Novel Name : Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 105 By Moonlight Muse

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105. Plans


Two weeks had passed since our ceremony, and life was fucking better than good. With her officially

mine in every fucking way, it felt perfect. I had shifted again, the first time in years and it didn’t almost

kill me. I wanted to see

her in her wolf form too, but until she had the pup, we couldn’t do that.

We had taken the following day to simply relax and get some sleep since we didn’t fucking sleep that

first night until early

morning. It was going to be one fucking

night to remember with the promise that

I’d get a dance every year on my birthday,

and I plan to hold her to it.

The guests had left the following evening, with them all promising to return soon. I

guess that meant they have open access

to this pack now.

I had wanted to ask Dante if he knew

anything about what happened with Azura’s wing-like aura, but I didn’t want to pressurise him into

fucking thinking I just wanted answers. I didn’t need to be fucking Einstein to know that he wanted

to be treated like normal, and not to be expected to know everything. I’ll figure that shit out myself,

somehow. But one thing is clear, until I had answers, I didn’t want her to use her powers again. 5

We had decided on a few things over the last fortnight, living arrangements for

one. We would move to the Villa. After

that night we both felt like it is the perfect

place for us. We had asked Dad to move in

with us when we did get the house sorted. Azura was already picking out colour palettes for the nursery

and Corrado’s

room. I planned to make the entire lower

floor into a pad for myself, with some

extra features for the both of us.

I wanted to have some underground work done, so the access from the new place

linked to my cave.

Then there was the issue with Kareena.

Jax and I were going to have a discussion with her, and put forward Jax’s

suggestion. I just hope she listens. She no longer tries to kill herself, but she’s quiet, simply sitting there

lost in thought. Becoming just a shell of who she was.

We were now at the hospital, where Azura is having a scan. The baby is growing well and is measuring

quite big. It’s healthy and growing without any issues.

“You don’t want to know the gender?” The sonographer asks, smiling at us. Corrado is with us, staring

at the image

on the screen, his mouth open as if in shock. We thought it was high time he saw his baby sibling, too.


“No, we don’t.” Azura replies, looking at

me, and I nod.

“Yeah, let’s have some things left a surprise. It’ll be cool.” I reply, caressing

Azura’s cheek. I glance back at the screen

as Azura asks Corrado what he thinks.

“Can you see the baby’s head, my

cherub?” She asks.

“Oh yes, the baby is so cute, Mommy.” He

replies in awe.

I raise an eyebrow, looking at the image. Well, it was incredible… but cute? 1

I smirk ruffling his hair. This kid is something else, and I know no matter what, he will take care of his

baby sibling.

‘It’s crazy how our family is growing.’ I

say through the link as the sonographer wipes her stomach clean, removing all the gel and I help her to

her feet. She

locks her arms around my neck and

kisses me.

‘It really is.’ She says.

I kiss her back before she moves away and takes hold of Corrado’s hand as we leave the hospital


“You know, Winona’s so quiet lately. I think there’s something on her mind.

Will you ask her? I did, but she said

everything was fine, but I don’t know…

she seems to be on edge and it’s like she

wants to be alone a lot. Like she avoids

being in the room with anyone.” Azura says, frowning slightly as she looks up at

I frown. She has been quieter, and I

noticed that too… like she’ll leave the

room as soon as she can. A sudden

thought occurs to me, and I frown, odd

behaviour… Could she be….

“What? Leo, don’t tell me your-”

“I can’t take chances… I need to make

sure I keep everyone under the radar. I’ll have a word with her.” I say firmly and quietly, making sure

Corrado can’t hear

She sighs, “It’s not what you’re thinking … but any leads?”

“None, but we’re working on it. A few

times we have been close, but then he

gets away. Janaina thinks we’re missing what he is, and if we learn that, we get him. There’s some old

texts they are fucking stumped on and I told them to

send them to me. I’ll see if I can crack the


“In the ancient tongue of witchcraft?”

She asks, looking up at me.

I shake my head.

“No, just an ancient language that they

don’t actually have a name for. We don’t know much about it, but there are images. depicting shadowy

men, or some kind of beings. So we’ll see.” I reply, pulling her close and kissing her neck. “Tonight, as

you know I’m handling Web, everything is already in place, and I really can’t

afford to let this chance by. Once and for

all, I’m dealing with him.”

She sighs and rests her head against my shoulder. “Ok, but be careful, remember

you aren’t invincible Baby.”

“I pretty much am.” I reply arrogantly.

“I know you’re super fierce, but still-” I cut her off with a hot passionate kiss, knowing she isn’t going to

drop it.

“Daddy, let’s get some treats from the bakery!” Corrado says, pointing to one of the two Pack bakeries

and forcing us to break the kiss. I glance at the bakery. There is a small seating area inside too, and it

isn’t too busy.

“Sure thing.” I reply as I hold the door open for them both to pass inside first.

“Oh, look at those!” Azura says, inhaling deeply. “Mmm…”

‘How about we just have something here,

and something to drink. Hot chocolate

sound good?” I ask and both of them nod

in unison.

“Especially with the weather getting colder.” Azura says, looking out at the darkening skies.

“Alpha, Luna, Little Alpha. It’s lovely to have you here! Now, what can I get you?”

Anabelle, the woman behind the counter,

says, smiling at us.

Azura smiles back. I see a glimmer of

sadness in her eyes, but it vanishes

quickly enough, and I wonder what that’s

about. 4

“Hello, it smells so good in here, and there’s far too much to choose from! I

just wish I had stopped by sooner.” Azura says, as she and Corrado examine the

baked sweet treats. “Can we get two

doughnuts… the pecan pie… what do you want, my little cherub?”

“Oh Mommy, I think I want everything.” He rubs his tummy and Azura nods in agreement, a hand on

her own stomach.

I bet if I slipped away, neither would fucking realise as long as they can eat…

I glance around the place, letting the two

place their order and link Jax. ‘Any


‘Everything is in place, and we have him pinned. If he tries to escape, he’s ours.’ Comes his cocky


‘Yeah, he will be this time.’ I reply just as Azura, and Corrado walk over to one of

the small booths and take a seat.

“She’ll bring our order over.” Azura says, sitting down next to Corrado.

I take the seat opposite them, observing


‘So, what was that look when you looked around the café?’ I ask her through the

link. Her heart skips a beat as she looks

‘I remembered how I was treated back at

the Blood Moon. The woman who ran a

bakery hated me. To the point, she

wouldn’t even serve me.’ She replies, and

I see a shadow of sadness in her eyes. 1

Anger flits through me, and the urge to fucking give this woman a piece of my fucking mind lashes

through me.

‘Because of the way you were fucking

born?’ I asked coldly.

She nods, looking around. ‘Yeah, but you know what? I don’t care anymore. Here, I feel happy. I’m not

even treated like an


‘Maybe because we have all been outcasts here at some point. We know how it feels.’ I reply, ‘You

were made for this pack. You are one of us, Beautiful.’

‘I am, but I never get bored of you reminding me of that.’ She replies just as

Anabelle brings our tray over.

“Enjoy! And it’s on the house.” She winks at Corrado, who looks excited.

“Oh, thank you!” He says before picking up one of the glazed doughnuts and biting into it.

I watch them, as Azura bites into her doughnut, licking her lips, and the image of her running that

tongue over my cock comes to mind, and I shift slightly in my


Sexy little seductress…

“Mommy, I think our baby wants to eat, too.” Corrado says, gently stroking her stomach. “When the

baby is here, then we buy even more doughnuts.”

“Absolutely, but we have to wait until the baby is old enough to eat them.” She replies, tugging his


“Oh no, then Mommy must eat lots so our baby can have some too.” He sighs.

“And I can tell you both are enjoying your

food a lot recently.” I tease, thinking he was getting chubbier as of late, he and Azura were always

snacking, not that I minded. Seeing them both snacking together was kinda cute.

He frowns at me. “Daddy, I’m a big boy. I have to eat lots to get bigger!”

“Yeah definitely,” I smirk. You sure are

getting bigger around the waist, kiddo.

‘Hey, don’t be mean to him.’ Azura scolds through the link, knowing exactly what

was on my mind.

‘Defending your son, I see.’

‘Always.’ She replies with a pout, hugging


I smirk, not saying anything more as I watch them, she has fallen into the role of his mother so

effortlessly… I can’t believe there was a time I thought she’d never be

the perfect mother… I remember the way I treated her, feeling a flash of guilt rush through me. This

would be my

punishment that would always remain with me for life…

Fuck, I was fucking wrong. Corrado had taken so easily to her too. It just shows how compatible they

are and how she is naturally so loving and the best mother I could ever have hoped for him.

“Well, both of you eat up. Seems like you both need it.” I snicker, picking up my own mug of hot


“Oh, we will.” Azura says, and Corrado nods vigorously.

I drink the hot chocolate, letting the hot liquid pour down my throat. I’m looking forward to our second

pup too. “Have you thought of any names?” I ask her


She looks up, a small frown of concentration on her gorgeous face.”

Well, not really, but we have a few months yet. I’m sure we can finalise

down to one girl’s and one boy’s name.”

“Sounds like a plan.” I nod.

“And if you have any, definitely let me know.” She smiles slightly.

“I will.” I reach over, taking her hand and

raising it to my lips, kissing it softly,

smirking when her heart begins to race.

It’s later in the evening, and I will be leaving in about an hour. Everything is in place already, and this

will be the last of Web. Somehow, I feel like it is also the

last mission of its kind. The Cartel… well,

I will never completely cut away from it, but I will take a step back… I will reshape

my trades. The bullets and the drugs going wrong had been enough of a wake up call for me. I have

plenty of other

fields and trades I could delve into. I

couldn’t let something like this happen


“You called Alpha?”

I turn in time to see Winona standing there. Her hair is tied back, she’s fiddling with the sleeve of her

long-sleeved top, and her eyes are full of concern.

No, I don’t believe that she’d ever betray me. I am a good judge of character, and it

just doesn’t fit. However, there is something that is bothering her…

“I did. You seem a little…. Off lately. What’s wrong?” I ask.

Her heart thumps and she seems to be more nervous. So there is something… but what?

“I-it’s nothing to be worried about, just a personal issue.” She whispers, making me frown.

That isn’t a lie.

“What exactly is it? You’ve been quieter over the past few weeks.” I ask crossing

my arms.

She looks down, and I see a small frown

on her face as she mulls over what to say. “It’s personal, Alpha, if it’s ok… I don’t

want to share.”

I can’t argue with that… I give a curt nod,

taking out a cigarette.

“Fine, but if there’s anything I can help. you with, you know I’m here.” I say quietly. She looks up and

seems to

struggle before she nods and smiles. A smile that doesn’t quite reach her eyes.

“Thank you.”

I nod, lighting my cigarette. “You can leave.” I say. “Oh, and one more thing, we’ve decided to get some

work done on the Villa and move there once it’s ready.

It will definitely be before the baby is

born. You will have your own quarters.

Just let the interior decorators know the

colour palette.”

She nods slowly and turns before she

pauses. “Umm who else will live there?”

“Just us, Dad, Rosaline and yourself.” I


Her face falls, and she looks troubled. She’s struggling with something I can see that, but she isn’t able

to voice it. 2

“You don’t need to. If you don’t want to Winona, I just thought it would be easier once the pup is born…

but if you don’t want to, that’s ok too. Like I said in the past, if you ever want to quit the job-”

“No. No, it’s not that… I want to take care of the baby; I want to be there for you all


She hesitates before shaking her head,

refusing to look at me. “Nothing at all.

She fakes a smile before she leaves, and I


Winona has always been an open,

carefree person. She’s never had much of a social life and was always happy to help others… For her

to not share, something was fucking weird…

I’ll get Azura to have a word with her… or ask Dad if he’s noticed anything. I would say it might be guy

trouble, but she didn’t fucking date unless that shit’s changed now. But if it is… and he fucking hurts her

…. Yeah, maybe she’d be happier talking

to Azura. 3

I leave the mansion, ready for the infiltration of Web’s main base. I head to

my underground cave, change my clothes and kit up with a few weapons, before making my way to

one of my cars.

I mind-link the boys as I reverse out of

the parking bay. ‘I’m on my way. Time to

take this bastard down.’

‘Can’t wait.’ Ace’s voice came.

I smirk, feeling the adrenaline rush through me as I press my foot down on

the accelerator…

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And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 105 By Moonlight Muse story

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