Novel Name : Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire Chapter 129

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Beautiful Bond Ch. 2

Ch. 2 – RUN


I splutter when I break the surface of the water, my cheeks burning with humiliation. Marcel is here!

Right here and I’m in this swimsuit! I only wore it because I knew Leo won’t be home until late and no

one else was around!

Now he’s standing there, looking down at me as if I’m for real and I am! I try to get out of the water, but

I’m panicking, and my hand slips and I almost tumble back into the pool again but he catches hold of

me, crouching down by the pool in those faded khaki pants and that black snug- fitting top that shows

of how enviable his body is. A few strands of his unruly hair fall in front of his face as he looks down at


Oh, he’s so handsome…

My mind goes blank at his closeness and the way those dark eyes are burning into me, and I’m unable

to even argue when he lifts me out of the pool.

I instantly find my footing and step away, tugging at the skirt of my swimsuit as I look anywhere but into

those chocolate- coloured eyes.

He exhales, and I feel a sliver of guilt.

“I didn’t peg you as clumsy.” He says and from the corner of my eyes I see him cross his bulging arms

over his chest.

“You alarmed me.” I say, feeling his intense gaze on me.

We haven’t talked in weeks, since for the most part, I avoid him. Leo’s words from the Blood Moon are

always playing on my mind, but I’m scared to make the first move.

He wants me… but he shouldn’t want me! I’m not worthy of him.

I bravely look up at him, only to see his eyes are on my legs. My cheeks burn and I press them

together, wishing the ground would split open and swallow me whole.

“Right.” He says and we’re left here awkwardly…

“Umm… I think I’m going to go and change.” I say, nodding fervently.

“Sure.” He says but doesn’t make any move to head inside.

There is no way I’m going to walk in front of him like this.

“Lead the way?” I suggest. He c*cks a brow and shakes his head. ”Your home. You should lead the


He’s doing it on purpose…

“I’m thinking I’ll actually swim for a bit.”

I lie, glancing back at the water.

Both his eyebrows shoot up this time and I know I’m making a fool of myself.

“Oh really? Well, you know what, the weather is pretty nice…”

My eyes widen when he turns back to the pool, and I stare at him in horror. “You aren’t going to swim,

right?” I ask quickly.

Oh no, that’s me being rude, I shouldn’t have asked. If he wants to swim, I’m sure he’s more than


“Do you want me to?” He challenges.

I open my mouth to speak when my throat goes dry as he reaches for the hem of his shirt. I need to

leave! But before I can make a dash, the door opens and Corrado steps out. He’s wearing a pair of

shades now as he clutches his milkshake and from the smile on his face, I know he’s up to something.

“Oh, Grandad! Come on, you must join us for a swim! Winnie! Can you teach me again?” He asks. I

love this child, however… it oddly feels like déjà vu… I glance at Marcel who is watching me.

‘Seems like this has happened before.’ Marcel’s voice sounds in my head.

‘Yes… he’s playing cupid.’ I reply, then realising what I said I look away, knowing I’m blushing. We had

once called on Corrado’s adorable cuteness to try to get Azura and Leo together and now she is using

the same technique right back at us!

“I think I’m going to go!” I say and I make a run for it, grateful for how fast I manage to escape, fast

enough that Corrado is unable to protest. I’m sorry little one I promise to make it up to you!

I reach my bedroom pretty fast and quickly lock the door behind me, breathing a huge sigh of relief.

You ran again, Winona.

Like always.

Looking down at the locked door, I rest my forehead against the cool wood of the door. I’m useless and

s*upid, and I’m not even sure what I’m doing. Leo gave us his blessing, but after pushing him away, I

have no idea how to even fix things. Do I even deserve him?

Sighing, I decide to go shower and get dressed.

It’s a short while later and I’ve put on some pants and a white blouse. He must be gone by now, I’m

certain of it. I’m tempted to ask Azura, but she has shown no sympathy or support in ‘Operation Hiding

from Marcel’. In fact, she finds it all amusing.

‘Hey Azura, what are you doing?’ I ask through the link.

‘Oh, me and Corrado are going to cook dinner.’ She says, making me worry.

‘Dinner? Where is Rosaline?” I ask, quickly brushing my hair and tying it into a ponytail.

‘I gave her the evening off. If you’re done hiding, want to come join us? We could really use some help;

I have no clue what I’m doing.’ She replies.

‘Oh of course, right away!’ I say quickly.

Leaving the room, I quickly rest my ear against Phoenix’s nursery door and smile. She’s still fast


I hurry downstairs, my heart fluttering as

Marcel’s scent lingers. It’s… so enticing, heady, and masculine… I step into the kitchen, freezing when

I see none other than Marcel sprinkling some spices into a bowl.

“Oh, hey Winona.” Azura says with a smug wink, she’s wearing a kaftan over her swimsuit, and I

realise she totally planned this… “I like the pants.”

I look down and realise I chose khaki pants… Marcel is wearing khaki-coloured pants.


“Come on Corrado, let’s get you showered and changed.” Azura says, smiling sweetly. “Winona, mind

peeling and slicing the potatoes for chips?”

“Sure.” I say. I can’t disobey my Luna, even when she’s conspiring against me.

“Perfect.” Azura says, shutting the door after her and Corrado, leaving me alone once again with

Marcel. Luckily this time I’m dressed, although I still feel extremely self-conscious.

“You know they’re hell-bent on getting their way.” Marcel says as he puts the kettle on. “Tea?”

He does make nice tea…

“Sure, thank you.” I say before I quickly take a bowl and fill it up with potatoes. I can feel his eyes on

me and my stomach flutters as I quickly go back to the counter and watch Marcel return to his dish to

slice the chicken legs.

“What’s your favourite food?” He asks me suddenly. I glance up and tilt my head.

My favourite food…

“I don’t really have a favourite food…” I reply. I see the disappointment in his eyes, and I know it’s

because he thinks I don’t want to share, and I look down at the potato I have picked up. “But I do love

pomegranates and cherries.”

He looks up and I see that small s*xy smirk cross his face and it makes my own heart soar.

“That actually suits you pretty well.” He says before he turns away.

I hide my smile, happy I didn’t upset him; I don’t mean to. I hear the tap come on as I begin to peel the

potatoes and a comfortable silence falls between us.

Do I try to make conversation?

I glance at him as the smell of tea fills my nose and my heart s*ips a beat when I see him making me a

cup of tea. Lately, since the Blood Moon, my sense of smell is extremely strong too. I wonder if I try to

shift, would I be able to? 1

He looks up and I glance at the cup he’s mixing.

“Thanks,” I say quickly, slicing the potato in my hand clumsily. I gasp, feeling the sharp knife cut into my


“Careful!” Marcel says, making me drop the knife. He’s next to me in seconds and when he takes my

hand, I feel the sparks ripple through me.

I gasp, my heart pounding and he raises my hand to his lips, taking my bleeding finger into his mouth.

My eyes fly open, my cheeks flushing as he sucks on my fingertip.

‘Alpha saliva heals.’ His deep voice comes, making my stomach knot. I know it does… but the way his

tongue swirls around my finger makes my core clench and I feel all funny.

I bite my lip, unable to tug my hand out of his hold. His eyes are locked with mine and I stare back.

“Umm, I think it’s better now.” I whisper, my voice coming out far too breathless.

He slowly slips my finger out of his mouth and examines it. My own gaze falls to his neck, and I

swallow hard, looking away.

He smirks, slowly placing my hand on the counter, and I look down at my finger, watching it heal. He

moves away and I close my eyes, exhaling slowly. I hear the light clink of a cup being placed down and

open my eyes in alarm.

“Thank you,” I say softly, reaching for it.

“Careful it’s hot.” He winks and walks off, and I find myself staring at his back. The tea isn’t as hot as

you… 7

I look away and get back to cutting the potatoes.

It’s much later, and we have all finished eating, it’s hard being in his presence without getting distracted

by him. Azura and Corrado kept the conversation going and now I was holding Phoenix whilst Azura

had once again snuck away to put Corrado to bed, leaving me alone with Marcel again.

Both Marcel and I know what she is doing, and I don’t miss the amusement in his eyes.

I sigh softly as I carry little Phoenix to the lounge. She’s staring up at me with those big eyes and her

juicy cheeks make me just want to kiss her and squish her! In a good way, of course.

She is the cutest baby ever!

“I’m sorry for tonight, Azura was adamant I stay for dinner. I know it makes you uncomfortable.” Marcel

says as he slips his phone into his back pocket, readying to leave. Why is that so s*xy?

“Oh no… it’s ok.” I say looking away.

He comes over and I’m unable to stop myself from stepping back, and I see him hesitate.

“I just want to bid our Princess goodnight.” He says and I feel so s*upid.

“Oh of course I’m sorry.” I say, giving her a gentle cuddle and holding her out to him. He takes her, his

hand grazing mine, making sparks fly.

Goddess, why is this so hard?

“No, I’m the one who is sorry you were given to me. You deserve far better.” He says quietly, kissing his

granddaughter before he passes her back to me.

His words hurt… that isn’t true…

“That’s not true, Alpha. Anyone would be lucky to have you.” I say softly.

“Anyone but you?”

I tilt my head, not knowing how to say that’s not true. I know Leo said-

“Goodnight, I’ll be heading home.” He says, turning away, and he doesn’t look back. I close my eyes

when I hear the front door shut and I sigh, dropping onto the sofa as I clutch Phoenix to me.

“You know, you pushed him away… He just needs you to tell him you want him, or just show him a

little.” I look up to see Azura. She was so silent I didn’t even hear her approach!

She’s barefoot as she comes over and takes a seat next to me.

“It’s complicated.”

“I know it is, but sometimes you have to stop thinking and just act on your heart.”

“He deserves so much better…” I whisper.

“Well, he wants you, and you know men think with their di*ks more often than not. He wants you, girl,

you. I’m certain if you just give him a wink or bat those lashes, he’ll be eating right out of the palm of

your hand.” She says to me, running her fingers through her black hair.

“You’re speaking about Alpha Marcel.” I remind her, feeling my cheeks burn.

She shrugs before she suddenly freezes and snaps her fingers, turning to me sharply, her eyes

sparkling. “You know what? I have the perfect plan.”

Oh no.


“But what? You want him, right? Don’t think about the why and who just tell me, do you want Daddy


“Stop calling him that, please!” I whisper, mortified.

She chuckles before a devious smirk crosses her lips. “Not getting possessive of the title, right?” She

teases and I feel my cheeks burn even more and I shake my head vigorously. “Well, is it a yes or no?

Do you want that fine wine?”

I lower my head, nodding slightly, feeling embarrassed. Of course… If I think selfishly, I do want him,

what woman wouldn’t?

“Then leave it to me,

“What will you do?” I ask worriedly.

She chuckles. “Oh nothing much, I assure you I won’t be making voodoo dolls of you two and making

you bang one another unless, of course, it is absolutely vital.”

“That’s not funny.” I protest, feeling my face must be letting off steam now, but she simply laughs

openly. I think it sounds almost like a cackle…

“Ok, ok. Well, Corrado’s birthday is coming up, and I think I have the perfect idea…” She taps her lips

and I can’t do anything but stare at her suspiciously.

This is Azura… and when she has a plan… I’m certain that even the heavens tremble.

Dear Goddess, please save me.

Read the hottest Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

story of 2020.

The Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire story is currently published to Chapter 129 and has received

very positive reviews from readers, most of whom have been / are reading this story highly

appreciated! Even I'm really a fan of $ authorName, so I'm looking forward to Chapter 129. Wait

forever to have. @@ Please read Chapter 129 Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire by author Moonlight

Muse here.


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