? I had nothing to lose.

‘I’m going to be leaving.

With Marcel here, I don't think it's smart for me to linger.’ I paused, wondering how toword the next part.

See me out? Let me out? Can I get a ride? I put my phone down, musing over what to write, and

grabbedthe voodoo doll from the bedside table.

I had placed the bloody thread picker inside of it and stitched it up.


Now it contained the perfect part of Leo to make this shit work.

I had stuck two pins in it earlier, but I think I was the only one doing any real damage to the real dude…

Maybe if had a staple gun…

or maybe I should soak him in boiling water…

3 I smirked at my thoughts before picking up my phone to finish my text.

'Arrange me a car, or at least let your security know to let me out.’ I hit send,thinking I should stop at

Marcel's and tell him it wasn't working, so I would reject my mate and leave.

If I left like this it wasn't going to help anyone’s case.

It was at least five minutes later when his reply came.


I will come get you shortly, stay in your apartment until then.’ ‘Give me an hour.’ Fine.’ I knew he was

probably pissed but at least he replied,time to get this over with.

I stood up, grabbing the Voodoo doll.

I filled a bowl with water and placed the doll's head downwards in it.

Suffocate and drown.

2 I don't know why I felt gloomy but something about the entire atmosphere felt dark…

It didn't take long to get back to Marcel's and when I rang the door, a member of staff opened it giving

me asmile.

“The Alpha saw you arrive.

He's right through here." "Thanks." I said, flashing the man a smile before entering the living room.

Marcel was standing by the window, and he now turned, giving me a smile.

"I had a feeling you might come back." He said, making my heart race a little.

Why did he think that? Was he onto something? "Oh great, I just came to let you know that I’m


Me and my…


just won't work, so I'm going to end it and leave.” I said, feeling a wave of pain wash through me.

How the fuck was this hurting me? Marcel smiled slightly, but his eyes held emotions I couldn’t read.

3 "I see." Not what I was expecting but ok.

"Well goodbye, I know my visit was super short, but I did get a look aroundthe pack and it's incredible.

I think as a member of the Blood Moon Alpha family, I was lucky to even have a chance to see


Thank you for the delicious barbeque." I didn't know what else to say and turned to leave.

"Is it selfish of me to wish that you tried harder?” His voice was quiet, but the wordsscreamed in alarm

within my head.

& S My heart thudded and I froze, turning back sharply to the man that stood bythe window, a few

strands of my hair falling in front of my face.

A wave of panic washed through.

Calm down, he doesn’t know.

“He has a good heart…

He has simply let it harden with bitterness and hatred.

When he loves, he loves deeply." Leo, he was talking about Leo.


He sighed and looked at the sky.

"My brother, Rafael, once told me the story of Alejandro in his younger days.

He was consumed by his own demons, and no matter what Rafael did, nothing brought him out from

that darkness…

until Kiara Westwood stepped into his life.

She pulled him from the darkness and became his light.

Without her, the Lycan King would not be the man he is today.

There is only so much that a father or brother can do…

but a mate, it's a mate who is given that power and connection to guide their other halves.”Marcel now

looked at me as I stood there, my chest heaving as I stared at him.

2 He knew the truth, I don't know how, but he did.

His words got to me, I knew the story of Kiara and Alejandro.

They were an epic couple, and their story would never be forgotten, but it was his next words that really

hit home.

"When you were transferred into Scarlett's womb, I was there.

I saw Amelia perform that spell and I knew from that day that you were destined for great things.

You were destined to live because you were a survivor, you were strong enough to holdon after your

mother's heartbeat faded...

Perhaps it is only a Westwood woman who can tame a Rossi, who is so far gone that even Ihave lost

faith." 11 It wasn't just a statement, it was a silent plea for me to not leave.

• I looked out into the hallway and stepped inside, closing the door silently behind me.

I turned and looked at him.

“He has a family already, he has Nikki.

I am not going to take anyone's man from them.

I'm sorry, but if he was single it would have been an entirely different story, but heisn't." I said, trying my

best not to let my emotions show.

"But he marked you." "In a moment of lapse of judgement.

A mistake.

I'm sorry Marcel, but that ship has sailed." I opened the door, pausing, my hand lingering on the oak


"How did you figure it out?" He let out a small chuckle, and I looked at him.

“The boy couldn’t keep his eyes off you.

He may have thought I'd buy it, but putting you in the closest apartment to him was the first red flag,

andthe rest all fell into place.

However, the one thing that determined the truth was your mark.

A lotus before a crescent moon…

so similar to my mark that once adorned his mother's neck.” His voice was deep, yet the emotions in

itwere powerful, and I realised for him, I was the hope he had waited for, to bring change to Leo...

4 But the thing was, he was not Alejandro, and I was not Kia.

“I’m sorry…

but I will never be the cause of a relationship being destroyed.

Goodbye, Alpha Marcel.” 1.

He didn't reply, and as I closed the door behind me, I realised that me being pregnant with

Marcel’ssecond grandchild meant I would never truly be free from Leo...

from this connection.


That’s why you will reject him, Azura.

Before you leave.

2 ---- A/N: I just want to let everyone know due to certain deadlines I will be aimingto complete My

Alpha's Betrayal this month, which means I need to start posting double chapters.

Although I'll be posting Alpha Leo daily I want to pre-warn everyone that I may endup skipping Alpha

Leo here or there, but I will always give everyone a heads up and I will not leave it on a brutal

cliffhanger XD.

Update of Alpha

Leo and the Heart of Fire by Moonlight Muse

With the author's famous Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire series authorName that makes readers

fall in love with every word, go to chapter Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 17 readers

Immerse yourself in love anecdotes, mixed with plot demons. Will the next chapters of the Alpha

Leo and the Heart of Fire series are available today.

Key: Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 17


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