Novel Name : Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 106 By Moonlight Muse

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106. A Takedown


I raise my arm as the entire wall

explodes, debris and flames spread around us, and I cock my gun, walking through the flames. My

men clear the

path for me, blocking anyone from getting too close and those who do manage to pass, I shoot on

sight. Soon the commotion of both sides clashing fades away as I walk further down the

dark hall.

I can hear his heart thumping, and smell

the sweat and fear.

Oh, he’s close…

I wonder how it feels to be the hunted… 3.

My footsteps echo loudly in the silence despite walking quietly, and soon I come to a stop in front of a

blank wall. He is

behind it… My eyes blaze as I kick the wall with full force.

It slams right off, and I hear a yell. The wall panel hits the floor with a clang, a puff of dust rising in the

air, and I scan the darkness, spotting Web backing away. He isn’t alone, with several men standing in

each corner of the room. Each one holds a weapon and each one is trained.

“I wouldn’t come in, one shot and you’re dead Schurke. You know what these bullets are, don’t you?”

He spits, trying to inch behind one of his muscular


“You can try to use my own created weapon against me, but you won’t get far.” I smirk coldly, my eyes


“Kill him!” Web roars and then it all feels

like slow motion. I cross-shoot two,

spinning around as I shoot another two through the forehead, before kicking one that launches himself

at me from behind.

The bullet hits him square in the chest

before I flip back, narrowly missing

getting shot.

I don’t stay in one place, grabbing one of the dead men from the floor and holding

him as a shield in front of me as I kill

every single man there. Save Web, who is trying to run, and when the last man drops dead, I throw the

dead body at him.

and the force slams Web to the floor.

“Not so fast, this is the end of the fucking line for you Web.” I growl, crossing the room, grabbing him by

the scruff of his neck and throwing him across the room.

He hits the wall and drops to the floor,


“No no! Listen to me Schurke, we have a code! You can’t kill me! If you do-”

“If I do, I’ll do the world a fucking favour.” I snarl, grabbing him by his collar and searching his pocket

with the other. I toss the knives and guns aside

and drop him to the ground, placing my foot on his chest.

“Now let’s fucking talk. Judah Gallahan, everything you know, I want to know, and you will not defy me

this time.” I growl, my eyes blazing. “Today there is no escape.”

I can sense his fear that has returned

with a vengeance. “Look I know noth-”

“Nothing will buy you time! Talk or I shoot.” I snarl warningly, shooting his leg to show him that I fucking

mean business.

“You are going to kill me either way, why should I talk?” He roars, his eyes flitting to the door.

I go down on one knee, my eyes are cold. ” Because you will fucking speak or I will give you a fucking

painful death.” I hiss, grabbing his hand. I crush it, making him scream in agony.

“Fine! Fine! He wants that woman of

yours! She is all he wants!” He yells,

clutching his crushed hand to his chest. 1

“Why?” I ask. He knew the answers, I fucking know that. This isn’t even about

what he knows, but about taking control

of those drugs and bullets.

“Because he needs her.” He says through gritted teeth, before letting out a groan of

pain as he tries to move his hand.

“More!” I hiss, kicking him.

I hate hitting a man who is fucking down, but this is a fucking exception.

‘We found a huge fucking stash of bullets,

Schurke, like fucking thousands, and if

these records are anything to go by, then J.G is the one who purchased them all. We find Judah, we

find the rest of the bullets.

Ace’s voice came.

‘Perfect. Destroy the fucking lot.’

‘And I burned the drugs.’ Jax added


‘We did.’ Dan corrected.

‘Good.’ Secure the area, either they submit or kill them.’ I command icily,

looking down at the man on the floor. I apply pressure to his chest.


“He needs her essence or something! I don’t know and I don’t fucking care! You are all monsters!”

“Then why help him?!” I growl.

“Because he promised me your Cartel!”

He spat.

That is fucking what this is about?

I frown in disgust. “If you wanted it, you should fucking fight for it yourself!” He fucking rambles on and

on, but my mind is on what he says. Essence, so it could be

as I assumed. He somehow knew what Azura is capable of… “What else do you know?”

He lets out a pained chuckle, trying to get

up, but he hisses, falling on his side. You’re going to die Schurke, you are going out! Tonight! What did

you think? That this isn’t part of his plan? Are you sure your home is safe? Are you sure your family is

safe?” He sneers. 4

A sliver of fear rushes through me, but I don’t let it show. “Don’t fucking worry, my pack is safe and

impenetrable.” I hiss.

He pauses, his heart rate calming before

he slowly turns his head toward me and

looks up at me. “From the outside…

maybe… you have brought your most trusted here Schurke Wolf… But tell me, is your home

impenetrable from within?”

His words send an ominous chill up my spine and I raise my gun, not wanting to hear any more of his


He smiles and shakes his head. “You have

a rat, Alpha Leo… Rossi.” He began

laughing manically, the sound ringing off the walls. My own heart is thudding, and I have had enough. I

raise my gun and shoot him through the forehead. His

body jolts once before it stills, and his

heart stops beating. 2

I pull my phone out, my heart only thundering faster, like a fucking galloping horse.

Rat…. Who… Fuck! 1

They are safe… I haven’t felt anyone in pain… Dad’s there… I try to tell myself.

I need to call Dad. None but the Five knew

of this mission… but if there is a rat then

he could be tipped off by Web, or it could be the other way around. If he’s within the Pack, perhaps he

is the one watching and spying on us… I take my phone out, pulling my glove off as I dial Dad’s

number. 1

Pick up the phone… come on…

“Leo, everything ok?” Dad’s voice came and I breathe a sigh of relief. He knew I was going to be off

pack grounds, but not where I was going.

“Get Azura and Corrado to the safe house

beneath the mansion. Now.”

“Leo, what’s going on?”

“I don’t know, maybe I’m being

paranoid, but Dad, please. Get them down


“That place hasn’t been entered in years,


“I don’t care. Get them out of bed and get

them down there as soon as possible. I’m

heading home.” I say, stepping over

Web’s dead body.

“Understood, Leo. Is there something

going on? What is it? The pack is safe.”

“I don’t know, there’s a traitor there,


“Anyone you don’t trust?”

“No idea, but there’s someone. I’m on

my way back. Get them to safety.”

“Don’t worry, son, I will protect them.” 6

I walk down the hall, shooting a few men

who try to attack, and I realise that the

thrill that I need to fucking feel alive once

came from situations like these… Now… it

was my family that gave me that thrill,

that reason to survive.

This shit is over.

I slow down, spotting a huge army of them approaching.

“GET HIM!” One of them roars.

I reload my guns, letting loose as I shoot them all down with no mercy. My mind

filled with unease.

‘It’s confirmed, Judah is one hundred percent after Azura. Web said that there’s a rat back home who

might make a

fucking move tonight. Burn this shit down. I’m heading back!’ I grunt as something impacts my

stomach, but one elbow jab and a kick to the head from me, followed by a sickening crunch, has the

man flying off me. His body hits the floor

like a rag doll.

I fight and shoot my way out of there as Jin replies. ‘Go, we’ll handle this. Li

Sheng and Ace will head back right behind you!’ 1

‘Cool.’ I get into my car, hitting the accelerator, fear rising within me.

I needed to talk to Azura…

“Call Baby Girl.” I command, 1

“Calling, Baby Girl.” The phone replies as

I shove in my earpiece. It rings, but no


She’s asleep, Leo… calm the fuck down… I tell myself.

My foot is fully slammed down on the pedal, the car going at full throttle.

‘Azura?’ I call through the link the

moment I am in range, but there is still

no reply.



What the fuck?

“Call Marcel.” I say, my voice almost a growl, as my wolf comes forward, ready to rip free and take


‘Dad!’ I shout through the link. Azura may be asleep, but Dad wasn’t.

But neither did he reply, nor did he pick

his phone up.

“FUCK!” I growl, hitting the brakes. I jump from the car, shifting and running as fast as I could through

the trees.



Panic begins to engulf me, and I mind link Winona. I was fucking grateful that despite her being unable

to shift, her wolf was present enough that she could mind


‘Winona! Can you fucking hear me?’


My heart is thundering in my ears, my fear and panic rising.

‘Eric!’ 1


I exhale, feeling relief flood me. “Thank fuck! Look, I can’t get through to Dad….’ I

trail off, as something comes to mind.

He is the only one who replied… 5

‘Oh? Do you want me to go over to the

mansion? I know it’s late, he must be

asleep.’ Eric replies. 1

Something Dad told me a week ago replays in my mind.


“Leo, did you find it strange how Eric, who is so soft-heart was able to pull the trigger on his brother?”

Dad says, pouring himself some coffee.

“No, compassion killing was practically a favour on Emmet.” I reply coldly, biting

into my apple.

Dad frowns, shaking his head. “I know… but there was no struggle. He did it with ease… Maybe I’m

overthinking it, but keep an eye on him.” 1

I nod, “Yeah I will…”


‘No need.’ I say, trying to mind link someone else, anyone but Eric. 1

A few men reply but my stomach twists. when I realise, they are all off-duty guards…

‘Get to the mansion, find Azura, Corrado, and Marcel.’ I command, but my mind is on something Azura

said weeks ago.

‘Eric texted… He was asking what time to

come down.’

How did he have Azura’s number?

‘Jin, Ace! Ask the others. Did any of you five give Eric Azura’s number?’ My heart is in my fucking

throat as I enter the Pack grounds, running through to the


‘No.’ Jin’s reply came,

‘Nope. On the phone now… Na, none of them did. Why?’ Ace’s strained voice


My head is pounding as I realise that Eric has a larger foot too… 2

‘Good luck Alpha, Luna.’ His words from the ceremony…

Eric didn’t know about my health issue, or what Azura was capable of…

The mansion comes into view, and I skid

to a stop looking at the doors that stand

wide open, making my stomach

plummet. The entire mansion is

blanketed in darkness.

‘Azura! Dad!’ I shout as I run inside. I’m

about to run up the steps when I hear

footsteps and I look up to see Eric

walking down the stairs.

“Alpha, I was just about to mind link.

There’s no one here.”

Anger erupts through me, raging within me like a fucking inferno. The force of my

aura, shattering the windows. An earth- trembling snarl rumbles through me when suddenly, the smell

of blood fills

my nose.

I look around sharply, frowning.

What is that?

Then I hear it, the faint beating of a heart, just as a drop of blood hits the

marble floor and my head shoots up, at

the same time a body drops from the


A menacing growl rips through me, and I catch the body before it hit the floor, lowering him to the floor.

For a moment, time seems to stop, my heart squeezing painfully as I stare at the bloody, mutilated

body of my father. Unrecognisable, save from his hair and

scent. 12

“Dad!” I shout, shifting back, as I drop to my knees, hearing his heartbeat ebb away

Anger and rage fill me with such

vengeance I want to fucking destroy the


“You are responsible for this!” I snarl, glaring at Eric, who simply stands there calmly. 15

But before he can even reply, severe pain rips through me and I fall forward onto all fours, an agonising

roar leaving my lips. Alarm bells ring in my head as terror like never before drowns me.

Azura. This pain is Azura’s. She’s in danger.

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And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 106 By Moonlight Muse story

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