Novel Name : Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 15

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15. His Return


“He contacted me, wanting to meet me. I just needed a break.” I shrugged, trying to fight my nausea. I

was lucky it only came here and there and that I wasn’t vomiting buckets, unlike Raven with Katara.

The girls knew a lot of what happened with Judah since Kataleya and Song both had not wanted me to

get involved with him to begin with… I wish I listened, but I never really ever do, do I?

“Fuck Azura, you need to tell someone.” Skyla said, her eyes flashing a deep plum purple, that turned

darker the closer it got to the pupil. Her anger clear within them. “He needs to die.” 2

“Skyla.” Kataleya murmured soothingly, placing her hand on her sister’s shoulder

Skyla closed her eyes, exhaling deeply, as she fought her emotions. Malevolent, her cat, meowed,

brushing her shoulder, and Skyla’s eyes opened as she smiled down at her little fur ball. Those two had

been together for years, Alejandro had gotten it for her when she was little, ten years on they were still

the dangerous green-eyed duo. 2

I was the eldest of us four, it was my job to take care of them and be there for them, but instead I was

giving them more stress. Skyla had her own troubles to deal with. 1

“I do agree, you need to tell someone about him. What’s holding you back?” Song asked, raising an

eyebrow. “There’s a lot… I just wanted to let you guys know I’m ok, and that if anyone asks, you spoke

to me and I’m perfectly fine. Song can you get me some images of Sweden and email them over to me

in case Mama or anyone asks me about it?” I couldn’t really tell them much when there was a chance

that he had something in this room recording me. “Look, I got a new number, adding it to this chat right

now, save it and miscall me with yours. I may not have much data but I have downloaded the chat app

for emergencies, but for the life of me I couldn’t remember your numbers.” Besides, I have no idea if

Judah is watching my social media accounts. I didn’t want him to realise I had access to anything. “Oh

perfect.” Song said as Sky miscalled me straight away, my phone rang and I smiled.

“Ok great, now we’re in touch again.” I also needed something from Dante… But how do I ask him? I

looked at his sisters and an idea came to me. “There’s something I need from you, Kat.”

She raised her eyebrows innocently and nodded.

“Of course, anything, what is it?”

I smiled at her. They were only seventeen, but she was so mature. Probably the most mature of the

four of us. “Dante, I need you to ask him for something since he will trust you.” I hesitated, wondering if

they’ll question me if I ask for it.

Her face fell and she looked at me worriedly. “Azura, Dante’s not in England. He flew to Italy three days

ago and won’t be back for a month.”


“What is it?”. “I needed to ask if I can borrow something from-” ,

I heard the apartment door open and frowned. I was only in my lingerie, who would just come in here

like that? How the fuck did they get in?

And then he appeared, Leo in nothing but pants, his sexy tattooed body on full display, making my core

automatically clench in desire.

He was looking at me but the look on his face told me something was very wrong. Even when his eyes

flickered as they lingered on my breasts, it was only for a second. “Got to go.” I said, snapping the

laptop shut. “We have got to go.” Leo said, his voice dangerous.

His eyes ran over me before he looked around the messy bedroom and grabbed my pants. “Put them

on. You need to leave, right now.”

My heart thundered as his words echoed in my mind. “Why?” I found myself asking as I slipped my

jeans on, my hands shaking slightly as the urgency in his voice got to me. I didn’t have a plan. What if

Judah found me?

No, I just need to focus, I’ll find “Azura, are you listening?” He asked coldly, yanking me up from the

bed, I gasped when I slammed into his chest.

Flickers of sparks rushed through us, his scent invading my nose. I froze when he pulled my pants up

over my ass, making my heart skip a beat as he looked down. zipping them up. “Why do I have to go? I

can’t go yet, I haven’t made a plan where to go.”

He frowned, grabbing my bag and shoes super-fast.

“I don’t care, I need you out.” His words stung, then he grabbed my arm, pulling me to the door.

I tried to tell myself it was fine. Go home and just tell someone.

I didn’t have any other option, after last night’s drama I needed to leave anyway. Maybe it was for the

best, but he needed to at least let me grab my stuff!

“Leo, listen to me!”

“Fuck, keep your voice down.” He growled, trying to pull me out of the apartment.

“No. Do not fucking manhandle me, I told you that already! What the fuck is going on?” I needed time

and I needed to know why he was acting like this! “Listen to me little she-wolf, either you come quietly,

or I will force you.” He growled menacingly, grabbing my upper arm as he pulled me from the room.

Fuck, he was strong. He almost had me to the stairs when we heard footsteps and Corrado came into

view, instantly making Leo let go of me. “What are you doing with Azura, Daddy?” “You should never

have told him your name.” Leo muttered quietly. “Corrado, go back up.” “No Daddy! Grandad is


Marcel was here?

Now his behaviour made sense, it was obvious he didn’t want Marcel to see me, and I didn’t either.

“I could just stay in the apartment and away from your Dad, then just leave when the coast is clear?” I

suggested quietly as Leo looked around, assessing the best way out. Corrado ran to one of the

windows, excitedly looking out of it.

It would buy me some time if he listened and let me wait in my apartment! Why was he so fucking


“No. I don’t want to risk it. Here’s your passport, Eric will drop you at the edge of

the territory. Go wherever you want; Sweden, home, I don’t really care. Just stay the fuck out of my

life.” He said, making me freeze. Our eyes met and that crushing pain returned with vengeance, my

heart thumping violently.

It was stupid of me to feel like this, but I suddenly felt alone and so damn lost.

I’m not fucking alone, I have a family; I reminded myself. He frowned, his gaze sharp as he scrutinised

me, as if wondering what was on my mind.

We heard the ding of the lift coming up and Leo swore.


“That’s what happens when you have one damn lift only.” I muttered. He didn’t reply, glancing towards

the lift before he pulled me back to my apartment and entering, kicked the door shut behind us. I closed

my eyes, pulling out of his hold.

“Stop pulling me around like I’m a damn doll!” I hissed.

He ignored me, instead advancing on me until I was pushed against the wall. I didn’t dare shout, not

wanting to be heard. I could hear Corrado’s faint shout and Marcel’s laugh.

Shit, I was in a pickle.

And to make it worse, Leo was invading my personal space. I hated how he made me feel, the way his

scent intoxicated me, the way those icy blue eyes seemed to look through me.

He had Nikki.

I would never do that to anyone… but then why am I not rejecting him? I gasped when he placed one

of his hands on the wall, caging me between himself and the wall, the other finger placed to his lips.

Warning me to keep my voice down.

“What are you running from? This time don’t lie, because my patience is already thin.” He asked

quietly, leaning closer now, placing his other hand on the other side of the wall, trapping me completely.

Do I tell him?

“You don’t care, so why should I tell you?” I whispered breathlessly, trying not to focus on the heat

radiating off his body.

“If you don’t tell me, it’s your fucking loss, but you’re right, I don’t care, I just want you gone from my

life.” He said coldly. “Last chance, who are you running from?”

I closed my eyes.

Do I tell him? No, I can’t tell him.

Why though? Because I was scared he wouldn’t care? I knew he wouldn’t care but… to hear it after I

tell him my troubles. I didn’t know if I could handle it.

“It’s… no one really… I can handle it.”

He raised an eyebrow coldly.

“Fine, whatever the fuck you want.”


He clenched his jaw, his eyes blazing a steely blue.

“Fuck. Stay here and stay the fuck quiet. Eric will get you out of here the first chance he gets.” He

warned, his eyes telling me not to mess with him right now.

I nodded, about to move away but he didn’t remove his hand.


“Daddy’s in there!”

“Leo, you need to go.” I whispered, shoving him back and taking a deep breath. He frowned, looking at

me. “Are you certain you don’t want to tell me what is going on?” He asked one final time, rubbing his

hand down his face.

“No, you don’t care and I’m just a Westwood who you resent, remember?”

I wasn’t able to stop myself, the words escaping before I could stop them. The one question that

burned within me was if he found out about this child, would he hate it too?

He looked at me, his gaze cold. “I guess that’s a no.” He said quietly, turning and walking to the door.

He paused, looking over his shoulder at me, and jerked his head towards the bedroom.

Was this the last I’d see of him? I quickly moved away, my heart thumping as I slipped in. I heard the

door open, listening quietly.

“Son. I missed you.” Marcel’s voice came.

“Why are you back early?” Leo’s cold reply followed. “Why? Because I decided to. Raj actually told me

some interesting news. He said we had an outsider welcomed into our pack by your selflessness and

was staying as a guest. I just wanted to know who it was.” ;

“That is none of your business, so you came home to check up on me? I am not a child.” Leo’s voice

was cold and dangerous, but I had a feeling he was holding back. His voice dripped poison, he was

trying to rein it in but what worried me was what Marcel had just said.

Did Raj tell him anything else about me? I hoped not. "It's Azura! That's her room!" Corrado exclaimed,

making me close my eyes.

3 "Azura?" Marcel asked, his voice sharp. "Who is she?" 2 “Does it fucking matter?” Leogrowled.

"Babe, why aren't you dressed yet?" Nikki's voice came. "Alpha Marcel, welcome home." "Thank you,

Nikki. Now tell me, do you know anything about this Azura?" "It's none of anyone's business. Let's go

downstairs." Leo cut in. "Leo, it's only your Dad." Nikki murmured. "Azura!" Corrado called. "My

grandad is here! Daddy, let me go in!" What do I do? Fuck, what do I do? Shall I shift and stay in wolf

form? No, don't be stupid Azura, you can't do that. "Leo, who is in that room?" "Babe, I'm sure Azura

won't mind meeting the Alpha." Nikki's voice came. "Azura!" I heard Corrado, and his voice was close. I

took a deep breath, knowing Leo was going to be pissed, but I had no other option but to step out of my

bedroom just as Corrado came to a stop in front of the bedroom door. "Hey, Kiddo." I smiled. I looked

up to see Marcel, Nikki and Leo enter. Leo was frowning deeply, whilst Nikki was looking me over, then

I remembered I was just in pants and my bra. Well hey, I wore this look often enough, deal with it girl. ,

"Azura?" Marcel looked shocked and confused. Well I think it was time I diverted the topic away from

why I was here, and so, plastering a huge smile on my face, I gave him a big wink. "Yup. None other

than the Westwood Devil herself." 10

[HOT]Read novel Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire Alpha Leo

And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 15

Novel Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire has been published to Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire

Chapter 15 with new, unexpected details. It can be said that the author Moonlight Muse invested in

the Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire is too heartfelt. After reading Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire

Chapter 15, I left my sad, but gentle but very deep. Let's read now Alpha Leo And The Heart Of

Fire Chapter 15 and the next chapters of Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire series at Good Novel

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