Novel Name : Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire Chapter 127

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127. Epilogue


Over one year later...

“Phinie! Come here, come on!” Corrado says, holding his arms out to a fifteen- month-old Phoenix.

She giggles and toddles over to him. She’s been walking for about four months now and she’s a right

little madam. Her dark hair shines under the sun. It may not be as black as mine but it’s equally glossy

and straight. As for her eyes, they are a mix of mine and Leo's, not as light as his and not as bright as

mine, but a gorgeous blue that reminds me of a clear blue summer sky.

I lean back against the tree trunk, enjoying the shade of the tree from the heat. A picnic sits in front of

us with the double pushchair for the twins next to me. My hair’s up in a messy bun or as messy as it

can get with my hair, and I’m wearing shorts and a sheer oversized top that shows off my bra


Life’s been great, since I stopped breastfeeding Phoenix. I’m working alongside my Luna duties, I even

get to go out of the pack on training or on jobs, although Leo won't let me go overnight alone, unless

he’s with me and honestly, I actually prefer it. I mean, I can’t sleep without a climb on that ladder of his.

He now turns and looks at me, my sexy irresistible Wolf. He winks at me and my core clenches.

Yeah, I’m still shit with my walls, but I really don’t care. We don’t have secrets from one another. He

looks like a damn gorgeous sex god in that white shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and

black pants that only make those muscular legs look tantalising. He’s standing there, carrying the twins

in his arms as he rocks them gently. They're four months old now and they are so damn cute. They're

almost identical, with light brown hair and large chocolate brown eyes.

Two little princesses, and although Leo had initially been stunned when he learned about them, if you

look at the trio now, you can see the immense love he has for them. His phone rings and I look over at


“It's Alejandro.” I say as he walks over to me and carefully places the twins down on the blanket that

covers the floor in front of us. He takes hold of my chin, kissing my lips before taking the call.


“Is that how you fucking answer a call?”

“Yeah, what the fuck do you want?”

These two...

I smile as I snuggle into my man, although I want to do a lot more than that, and I lean up kissing his

neck softly.

“Did you manage to check the reports I sent you?” Alejandro’s voice is serious again.

Leo frowns. “I did. I have a few suggestions that I'll send over to you before midnight tonight. I would

recommend clearing those areas out until we know what’s going on.”

“I was thinking the same, but without proof

“We may not get proof; you need to have the place cleared before the damage is far worse. I can book

out whatever rooms we need at any of my hotels for those who will be displaced and I’m sure the Rossi

Hotels have plenty of fucking space too.”

“True, I think I’ll mention that to the council ... Still don’t want to be a part of the council?”

“I already know all the shit that’s going on. Why would I waste my time listening to a group of Alpha

males, with far too much ego and anger?” He asks arrogantly.

Alejandro chuckles. “Those Alphas always want to know what you recommend.”

“I would have thought that you wouldn’t need me, I’m fucking sure now that your daughter’s found her

ma-” 1

“Don't go there.” Alejandro growls and I smile. That topic is still a little touchy with him. 12


Now that is a story that I could tell you... but then again, it would take me quite a while. I think that’s a

story for another day.

“I'm here when you need advice Alejandro, but I am not joining the council. Let me enjoy my life with

my woman and family.”

“Can't argue with that one.” Alejandro says, before Leo hangs up and tosses the phone to the ground.

I look up at him, and he wraps his arms around my shoulders, kissing my neck.

Leo... things have changed a lot. Although Leo is still part of his Cartel, it’s no longer what it used to be.

Now, more of an organisation that really only protects those who are vulnerable and need support as

well as keeping an eye and control over the other smaller organisations.

LHR group of companies rose fast and hard, branching out in several areas, including the supernatural

media and the internet.He even opened his own tech company, which works with security and training

equipment, and machinery that is armed with impressive gadgets. He had opened his own laboratories

to do research on poisons, remedies and more.

One of his greatest achievements is the selling of the healing serum, which is now being mass-

produced in a lab. The serum is purchased from packs all across the country. LHR group is a multi-

billionaire company that is rivalling the Rossi and Arden empires.

From the shadows, he rose, and became a true force to be reckoned with. Everyone knows who Leo

Rossi is and he has gained recognition and respect from many.

My man is still smashing targets and reaching new heights. He is, and always will be a true king.

“Enough with the praises.” He says, “How did we even get stuck with all the kids today?”

“Well, everyone needs some alone time right? So I offered, since we’re the ones bailing most of the

time.” I say, running my hand up his thigh. “Besides, they are all behaving so well.” I look over at

Phoenix and Corrado, who are now eating the sliced strawberries.

“Fair enough.” He says, about to lean over and kiss me, when one of the twins begins.crying. I snicker

as Leo sighs and I sit up, picking Jackie up. As if on cue her twin starts crying too and Leo picks her up.

Jackie... it's the perfect name for this cupid, just as Leona goes nicely with Leo.

Phoenix watches us for a moment, pausing her strawberry eating and frowns before she climbs into

Corrado’s lap.

“It's ok Phinie.” He says, rocking her and handing her another sliced piece of strawberry. She shoves it

into her mouth and casts us one last look before turning back to Corrado and snatching the second

piece of strawberry that he had been about to eat himself.

It's peaceful, the heartbeat of these pups, the rippling of the water in the pond, the rustle of the leaves

in the trees and the wind in the grass... the occasional chirping of a bird or squirrel...

So calming....

I close my eyes for a moment basking in the warmth of the sunshine before I sense Leo watching me

and open my eyes.

He stands up. “Come on guys, let’s go for a round.” He holds his hand out to me and hoists me up.

His arm snakes around me, the other still holding Leona in his other arm. “Tonight, it’s just you and I.”

“Deal.” I say, sticking my tongue out slowly and closing my eyes when he flicks it with his own, before

taking it in his mouth and kissing me deeply. I sigh softly, biting back a moan.

“Yucky!” Corrado says, before snickering.

“Yuck!” Phoenix imitates him.

Ah, that’s one thing that’s changed. Corrado doesn't find our kisses as sweet as he once did. Now

we're just the parents he does not want to see kissing, but even then he loves us dearly. I feel like he’s

been with me for forever.

I pull away and Leo and I walk over to the two. I hold my hand out to Corrado as Leo hoists Phoenix up

into his arms, kissing her cheek.

“Dada!” She says kissing him. She reaches over, patting Leona’s face as we all walk along slowly.

“I want to feed the ducks!” Corrado says.

I nod as we walk towards the large pond that holds a few ducks. We're in the human city, just enjoying

some time at one of the local parks. It’s nice to sometimes just get away and be among humans, where

we are just another family, not the Alpha’s family.

“Nothing wrong with being the Alpha’s family.” Leo remarks, sounding damn sexy.

Leona starts crying and he kisses her, rocking her slightly.

I smirk. Yeah, maybe... but there isn’t anything I could ever keep from him. I watch him crouch down in

front of the pond, letting the girls attempt to reach for the ducks as I hold Jackie, who is dozing off. I

rock her gently, watching the others, my mind drifting to a conversation I had with

Dante many months ago...


There has to be a price for healing...” I say quietly. It's a Blood Moon and I'm standing there with my

wings of fire and my aura swirling around me.

Kiara, Alejandro, and Leo had all been there too, and they had all been musing over it but it was the

flicker of guilt and sadness in Dante’s eyes that captured my attention, forcing me to push him for

answers the moment we were alone.

“It's... there is a price, My Temperamental Miracle... there is always a cost for power.” He says looking

out at the Blood Moon.

“What is it? You know the answer.’

“If I tell you, it will just cause conflict... because I know what you'd do and what he would want...” He

says quietly.

“I won't tell Leo... is it that bad?” I will probably tell Leo we don’t really have secrets.

He seems to hesitate, but after a few moments agrees. “Every time you use your gift, you will shorten

your lifespan... When the last sliver of your wings burn away, you will die.” His words are deep, holding

so much emotion and power that for a moment

I feel as if the revelation cripples me. “The more you heal, the faster you will use up your life source.”

It makes sense...


I shake my head and give him a gentle smile. “I’m ok, I was given this life as a gift, and I'll cherish it and

use my powers to help those who truly need it... I won’t be reckless though, it'll be fine.”

“Even Mama can't heal your life source, Azura. This is real.” He’s solemn, and I know he hates this, but

I don’t regret anything. If I had to give up a part of my lifespan for Leo to live, I’d do it ten times over...

And although I would happily use these powers to heal others, I know that Leo would never let me use

them if he knew the cost...

“So that’s the price.”

My heart skips a beat as we both turn to see Leo standing in the doorway. He closes the gap between

us, pulling me into his arms. His face is hard and emotionless, but his heart is thundering violently.

“You will not use it unless it’s absolutely necessary.” He says quietly, making my heart squeeze as he

kisses my lips softly.

‘You won't stop me from using it completely?’ I ask through the mind link as I cup his face, and he

presses his forehead against mine.

‘No, because you are your own decision maker... How can I be selfish and stop you without even

knowing what the future may hold, or who may need your help... I just hope the need never arises. I

need you by my side, Baby Girl, now and forever.’

And at that moment, I fell a little harder for him...


“What's on your mind?” He asks me and I smile softly, realising that for once I had my walls up.

“You.” I say as he stands up, towering over

Our eyes meet and he smirks faintly, leaning down, he claims my lips in a sizzling kiss that makes my

entire body ignite with pleasure.

I may be the Heart of Fire, but Leo is the one with the heart of gold. From the Pack members to his

family, and friends, to

Shane Jr, and Mishiko and Jin’s daughter Ai, he’s there for them all.

But you know... then again, this is Leo. Someone who has risen and become the best version of

himself. A loving mate, the best father, a caring son, an excellent friend, and a true Alpha.

Because, when Leo Rossi loves, he truly,loves deeply...

Read Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire - the best

manga of 2020

Of the Moonlight Muse stories I have ever read, perhaps the most impressive thing is Alpha Leo

and the Heart of Fire. The story is too good, leaving me with many doubts. Currently the manga has

been translated to Chapter 127. Let's read now the author's Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Moonlight Muse story right here


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