Novel Name : The Carrero Effect - Falling for the Boss (Billionaire CEO)

The Carrero Effect - Falling for the Boss (Billionaire CEO) Chapter 81

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Oh, so we’re fighting again? What happened to happy go lucky PA and hot boss? When we used to flirt

more than we fought?

I liked them … I wish they would come back and replace the constant arguments and anger between

us lately. The constant sizzling tension and instant flare ups of bad mood and hurt feelings.

What the hell happened to us?

“You think I’m all about my work and I don’t what? … Let life ever interfere?” I snap accusingly.

“Take from it whatever you will.” He’s pouring himself a drink, a strong one. Being cryptic as per usual.

For no reason whatsoever, his motion makes me more furious with him, his chilling and kicking back

with booze whenever things get serious.

Screw him.

“I know how to have a life … I choose to work more than I fuck about with sex and parties.” I know that

isn’t fair. He works harder than he plays, more than most in his business, that’s why I’m always by his

side and flying across continents. I’ve seen it. I’m being a bitch for the sake of being a bitch.

“Do you, Emma? … I’m pretty sure that stick up your ass is well and truly lodged.” He growls at me and

I blanche.

What the hell? Why is this attack Emma suddenly and how did we get so goddamn mad at one

another, over nothing?

We’re literally yelling at each other, tension crackling in the air as the atmosphere thickens. This

constant goddamn weird, uptight air is always around us now.

“What the actual fuck? … You chose me as your PA because of how I work … Now what? You’re

saying I’m too what? Anal? You want a party buddy instead?” I yell at him. My body tense and I’m

waving my hands around in frustration, steel matching glares on both our faces.

“I want a fucking normal assistant! One who doesn’t fucking make me feel like I want to beat the shit

out of her one minute and screw her the next! This sexual tension between us all the fucking time, is

absolutely killing me!” he spits cruelly, locking me dead in the eye angrily and it completely floors me.


I’m literally frozen …

I mean what? That’s what this is?

I gawk at him, wide-eyed and speechless, mouth slightly open with surprise as his words sink in.

“Fuck this shit!” he snaps and throws his glass across at the sink rather dramatically. It smashes across

the tiles sending shards everywhere, making me jump, his hostility reverberates around the room and

silence hits hard. Without another word he stalks toward me, looking dark and crazy, sending a shiver

of fear down my spine, immobilizing me for a second before sense has me backing up until I thwack

into a hard surface.

I’ve no clue what he’s doing.

Jake comes right at me as I attempt to flee sidesways, he pushes me hard against the wall behind me

once more and crushes his mouth to mine like our lives depend on it. His lips rams against mine with

such force it takes my breath away and I’m too stunned to stop him. My head is still in the middle of the

floor, miles behind me, floundering at his statement, and hasn’t yet caught up.

I take a minute to pull in my breath. I respond in a way that shocks me to the core; some primal inner

me, taking advantage of the few seconds of shock. I latch to his kiss purposefully, opening my lips to

have his tongue and mine entwine. A groan coming from deep inside me; hot and wanton. Nothing

about this is right, but I can’t stop it, I’ve never known this surge coursing through my body which

consumes me. I wrap myself around him, his hands in my hair and mine are around his neck. He’s

kissing me with all the passion and pent-up frustration of weeks of weird vibes between us. Making love

to me with his mouth while his hands run over me and pin me to him forcefully. Our bodies pulsing in


This sudden overpowering need to have every inch of him joined with mine overtakes all sense and

reason. A release from all the anger and fighting and heartbreak, bursting over me like a damn. The

urge to let him devour me and take it all away. He lifts me up smoothly, so I’m against the wall and pulls

me hard into him, my legs moving automatically around his waist and my skirt riding up, exposing my


The strength emanating from him only pushes me further into this feeling of raging desire. I want this …

I need this … I stop that little inner voice of fear and panic trying to wheedle in and I push her down

harshly with an icy shove.

No! You won’t stop it this time.

Everything that’s happened, everything I’ve felt these past few weeks in his absence and feeling like

we let a gulf open between us. I don’t care about the consequences anymore. I want to lose myself in

everything that’s him and let my control, for once, subside. I need him.

He pulls me off the wall and we’re on the floor in an instant, the carpet soft under my back as he

cushions the transition, mouths still deliciously molded together. His attentions waken up that deepest

desire in me while his body weight is sexy and turns me crazily on.

He’s over the top of me and we’re pulling each other’s clothes without thought, every hard curve of his

body pushed against mine, grinding into me. He wants me as much as I want him as his erection

crushes into my damp panties; his mouth knows no limits and he’s kissing me with all the expertise of a

seasoned pro; he could make me tip over the edge with his kiss alone and he seems to know it.

Why have I never wanted to be kissed like this? This is every fantasy come true.

There’s nothing terrifying or repulsive about this, it’s drawing me in, opening me up, making my head

go blank with desire. I suck on his lip the way he has mine before, extracting a moan from him that

pushes my fire higher. His hands sliding over my body, exploring, and ravaging me, feeling out my

breasts, my waist, and my thighs as he maneuvers me into exactly how he wants me. I’m breathless

and burning up with a feverish need. I’ve never felt this way or wanted it more.

There’s a rip across my chest as he’s yanks my blouse open, tearing it like paper. I’m surprised, but yet

I’ve never been so horny in my life over something this primal; I grasp for his buttons instinctively. I try

to get them open but I’m not as smooth as him with his Hulk-like clothes ripping ability, and I’m

fumbling. He’s all over me, caressing my curves and pulling me into him in new angles as he continues

his possession of my body. His mouth running over every inch of skin he can find while exposing more.

We’re frantic and panting and lost in passionate heat that’s leading to explosion. I’m lost under his

attentive hands and I’m imploding inside with desire, my body is clenching in ways I never knew it

could. My core pulsating and throbbing for fulfilment.

It’s really going to happen this time and I’m not going to stop it; it seems neither is he. He’s intent on

tasting every piece of me and returning to my mouth with every few licks and sucks, to capture me

again, push my surrender to him.

This is what it feels like to be Jake’s focus and desire, and it’s amazing.

He rips my skirt open, giving no shits about it.

Jesus … Does he really have to do that?

It’s making me crazy for him and I’m sure they unbutton easily. It used to be my favorite skirt; I reflect


Who am I kidding? It’s a turn on, searing hot … It’s crazy erotic and primal and I love the fact he’s

literally tearing my clothes off with impatience to get at me.

I’ve never felt desired this way and welcomed it openly. I follow suit and yank his shirt, experiencing the

overwhelming satisfaction of ripping cloth, buttons popping off, revealing his toned physique and

tanned skin. He grins against my mouth mid-kiss and I almost spasm with pleasure.

How can one man be so sensual, with so little effort?

His hands come up and cradle the side of my face, smoothing up my jawline, trying to calm the pace

before pulling my hands up beside my head and holding them down. There’s an urgency to it, but I

squirm under him, pushing against him hard trying to ignite full on sex.

“Slow down, Emma.” He breathes against my face.

No, no, no. Don’t stop, don’t let me slow down and let my mind take over … Don’t let me start thinking

this through.

If I let the memories and doubts creep in, then I won’t let go. I won’t let this happen. I need this to


He shifts his position on me slightly, pushing firmly between my thighs and I know he’s not going to

stop. He’s turned on too, majorly so, and even with my inexperience I can feel the full hardness of him

against my pelvis, his dick straining against his pants.

My cheeks flush with the knowledge and embarrassment at the evidence; my innocence and naivety

showing. My fingers wriggle free, roaming over his body and arms hungrily in response, trying to feel

out every forbidden part of him. He’s teasing my mouth, kissing and nibbling my lips. Driving me insane

with need and I can almost feel my body building to self-implode, yet he’s still trying to slow the



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