Novel Name : Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 31

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31. Crepes with Corrado


The door shut behind Leo, and I let out the breath I was holding. It was weird. I didn‘t know if I preferred

him in the suit that he was wearing last night, his leather jacket, or in those sweatpants... 4 Fuck, this

guy was far sexier than he should even be allowed to be. I missed my own workouts, but being

pregnant and with everything going on I had fallen behind. I know that training during pregnancy is fine,

as long as you don‘t put any frontal impact on the stomach. “Let‘s eat Azura, Daddy makes the best

food.” Corrado declared, drawing me out of my thoughts.

Leo made these...

I didn‘t even know what to think as I sat down, my heart still racing from the way he had brushed my

arm on purpose.

What does he want from me? 2

I looked at the plate in front of me, crepes folded into triangles drizzled with Nutella, a dusting of icing

sugar, and strawberries on top. So aesthetically pleasing. This plate looked almost as good as Leo did.


“Oh, it looks very yummy!” I exclaimed, smiling at the gorgeous little devil sitting there, smiling sweetly.


“It is, and Daddy even made it look nicer today. I think for you.” He added thoughtfully, making my heart

skip another beat. 4

“Hmm, he was probably worried that I could make better crepes than he can.” I teased.

“Oh no, Daddy knows Azura can‘t cook.” 4

Thanks kid. 2

“And you like to make that clear huh.” I teased as I took my first bite. He grinned and nodded. “Oh,

these are good.” I had to admit it because they were perfect.

Damn, I could get used to this...

No, I can‘t because he‘s not mine. I wouldn‘t lie, the way he had spoken to me last night had remained

in my mind. He wasn‘t a bad person, well aside from being a dick. “You‘re very lucky Azura, Daddy only

cooks for me, but he cooked for you too.” Corrado said, watching me eat. 2 I poured us both a glass of

milk, each placing his next to him. “I sure am lucky, so what else can your Daddy do?” I asked, resting

my chin on my knuckles. Aside from being deadly sexy, being incredible in bed and stop it Azura.

31 Crépes with Corrado

“He is good at everything! He is the best Daddy in the world! He always takes care of everyone; he is

my hero!” His eyes sparkled with light and hope. 2 It was obvious that Leo wasn‘t lacking when it came

to being a father... I wonder where Corrado‘s mama was... Did Leo let him see her? Or was he keeping

him away from her? Or did something happen to her?

I pushed the thoughts away placing a hand on my stomach slowly. “Oh, I‘m sure he is an incredible

Daddy.” I replied, giving him a small smile. The fact that he even left him with me all alone, from the

point he didn‘t even allow me to be with him around Winona… was a big change. “Yes, and I think he‘s

very sad now.” He added, sighing.

“Sad?” I asked curiously.

He nodded as I picked up my glass.

“He broke up with Nikki, so he‘s all alone now.”

My heart thundered as I froze.

He broke up with Nikki? I didn‘t want to be one of those people who asked kids for answers, but... “Oh,

how do you know?” I asked, feeling a tad guilty.

He looked at me as if I was asking a silly question.

“I know everything. She and Jackie were packing her stuff, she was crying, and saying Daddy broke up

with her.” He finished off his pancakes and licked his lips. I grabbed a tissue and wiped his face. “Oh.

Are you ok?“.

I didn‘t know what to say... How do I react to that? Were they not in a committed relationship?

What had caused him to break up with her? Was it because of me? Who was I kidding? Leo wouldn‘t

choose me over her.

But this did mean Leo was now single... 2

Don‘t go there, Azura.

“Yes, I‘m ok, Nikki didn‘t really spend time with me, so it‘s ok! I‘m just sad for Daddy, so sad.” Corrado

sighed, watching me pointedly. “Will you be Daddy‘s girlfriend please?” 13 I blinked as I stared at him,

taking a few seconds to comprehend what he had just said. “I don‘t think that‘s for us to decide.

Besides your Daddy and me... we...” I shook my head, unable to explain myself, and he simply looked

disappointed. “Ooh, let‘s have a race! Who can eat faster!

I was able to distract him quickly. After we devoured our crepes, I washed up before putting the TV on

for him, telling him I was going to quickly get ready. He nodded, and I got dressed superfast in a white

vest top with leather pants, not sure if he was safe to be in a room alone.


I don‘t trust kids... If they are alone for even a minute, they can wreak havoc. Trust me, I‘ve been there.

Surprisingly, when I came back, he was sitting where I had left him and everything was in order

After that, we played tag in the apartment before having a pillow fight. I loved kids, and Corrado was a

pretty well–behaved kid, but I knew if taught well he’d be up to lots of mischief! We had a lot of fun. He

was just adorable. By the time we were done, the apartment looked like it had been hit by a tornado,

but it was worth it. Corrado‘s laughter had been contagious, and it took my mind off everything I was


A knock on the door made us finally get up from the pile of cushions that we had been lying on as he

tried to tickle me.

I went to the door, pulling it open to reveal none other than Leo, one who was glistening with sweat,

pouring water into his mouth from a water bottle. 1

For a moment time seemed to stand still as I simply stared at his gorgeous brown locks that were

falling in front of his forehead. From his broad shoulders, his lats and traps were as defined as ever. His

shirt clung to his narrow waist and deliciously defined abs. Then there was the front of those sexy

sweatpants that

He cleared his throat, and I felt my cheeks heat up when he snapped his fingers in front of my face. 1

“I‘m here for Corrado, if you aren‘t busy enjoying the view, how about you call him?” He mocked

arrogantly. 1

“Na, I was just wondering how you weren‘t even blessed with one good feature. I‘ll call him.” I lied,

hoping I was convincing enough. 31 The reminder that he had broken up with Nikki returned to my

mind and I forced it away. He stepped closer raising an eyebrow when he placed a finger under my

chin. My heart thundered and I couldn‘t ignore the tingles that rushed through me.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?”

“Nothing.” I managed to say, realising I had spaced again.

He narrowed his eyes, searching my eyes for an answer he wouldn‘t get.

“Corrado?” He called, looking away from me.

“Corrado isn‘t here.” Corrado‘s voice came, and I could help but smile.

This kid was damn cute.

“Well, I was planning to take Corrado out for dinner tonight and a movie tonight. It seems like he

doesn‘t want–”

“I‘m here! I‘m here!” Corrado came running. 1

His eyes were shining with excitement. “You mean you‘ll spend the full evening with me?!” He asked

with barely contained anticipation.

“Yeah I am, if of course, you want to?” Leo raised an eyebrow, and Corrado nodded. “Oh yes please

Daddy, I always like spending time with you!” He grabbed Leo‘s hand and smiled at me. “Thank you,

Azura. I had lots of fun today.” I smiled at him, crouching down and planting a kiss on his forehead. “I

had lots of fun too.” I replied, poking his little dimple, only to be rewarded with a bigger smile.

I suddenly felt overwhelmed with emotions. This was my pup‘s sibling... I looked up at Leo only to

realise I was pretty much level with his dick and smoothly stood up trying not to think of anything

explicit. “The crepes were pretty nice.” I found myself saying. “They were pretty basic.” Came Leo‘s

cold reply before he led Corrado away. Once they were gone, I closed the door, looking around my

apartment. Well, I guess I should clean up...

A few hours later, Winona had come with lunch, and I wasn‘t going to complain considering everything

she brought was delicious. I was falling asleep on the sofa when I heard a knock at the door.

Who was it now?

I walked to the door, fixing the strap of my bra as I opened the door, only to be hit by none other than

Leo‘s intoxicating scent. Our eyes met and he brushed past me not even waiting for an invitation.

“Sure, why not just come in without an invitation.” I remarked, shutting the door, Leo turned towards

me, totally unbothered by my remark. He was dressed semi–formal, in black jeans, with a smart white

shirt that had its sleeves pushed up and a few buttons showing the necklaces that hung around his


“I already did.” He shot back arrogantly.

I frowned about to respond when he held out a phone.

I raised my eyebrow as I took it slowly.

“You can call your friends and family, that bastard will not be able to contact you. To make sure he

doesn‘t even trace this back to you, the only numbers that can contact you are those on the phone

already.” He said as I stared down at the device. “The password is the same as your last phone.”

“I‘ll be changing it.” I stated.

Like hell, I would allow him to know my password... although I had a feeling a password wasn‘t enough

to keep him out of it.

“Go ahead.”

Our eyes met, and that intense silence fell over us. Fuck, there was no Corrado here to distract

me either.

“So I–”

“I wanted to–” He said at the same time. We stared at each other, before he looked away for a second.

“Uh, you can go first,” I said, running my fingers through my hair. “No it‘s ok, what did you want to say?”

He asked.

What did I want to say??

“I‘ve forgotten.” 1

He raised an eyebrow as he closed the gap between us, and I slowly stepped back, trying not to focus

on how good he looked. “You really are crazy.” “Yeah, I am, and am proud to be.” I shot back, giving

him a withering glare. “Do you always have your claws raised to attack?” He asked mockingly.

“Oh yeah, I‘m ready to bite if I have to. So back off, ever heard of personal space?” I frowned as my

ass touched the counter.

His eyebrow seemed to go up higher as he looked down between us, and I realised he had stopped

two feet away...

“I think this is pretty sufficient... it would be a different story if I was closer.” His voice was low and

dangerous, and when he stepped closer, I felt like I couldn‘t breathe. My heart thumped when he

placed his hands on either side of the countertop, his arms brushing my waist.

Oh goddess, what was he doing? “What did you want to say?” I asked, staring at him defiantly and

trying not to focus on the fact that he had me trapped once more, and the way I could feel his body


Focus Azura.

My words seemed to bring him back to reality, and he now frowned. Despite not moving back, his eyes

were sharp as they looked directly into mine. “I spoke to Emmet who denied it. Strangely, I couldn‘t

differentiate whether he was lying or telling the truth.”

Did that mean he didn‘t believe me? No! Emmet practically admitted to me that he had hit her and that I

should mind my own business! I was about to speak when he placed his thumb against my lips, his

fingers curling under my chin, making my core clench. 1 “Let me finish.”

I nodded slowly, very aware of his finger against my lips.

“I then spoke to Jackie, who unlike Emmet isn‘t really good at lying. There is something going on

between them, and I will get to the bottom of it. For now, I‘ve removed Emmet from the position of Delta

until I look into this properly. I need Jackie to speak before I can do anything, but rest assured I will not

let anyone get away with abuse.” Every word he spoke was affecting me, he didn‘t need to explain this

to me. Yet here he was explaining it all to me and I sure as hell appreciated it. I nodded, his finger was

still on my lips and when I parted them to speak, his finger brushed down my lower lip before he

removed his hand, making me swallow. His eyes flashed when I licked my lips and I looked down,

staring at his neck rather than those piercing eyes. “I... Thanks for letting me know. You didn‘t need to

and I actually appreciate it.” I replied, my throat felt far too dry, and it suddenly felt too hot in here. “I

also wanted to apologise.” He murmured, frowning deeply. Apologise? I looked up sharply as he stood

straight and stepped back. “For?” I asked.


“For overreacting when I found you spent time with Corrado. Not only did I hurt you, but I abused my

position as someone who is stronger “Oh please, I did equal damage.” I scoffed. “I‘m just as strong as

you.” Was he actually apologising? What the hell had he eaten? Wait, was he drunk or something?

Something was up... This was too suspicious... “Yeah sure.” He replied in a tone that made it clear he

didn‘t think so. I crossed my arms now, looking at him defiantly. “Wana try me?” I challenged. “I already

did.” Came his cocky reply. 2 Our eyes met, my eyes widening in surprise and my core knotted. Oh,

this guy was totally messing with my head...

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