Novel Name : Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 88

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87. Thrill


“Stay here.” I commanded Azura, taking hold of her arms and pressing her up against a pillar “I’ve got

your back.”

Jax nodded, turning his back to Azura as he stood guard.

Things had turned into a fucking mess.

I ran out from behind the pillar, reloading my gun as I shot two men dead, ducking behind a table

before reaching

Ace. Jin was by my side within seconds as we both pulled Ace up. He was bleeding profusely. “Get him

out of

here, now!” I commanded, dragging him behind the pillar along with Jin. “I’ll cover you.”

Jin nodded, shouldering Ace. He was still alive… which meant it wasn’t the bullets that

I turned, seeing one of my men fall to the ground, instantly dead.

My head snapped up, seeing the men in balaclavas and leather who were shooting wildly.” They’re


Unease settled into me as I saw Azura pale. She didn’t need to say it aloud, nor did I need to hear her

thoughts to

know these were Judah’s men.

I glanced at Azura. ‘Use the ring!‘

She nodded, sliding it off her finger. She twisted the top and tossed it out into the midst of the room.

Heavy smoke

filled the room, blanketing us, and for a few moments, the sound of gunshots lessened. ‘Now!‘ I

shouted through

the link to Jin as he nodded, running for the exit.

‘Web’s getting away! Shall I go after him?‘ Jax asked through the link. I could sense the irritation in his


I saw Li Sheng try to target Web, but he missed, cursing in frustration as a few of the hooded men

opened fire.

“Don’t risk it, they have the bullets! Clear out.” I growled, pressing my microphone on my collar. “I want

everyone to

clear the fuck out! Now.

“I’m taking Azura.” I added. If Judah was listening in and was the one who had initiated the attack, it

meant he was

here, but there wasn’t any way to find him right now. Plus the chaos would only make it riskier.

“We got what we needed from Web, as for the unfinished business between us… his time is fucking


I took hold of Azura’s wrist, sparks rushing through me before I ran out from behind the pillar. The

sound of

gunshots and shouts followed us as the smoke began easing up a little.

‘I’m out.‘ Jin’s breathless voice came.

‘Perfect. Jax, Li Sheng, get our men out and leave.‘ It might be fucking hypocritical of me, but I needed

Jin and

Ace gone first… they both had mates waiting for them at home… I didn’t want to see either of them in



We ran fast, ducking and dodging, pushing through the chaos, stopping when someone tried

to fire at us. Another dangerous shot came close, and I stopped, hiding behind another pillar and pulled


against me. I watched someone empty their gun at the wall ahead of us, a wall where we would have

been if I

didn’t pull us back. She locked her arm around my neck as another bullet narrowly missed us and hit

the pillar


“Fucking assholes. This is why I wanted you home.” I said to Azura arrogantly, as the man came

running over

towards us.

She rolled her eyes, shooting the attacker in the leg the moment he came into view. Far too fast for him

to even

react. He let out a howl of pain and another shot from me finished him off.

“Don’t underestimate me. I swear I don’t mind pulling the trigger as often as I need to.” She growled.

“Besides, I

can take care of myself. Remember my shield trick in there?” She added with a raised eyebrow.

Had to admit that shit did save us.

“Yeah, quick thinking on your part.” I murmured, kissing her neck. “Or should I say, acting on reflex,

because you

sure as fuck didn’t know you could do that shit.” 1

She frowned, pouting slightly, and I knew I was fucking right.

“Dick.” She muttered. “Don’t test me, Baby.“1

I smirked as I pulled her along as I headed for the side exit. From here it was still fucking far, although

Jax and Li

Sheng were covering us. I didn’t think we’d make it across so fucking easily. The door in question burst

open and I

instantly changed direction, heading for the stairs to the first floor. It was across the hall, though.

“Stop treating me like I’m incapable.” She snapped when I pushed her away

from the line of fire.

“I know you are capable, but I still don’t like you in danger, Beautiful.” I replied,

pushing her behind an upturned table as I shot a round of bullets at some men I

recognised as Web’s, who tried to block our path.

An explosion made the entire building shake, and I shielded Azura as parts of

the roof began falling down, shooting another round of bullets. I glanced up at

the chandelier as I reloaded my gun. I only had a few rounds left.

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Azura whispered. I exchanged looks with

her as we both targeted the light piece above. Me with my gun, and Azura took

out a knife that she had strapped to her thigh.

“Let’s bring it down.” I smirked, “Or let’s see you try. I hope you’re not rusty with

your target practice, Lola.”

She narrowed her eyes. “Oh, don’t try me before I show you exactly how good

my aim is.” She countered as I shot the chains above, damaging them, and she

threw her dagger. She had good aim. The throw was precise and held power.

The blade sliced through the chains as if they were made of butter. I narrowed

my eyes, seeing the faint light around the dagger. She had infused it with her

moon fire….

Fuck, she was getting a hang of her powers fast.

That’s my girl.

It came crashing down, the sparks of electricity and the sound of shattering

glass filled the air,

before plunging us all into darkness. I stood up, taking my girl’s hand and

tugged her towards the stairs. A few bullets came our way, but I covered her,

letting her lead, shielding her as I tossed another smoke bomb into the midst. I

just fucking hated how that shit messed with my own men, too, but there was

little we could do right now.

Once we were at the top, I pushed the door open slightly and pulled her out into

the narrow hall. I yanked her close as I headed down the hall. I needed to find a

window where we could jump from.

Glancing outside one of the windows to see exactly where we were, I saw we

were on the left side of the building. I pressed a button on my watch as I hurried

down the hall.

“Bring the entire place down. Make sure there’s nothing left.” I said through the

microphone. “Any sign of the shooter?”

“No Boss! There was no one on the roof. Surveillance didn’t catch anything ”

“Doesn’t matter. Anyone found out who Web met before the dinner?”

“Yes, and we have footage.” One of my men’s confident and pleased voice


“Perfect, send it to me.” I commanded as I slid the window open, flipping one leg

out and holding my hand to Azura. “We’re pretty high up. Hold on.”

She glanced down. “Piece of cake.”

smirked, “Yeah, but you’re pregnant. We don’t want any impact on the baby,

plus that bastard was smoking wolfsbane.”

She frowned, placing a hand on her stomach. “I guess you telling him to put it

out helped. I do feel a bit… tired.”

“Hmm… I think you coming into your power may have helped somewhat… it

could have been worse. That or it just wasn’t potent enough.” It was meant to be

a subtle poison to slow us down, but it had been far too less, only affecting

Azura a little.

Was that Judah’s idea? And if so, why did it feel so… bleak? Maybe it was the

Bastard Web’s idea, and he did his own petty little research and failed.


I could still hear shouting and gunshots, followed by a tremendous explosion.

They had begun bringing the building down. The distant sound of sirens and the

smell of fire soon reached my ears too.

I glanced out at the city in the distance, the glittering lights twinkling, the rush of

cold air in my hair, the approaching sirens… and when Azura slid a leg out the

window, I slid her close, kissing her softly.

These sounds… they gave me a thrill… the exhilaration of a showdown… the

taste of danger and risks… her here with me just made it even better…

When she locked her arms around me and her lips met mine in a deep kiss, I

could hear her heart pounding… But it wasn’t the sound of fear or worry, only


My girl loved the thrill as much as I did…

The perfect half to make me whole…

Snaking my arms tighter around her waist, I caressed her tongue with mine.

‘Ready?‘ I whispered through the link.

‘Ready.‘ She murmured, locking her legs around my waist.

I twisted, readying to take the plunge and gripped her tightly, before I jumped.

Our lips were still locked, as the wind rushed through our hair. I landed on my

feet, pulling away from her lips. A small gasp left her.

I turned to see my car was waiting for us just a few feet away.

“Automated?” She asked me as she slid to the ground.

I nodded, unlocking the doors. They slid up and just as I was getting Azura in; I

saw something move incredibly fast from the corner of my eyes. My instincts

screamed at me, and I jumped back, slamming the door shut. Just when the

shadowy figure hit the car on the other side, my finger hit the lock button. At

least she was safe.

“I thought you might show.” I growled. In a flash, I was around the car, slamming

the man away from the car. His back hit the ground and once again, I found

myself face to face with none other than Judah Gallahan.

He kicked me in the stomach, and I blocked, aiming my own kick at him, his

murky dull eyes widening as he tried to yank at the car door. I was certain he

wasn’t expecting me to get Azura into the car in time.

But the fucking question was, how the fuck to kill him? Sure, I had a feeling he

might show, and I had some shit in place, but none of that was of any use if we

didn’t know what the fuck he was.

‘Leo let me out, maybe I can help!‘ Azura’s voice came, her fear and panic vivid

in my mind.

‘No!’ There was no scope for a, maybe.

She was his target, and she would remain safe. I punched him across the face.

The aim was to kill. My claws were out, ready to tear him to shreds.

“You really don’t know what you’re messing with Leo Rossi.” He smiled coldly.

“So you should hand the Freak to me and let’s move on.”

I growled, slashing him across the face, only for him to lunge out at me. I wasn’t

going to waste time arguing with him.

‘Judah’s here.‘ I said through the link to Jax and Li Sheng.

‘Fuck! Coming!‘ Jax growled.

“Isn’t it a coincidence that our paths have become intermingled?” I spat as I ripped through his chest,

but he

jumped back in time, his eyes flashing as he glared at the car behind me.

Too bad for him that car was not only bulletproof but practically indestructible.

We fought as he tried to gain the upper hand. I felt the pain within me spread like white–hot fire as I

pushed my

body to its limit. Kicking him in the chest, I pulled the trigger of my gun, emptying all the shots into him.

He simply

laughed sadistically as he jumped up, rushing to the car, trying to rip through it.

“Get out!” He roared, slamming his fists against the window

I grabbed him from behind, throwing him to the ground, when he turned, his eyes were full of rage as I

tried to

snap his head. He slammed me back with immense power, and my head hit the stone ground.

“She’s mine!” He shouted. His eyes looked manic, his otherwise calm voice sounding deranged as he


himself on top of me. I slammed my knee into his back.

“Na, she’s fucking mine.” I shot back, rolling us over and smashing his head into the ground

He let out a humourless chuckle as blood dripped from the back of his skull. “No, she’s not She loved

me first and

gave me her all. She promised to be mine. One way or another, she will come back to me. Just you


I tried to grab his throat, only for him to block. I could taste blood in my mouth, my worry going to

Azura, who I

knew would be feeling my pain. I could sense her panic and anger as she tried to free herself from the


Her worry that something will happen to me filled my mind.

“She fucking won’t.” I growled; my claws grazed his chest once more

I heard shouting before Judah was tasered from behind and I kicked him off to see Li Sheng holding

the taser. His

eyes flashed as he kicked Li Shen off him, jumping to his feet. He turned and then he was gone in a

blur of smoke.

Just like that, no scent, no direction of which way he went… it was as if he just vanished..

I got to my feet and ran to the car. Unlocking it I looked at Azura who was staring at me, her eyes wide,

her mask

was gone, her heart thundering with fear as she stared up at me.

“Baby- “I was cut off by a sharp slap across the face, shocking me. Her chest was heaving with

blistering anger.

I heard a shocked snicker from behind me, and I knew it was Jax without turning. Dick

“You asshole.” She hissed before flinging her arms around me.

I raised my eyebrow, hugging her back and as much as I wanted to hold her forever, I needed to get

her to safety.


“Move out!” I commanded the others, before moving back and shutting the door. I scanned the area

once more. I

had to do it.

Walking around the car, I opened the driver’s door and pressed my microphone. I took a deep breath.

“Activate the

fences in ten.”

“On it!” someone replied as I got in the car, driving towards the gates at blinding speed.

Seven… five… three..: one.

I had just passed through the gates, my heart racing as the blinding blue light shot into the sky.

Powerful enough to

kill anyone in contact. ‘Keep the barrier up for a few minutes… if there’s no sign of the Bastard, let it go.

Jax, send

his location to all parties tracking him, including Alejandro.‘


Cutting the link, I drove faster; through the rear–view mirror, I saw the venue go up in flames,

illuminating the night sky.


I saw the fence come down and Jax’s sigh of defeat.

‘We lost him.”

‘It’s fine, we got some answers from Web. That was the aim for tonight.‘

But there was one issue that needed dealing with and that was the blazing silver–eyed woman that was

sitting by

my side, glaring at me with burning fury. Seems the slap in rage earlier wasn’t enough. Her chest was

heaving as

she glared at me with such wrath that for a moment I saw Scarlett Westwood, not Azura, glaring back

at me.1

Azura may not be Scarlett’s biological daughter, but she was more like her than Kiara, and right now,

that rage was

channelled directly at me. 2

Well fuck. 1

[HOT]Read novel Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire Alpha Leo

And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 88

Novel Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire has been published to Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire

Chapter 88 with new, unexpected details. It can be said that the author Moonlight Muse invested in

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Chapter 88, I left my sad, but gentle but very deep. Let's read now Alpha Leo And The Heart Of

Fire Chapter 88 and the next chapters of Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire series at Good Novel

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