Novel Name : The Carrero Effect - Falling for the Boss (Billionaire CEO)

The Carrero Effect - Falling for the Boss (Billionaire CEO) Chapter 166

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“You two look very relaxed.” Sylvana points out, standing by her kitchen island making a salad as we

enter, my body flushes seven shades of morbid embarrassment. Jake mock frowns at me and leans in

to whisper for my ears only.

“There’s no hiding what you’ve been up to is there?” His mouth lingering seductively by my ear and I

give him an elbow jab to move him away. Luckily, Sylvana seems oblivious or at least has the good

grace to pretend she is.

“We had a little stroll in the greenhouse and the garages.” He answers his mother smoothly, no hint of

shame in his voice or manner. I keep my face down so my hair hides my hues of pink skin, heating all


“Oh, my roses are looking beautiful today, I only watered them this morning, that’s if you noticed the

flowers, of course.” She beams at us and I catch a knowing look in her eye which only makes me want

the floor to open up and take me.

Jake lets go of me and dives into the fridge for two bottles of water and hands me one, I didn’t think I

needed it but I’m soon dragging it into my throat like someone who has been stuck in the Sahara for a

week. Trying to push down my external blush and calm that internal flurry of panic and awkwardness.

Jake’s quizzing his mother on anything he’s missed within the family for the last couple of weeks as this

is the first time he’s been home since being with me. I get lost inside my own head, thinking of nothing,

just a sense of fatigue and a slight surreal feeling in the back of my mind. I blame him and his undying

energy and libido. I’m in much need of a holiday from him to just lay down and sleep.

I’m a little warm too, both of their eyes on me and I look up warily.

“Emma isn’t really okay with all this yet, Mamma.” Jake warns and pulls me toward him and slides me

into a stool by him. I’m confused but say nothing. I must have completely zoned out for a bit and have

no idea what they said.

“Well, it isn’t going to go away, and it isn’t exactly the way I expected my first grandchild to come into

the family.” She sounds upset and my stomach tightens at the topic.

Great time to zone back in, well done.

“It’s not how I imagined becoming a father either,” he mutters, glancing to me for signs of anger or even

emotion but I keep it all locked safely inside and just focus on my bottle of water and the growing heat

up my spine. I catch him looking at me with a frown, second guessing my blank expression. Sometimes

his knowing me this well is a curse. I tighten my resolve to give nothing away and ignore him.

“So, what did you finally agree on?” she pushes, oblivious to anything I may be feeling as she doesn’t

know my PA Emma face at all, or my ability to lock down and act fine. Jake stares at me warily, seeing

nothing, he carries on.

“I attend classes to prepare for the birth, I go to the birth and after it’s here I get fortnightly visitation two

days a week until the baby is older. Then we’ll re-meet to arrange weekly times and days.” I can still

feel his eyes on me, waiting for a reaction, instead I focus on peeling off the label on the bottle, my lip

finding its way between my teeth absentmindedly. I catch his frown in the corner of my eye and take my

lip out of my teeth.

“Well, it’s best to get these things sorted out and legal … Marissa has always been one to change her

mind like the weather.” Sylvana retorts and for the first time I sense a dislike in her for the girl. “Has

your father discussed the DNA test with you?” she adds in hastily and averts her eyes to her task Jake

bristles instantly; his body close enough to send out signals in every which way. The air buzzing with


“Do you mean has he ordered me to enforce one after the baby comes?” I catch the icy tone and

glance up at him in surprise.

“He’s only making sure the name of our family is protected, Jacob … That you really are the father.”

She leans out and pats his hand gently. “Women can be very manipulative with a means to an end,


“Marissa doesn’t need money; she doesn’t need my name either. Her family does just fine on its own.”

He huffs, moving back to reach for an apple in the fruit bowl and starts tossing it between his hands in

agitation. Jake is entering the ‘I’m done with this’ mode. Fidgeting is his tell.

“You never told me about a DNA test?” I finally butt in quietly; Jake’s eyes snap up to me in surprise at

hearing my voice. That I am actually interacting with this topic.

“You never want to talk about it, bambino … I didn’t think there was point in telling you, seeing as it’s a

moot point.” He looks annoyed with Sylvana yet wary that I’ve started talking about something I

normally avoid like the plague.

“Why?” Sylvana demands. “Because Marissa and you had sex? Jacob, women who want something

will sometimes do all in their power to get it … Marissa has always wanted you back, this isn’t about

money or title.” She boldly points out.

“She’s definitely pregnant and she knows that she has no chance with me … Ever.” He snaps and

turns, pacing to the patio doors, looking outside, his body emanating aggression. The pain coursing

through my heart right now is enough to make me stay seated, unable to go to him.

“I don’t doubt she is … And despite you saying you believe her; I think it would be best for everyone if

we just made it official after the birth.” She is trying to smooth over his bad mood. I take in his straight,

stiff posture and know best when to leave him be. He is in angry mode and she needs to stop talking

and leave him be.

Back off, Mamma Carrero, your son is on the verge of rage mode.

“Maybe we should drop it for now.” I smile quietly at her. “I really don’t feel so good.” I add without

thinking and realize it’s true, since sitting here and gulping down water I have started to feel really

lightheaded and my cheeks are burning. It’s come over me almost instantaneously. Jake turns and

comes to me quickly, tuned in as soon as I say it.

“What’s wrong, are you okay?” His hand comes to my face and it’s the last thing I know before

darkness overtakes me.

* * *

“She’s coming around.” I make out Sylvana’s voice over the top of me and something cold and damp

across my head, Jake’s face comes into focus, leaning over me, etched with concern. His normally

playful expression now dark and foreboding and his green eyes almost black. Sylvana appears further

back, removing the dampness on my head and replaces it with another, colder, one.

“Hey,” Jake breathes, as I flutter my lashes open. “You scared me, bambino.” His voice is husky and

shaky, his hands gripping both of mine tightly and I can feel the tension radiating from him.

“What happened?” I ask weakly, closing my eyes again as exhaustion washes over me. I feel woozy


“You fainted, miele.” Sylvana cuts in softly, a warm gentle hand stroking my cheek. “Luckily, Jake was

quick enough to catch you before you did yourself a terrible injury, you were only out a couple of

minutes. I think we need to get a house visit from our family doctor.” She smiles at me as I focus on her

face again. I feel nothing but fatigue and disorientation, as though I’ve been asleep for days.

I realize I’m lying flat on my back and there’s a large ornate ceiling above me and central light fixture

with elaborate center rose, I’m in some sort of grand sitting room.

“Emma, look at me.” Jake’s voice urges, and I obey, focusing on his worried face, his mouth set in a

thin line, he’s frowning deeply. His shoulders hunched forward as he scrutinizes me. “The doctor is a

good idea, bella.”

“No. No doctors,” I say, finding some inner strength and trying to sit up but he pushes me back down.

“You don’t get a say.” He commands, that furrowing brow coming close to commandeering Carrero


“Yes, I do … Look, it’s been a long day, we had an early start and two flights today followed by an …

erm … long walk.” I add blushing wildly and avoid looking at his mother, I catch the smirk on his face at

my meaning. “I’m just exhausted and a little overwhelmed.” His hand strokes across my face, sending

tiny shivers through me. “I don’t want a doctor, I think I just need a nap, I’m so tired.” I point out. It’s

been an emotional day and I’m seriously flaking right now.

“I don’t think that’s wise—” Sylvana starts but Jake cuts in.

“I’ll take her upstairs and let her sleep, if she’s still shaky later then I’ll be the first to get her a doctor,

Mamma, I swear … Okay?” I relax as Jake sides with me. I know he wants nothing more than for me to

obey her, but he also knows if I want to be stubborn, I’ll point blank refuse to let a doctor touch me. She

regards his expression for a moment and then me.

“Okay, take her to your old room, miele … I had all the beds made up fresh when you told me you were

coming.” She leans and kisses him on the cheek before moving back.

“Come on, you.” Jake’s leans in, scooping me in his arms and hoists me up revealing that I have been

laid on an expensive looking white couch and carries me out toward that sweeping marble staircase in

the grand hall.

* * *

I wake in the darkness, my body held tightly in Jake’s arms and maneuver to free myself a little. I’m

surprised to find that both of us are undressed and under the bed clothes. When I fell asleep, I was fully

dressed, lying on top, laid on his chest as he watched a movie. It’s dark around us and reaching for the

phone in the semi-dark room I’m shocked to find it has gone 4.00 a.m.

How long have I been asleep? I must have been exhausted.

I look down at his completely still face, breathing heavily in slumber, his strong arms encircling me

protectively. It takes away the urge to get up and instead I nuzzle back down into him, nose to nose

and watch him sleep before slumber overtakes me again.


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