Novel Name : Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 80

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80. His Dilemma


It was a not so powerful, but still a clear knock of panic.

“Mommy! Daddy! There’s an emergency! Daddy!” Corrado’s panicked voice came, sending a rush of

worry through me.

I jerked back, as Leo sat up and quickly got out of bed, yanking his pants up. He rushed to the door,

pulling it open.

My heart thudded as I climbed out of bed, wondering what had happened as Corrado ran in. His eyes

wide with terror, his pyjama top a little tight on his belly as he climbed onto the bed, clapping both

hands on his cheeks, as he stared at us both with an expression of clear horror on his face.

Leo smoothly sat down, placing a pillow in his lap. 2

“What’s wrong my little cherub?” I asked, crossing my legs and pulling him into my lap. He shook his

head, his little heart pounding. “I woke up and had a bad thought!”

“A nightmare?” Leo asked.

“Oh no Daddy, I was awake, and I remembered that Lucy from school kissed me yesterday! What if we

made a baby? I don’t want to be a Daddy!” His eyes were wide with terror as he stared at us both. 13

Leo’s eyebrows shot up and I couldn’t help but cackle. “Oh my goddess, you are so cute!”

“Mommy! This isn’t funny, I want to be a big brother, not a Daddy and I don’t want to live with Lucy!”

“Then don’t go around kissing girls.” Leo frowned, “That’s what happens when you don’t act your age.”


“Oh, don’t be mean to him.” I snickered; Corrado crossed his arms clearly not happy with either of us.

“This is an emergency!” He declared.

“Look kiddo, remember there has to be a certain time of the moon cycle too? It wasn’t yesterday, so

you’re all safe! But no going around and kissing people yet. You’re still too little. “I squeezed this bundle

of adorableness, feeling all fuzzy and warm.

Gosh, I love this kid.

“Oh… so I won’t be a Daddy. Thank the goddess.” He said, heaving a big sigh and shaking his head

slowly. “Stupid Lucy.” ”

“You don’t kiss girls then call them stupid.” Leo added.

‘Sounds like someone I know.‘ I said through the link earning myself a look.

Corrado slumped back against my chest. “Oh, I was so scared, I promise next time she tries to kiss me

I will not let her.”

“Sounds like a plan.” I smiled down at him and gave him a soft kiss on his juicy little cheek, just as the

little one inside of me kicked.

Leo leaned back, watching us, a soft smile on his face.

Our eyes met as the sun began shining through, casting a warm glow across his face.

Did I ever say how beautiful he looked when he smiled like that?

He was my angel, just as I was his devil.

It was a while later, and we were all dressed and ready to head down. We didn’t get to finish what we

started since Corrado wanted Leo to get him dressed today. Both father and son had already gone

down, and I was just about to rush back to grab my phone when I saw Winona step out of Corrado’s

room. “Hey Winona, when did you get back last night?” I asked with a smile, thinking it wasn’t like her

to leave without telling anyone.

She looked up at me, forcing a smile, but I could see she had been crying. Instantly, my smile

vanished, and I walked over to her. “Hey, is everything ok?”

“Yeah, I just have a cold. I am so sorry for just leaving like that yesterday.” She said guiltily. “I promise it

won’t ever happen again. I love Corrado, I would never be so negligent again.”

“It’s ok girl, are you sure you’re ok?” I asked, I wasn’t really convinced, and there was something off,

she wasn’t relaxed or happy like normal.

She nodded, and I didn’t push it.


“I’m fine, thank you.”

“Ok, shall we head down to breakfast?”

She tensed and shook her head, “No thank you, I want to rest a little I had… tea already.

“Winnie… are you sure you’re ok?”

She smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes. She nodded before excusing herself and returning to her room.

I turned, slowly heading to my own bedroom to get my phone. That was odd… she didn’t always eat

with us, but she was often in the kitchen or around.

Hmm, I’ll ask Leo about it. I grabbed my phone answering some texts from Mama, Kia, Raven, and my

girls. Damn everyone had so many questions about the Luna ceremony, and I still couldn’t get my head

around it!

The biggest question was, what was I even going to wear? Damn, I had no idea.

Replying to Liam’s messages, I smiled, thinking he always sent messages reminding me to take care of

myself. I had one from Atlas too, and I replied as I entered the kitchen and took a


“Morning Azura.” Marcel said with a smile, “Hope you slept well.”

“I did thanks,” I replied, picking up my fork.

Leo leaned over, kissing me softly. ‘I’m telling Marcel after breakfast, I need him to talk to Emmet

today.‘ He said through the link, I nodded slowly.

Yeah, it was time Emmet the dickface was dealt with.

Breakfast passed quieter than normal aside from Corrado’s chatter, I guess it was the weight of

everything going on. When we had finished eating, Winona entered.

“If you aren’t feeling great, we could get someone to take Corrado.” I offered, making the men look up.

“What’s wrong?” Leo asked sharply.

“Oh no, I’m fine, I’ll take him.” She said, giving a small smile.

Ok, something was really off…

She washed Corrado’s face, before waiting patiently as he gave us all a hug and kiss. “Goodbye

Mommy, goodbye Daddy, goodbye Grandad! I will come back soon!” He waved before taking Winona’s

hand. “Come on Winnie, let’s go, I need to tell Lucy no kissing…”

I smiled as his voice faded away, and I glanced back at the table. Marcel was frowning, mixing his

coffee distractedly, while Leo was looking toward the door calculatingly before he turned to Marcel, his

face becoming serious and cold, and when he spoke, his voice meant business. “There’s something I

need to tell you.”

Update of Alpha

Leo and the Heart of Fire by Moonlight Muse

With the author's famous Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire series authorName that makes readers

fall in love with every word, go to chapter Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 80 readers

Immerse yourself in love anecdotes, mixed with plot demons. Will the next chapters of the Alpha

Leo and the Heart of Fire series are available today.

Key: Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 80


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