Novel Name : Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 21

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21. Flames of Destruction AZURA. Shit. No. Do I tell Leo? I was trying to calm my racing heart, what do

I do? The firstthing that came to my mind was to ask him to stop at the service station and get away

from him, but I had to think about my baby.

Doing that would not only risk me, but the baby too.

"Who was the message from?" Leo's voice snapped me from my thoughts, making my breath hitch at

his question.

He was watching me intensely.

His piercing eyes seemed to be peering into my soul.

"One of my girls." I found myself lying, as I gazed out of the side mirror trying to see behindus.

Only the glaring headlights of a car could be seen.

3 Was that him? Was he close? Would he try something? I was putting Leo at risk as well ifI didn't tell


What should I do? 2 "Oh yeah? Stop lying Azura.

Are you going to keep hiding it from me?" "I'm not hiding anything…” I was struggling.

Why should I tell him? 1 I know why I didn’t want to…

because I wasn't ready for him to tell me he didn’t care…

But maybe the mate bond would make him feel something? Yet I still wasn’t convinced …

“My patience is fucking wearing thin.

Tell me the truth, because for the last fifteen minutes we’ve been followed, and I fucking assure you, it’s

not one of my enemies.” 2 Followed.

"Have we?" I asked, my heart thudding as I did my all not to press my hand againstmy stomach


"You've been too distracted to even notice, but I've taken several detours, yet that black McLaren has

continued to fucking follow.

So, either you tell me the fucking truth now, or I will fucking stop this car and deal with this shit my way,

no questionsasked." He almost growled, his eyes flashing a steely blue.

“No.” I said, grabbing hold of his arm.

Judah had weapons that killed instantly…

if he used something on Leo…

Just the thought of him getting hurt terrified me.

Although he pissed me off, I couldn't let anyone get hurt because of me, and especially whenhe had

Corrado waiting for him at home.

“Then start talking.” He threatened icily.

Our eyes met, before I looked away, not wanting to appear as vulnerable as I felt, and ranmy other

hand through my hair trying to word a sentence.

"It was from my ex." I began hesitantly, daring not to look at him, but I felt hisaura fill the car.


"Is he the one who was there the day I found you?” He cut in, his voicewas menacing, although I could

tell he was trying to control his anger.

My stomach twisted.

Fuck, why was he so pissed? "Yeah." I murmured, now daring to look at Leo, realising I was still

holding his arm.

I was about to remove it, but the look in his eyes told me pissed was an understatement.

Didn't the touch of a mate calm a person? Well, I didn’t want him to fucking blow, and even if I wasn’t

sure howwell our broken bond would work, I kept my hand on him praying it calmer him even a little.

I shouldn’t have lied to him.

Fuck, now he was pissed at me and I had no where to run to.

"And he's the one you're running from." It was a statement not a question, so I stayed quiet.

"When I asked you to tell me, you fucking should have.” He said dangerously, and I could seehe was

driving faster, way too fast...

The cars around us were a blur, and when he turned, taking a side road, darkness falling over us,

Iknew we were no longer on the right track.

He had taken a detour on purpose.

“Leo, he’s dangerous.

This has nothing to do with you, I will deal with him, just drop me to Alejandro’s pack and walk away.

He's not someone to mess with." I warned, not liking the speed we were driving at.

One wrong move and we’d crash.

He turned those piercing blue eyes on me and my head was screaming at me totell him to watch the

road ahead.

"Leo keep your eyes-" "Here's a news flash little she-wolf; if you think that he isn’t someone to be

messed with,then you really have no fucking idea who I am.

He just fucked with the wrong fucking wolf.” .

Fuck, why did that sound so sexy and comforting? Wrong time, Azura..

"Leo, I get that you are the big bad wolf, but there’s something weird about Judah …

Fuck, it's complicated." "Why haven't you told anyone? Aren't you a goddamn Westwood?” Our eyes

metfor a second, then his gaze flickered to my hand on his arm.

I quickly removed it, feeling an odd hollowness inside at the loss of contact.

It was weird…

“I don’t need others to fight my battles…


I've done stuff, and if they find out shit's going to hit the fan.

Besides, Judah has some stuff on me." I explained quietly, it felt oddly good telling someone about it,

although I neverthought Leo would be that person.

Speaking out made the weight that burdened me lift a little and my chest feel lighter.

“What kind of stuff?” He asked icily.

I could see that the car behind us was literally tailgating us, it was too fucking close, and Leo’s anger

was rising with each passing second.

I wasn't sure if it was because of me or the car behind us, but it was almost suffocating in this car.

"I killed someone, I didn't mean to but I did, and then he forced me to help get ridof the body after I

came to..." I replied quietly, remembering after he had I swallowed hard, pushing the painful memories

away and focusing on the present.

“He also…”

It was hard to talk about it.

I was meant to tell Alejandro and prepare myself for the words, but here I was spilling itall to Leo, when

he would just drop me off and leave.

So why was I even telling him? "Continue..." The videos.

I needed to tell him about those.

I took a deep breath, just the memory of fucking Judah made me sick.

How did I ever fall for such a sicko? "He has explicit videos of me that he’s threatening torelease on the

net if I don't do as he wishes." Suddenly Leo turned the steering wheel violently to the left and I was

thrown into him, unable to stop the scream that left my lips as I heard something being fired outside

hitting the side mirror.

His eyes were blazing steel blue as the car spun violently at his move, just as I saw an explosion go

offthrough the window.

One that I knew was meant for us.

I clung to his arm, as the spinning motion of the car made me sick.

I felt his arm reach over, pressing against my chest and holding me against my seat as thecar

careened in circles.

The smell of something burning and the intense screeching overwhelmed me, and sparks filled the sky


“Bastard.” Leo growled, letting go of me.

He reached for the glove compartment, taking out a gun and switching the steering wheel to his left

hand,as he lowered the window, and shot a round of bullets at something behind us.

1 The sound of shattering glass, fire and screeching metal echoed in my mind.

The sound triggered me, and memories of long ago flashed through my mind.

I heard the sound of something crashing, I had no idea what was going on, and when the carfinally

came to a stop, he loaded his gun once again.

My heart thundered as I realised he was about to get out.

"Don't." I said, still feeling nauseous, my heart still pounding and my hands shaking.

I couldn’t let him die, he had a son.

"This is my battle." "He fucking just made it mine too.

Stay in the car." He got out of the car, and I was about to follow him, only for the doors tolock.

“Leo! He’s dangerous!” I shouted.


I knew Leo wasn’t weak, but still…

I looked around searching for the unlock button.

My heart thumped in relief when I spotted it and frantically pressed it and clambered out of the car just

in time to see Leo ripped thedoor of the Mclaren off its hinges.

"Fuck!" He growled, kicking the flaming wreck, making it fly a few feet into the air before it hit the

ground with a loud crash, before it explodedinto smithereens.

I shielded my face as flying pieces of debris filled the air, looking at Leo through squinted eyes.

With the flames creating a backdrop behind him, he walked towards me, gun in hand.

3 He looked around, scanning the area before his cold eyes met mine.

"I locked the doors for a reason." He grabbed hold of my elbow and opened the door, pushing me into

my seat before swiftly walking around tothe other side and getting in.

"Phone." "Why do you-" "For fucks sake, do what you're told!” “News flash! I don’t do.” I wascut off

when he leaned over and grabbed my phone from the floor.

"Password." I clenched my jaw but I knew better than to argue when Judah might be lurking close by

“Six sixes.” 4 He raised an eyebrow, unlocking thedevice and going to the last text.

His eyes flashed as he read the message, before he texted something back and tossed the phone onto

the floor.

"We're going back to my Pack." "What?" I asked, my heart skipping a beat.

“You heard me.

I'm taking you back to the Sangue Pack." "Leo, no." I couldn’t go there, being around him was fucking

me over.

I was constantly fighting my emotions, but it was hurting, seeing him with Nikki…

knowing that he wasn’t mine.

I couldn't stay there any longer than I already had.

"You don't have a fucking choice, plus this was why you were going to Alejandro, right? To askfor his

help? I can do a better job, I'm far more experienced in hacking than he is.

I will retrieve those videos he has, and I'll kill the fucking bastard, who cares about consequences.”


Drop me at Alejandro’s Pack.

I can't go back with you!" I argued, my heart pounding.

I felt so sick, and his words were messing me up.

He began driving back the way we had come, my mind reeling with what had just happened.

"Leo, please!" "No." "Leo! I don't want to go back with you! Let me the fuck out! I willhandle this! This

isn't your issue." He ignored me, only making my anger rise.

"LEO!" The car screeched to a stop on the narrow country road, and he turned hisblazing eyes on me.

Reaching over, he grabbed hold of my neck and leaned closer to me.

My own eyes burned silver as we stared into each other’s eyes.

Our hearts were racing, and I tried not to let his scent get to me.

Didn't he fucking get that it was this exact connection that I was fucking scared of? “I’m not giving you a

fucking choice,end of discussion.

We are returning to the Sangue Pack." o His gaze trailed over me for a split second, but then he

pulledaway, hitting the gas and zooming into the darkness.


Deep down, I was scared for the truth to come out.

I knew Leo would deal with him without caring for the laws of the king andthe court of Selene, but...

going back to his pack was so hard…

It was getting tougher to be around him, without the bond playing up, and I knew I wouldn’t be able to

reject him.

Even fuelled by anger, I hadn't managed to when I tried.

The words seemed to get stuck in my throat.

I ran my fingers through my hair, before reaching down and picking up my phone.

Unlocking it, I stared at the message Leo had texted back.

You just made this fucking personal, and Schurke Wolf forgives no one.

[HOT]Read novel Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire Alpha Leo

And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 21

Novel Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire has been published to Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire

Chapter 21 with new, unexpected details. It can be said that the author Moonlight Muse invested in

the Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire is too heartfelt. After reading Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire

Chapter 21, I left my sad, but gentle but very deep. Let's read now Alpha Leo And The Heart Of

Fire Chapter 21 and the next chapters of Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire series at Good Novel

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