Novel Name : The Carrero Effect - Falling for the Boss (Billionaire CEO)

The Carrero Effect - Falling for the Boss (Billionaire CEO) Chapter 281

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“I wish you were right.” He grimaced, at least Daniel’s idea had some sort of resolution.

“It’s a crush, something you don’t ever get … You obviously think she’s beyond hot and your picky ass

self doesn’t normally find that in a girl,” Daniel said.

“She’s beautiful. Perfect even.” Jake shrugged this time, he meant every word.

“Okay, bit strong on that front, she’s cute, I’ll give you that, but she’s not really like mind-blowingly

beautiful.” Daniel waved an airy hand his way and Jake instantly growled back.

Daniel had to be kidding right now.

“Are you blind?” Jake was defensive, skin prickling with almost instant aggression at anyone tearing

Emma down.

“Come on? I mean she’s hot, I get it … She’s … She’s not Leila hot. Leila is my idea of a beautiful girl.”

Daniel averted his eyes to the rail of the boat, evasive anytime his own emotions came into play.

“Don’t even go there, you know that subject just pisses me off because you’re an asshole.” Jake

frowned a warning and the hostile change of tone rendered them both silent for a moment. Daniel

finally shifted uncomfortably. That topic was a long-done deal and history had proven they couldn’t talk

about Leila without a heated fight soon after.

“You know, maybe you just need to get laid, this isn’t like you at all … How long has it been? I’m sure

your balls are probably blue by now and it would account for the moody assed nature.” He laughed,

and Jake just threw him an amused frown. Daniel was a dick.

“I lost count, it all became pretty mind-numbingly painful after a week and now it seems like years.” He

sighed and drunk more beer, pulling his shades down to cover his eyes when facing the sun this way.

“Just fuck someone and at least release some tension. Marissa is giving you the all hot and ready signs

and as much as I’m against you going down that route again, I am not against you abusing her body.

It’s still fucking fit … Miracle wouldn’t say no either, and that chick takes it in every way. Her ass is

pretty fine too.” Daniel laughed dirtily, and Jake only sighed again. He wasn’t in the mood for picturing

sex right now, his body was barely holding on.

“I think not … On both accounts. I don’t need to complicate this shit more than I am.” He sat up

agitated, a stirring in his groin at the sex talk and for a moment contemplated heading down to

Miracle’s room and seeing what she could do with her mouth. Emma’s mouth came into his mind’s eye

and he slumped back down in irritation, all urges of any other woman evaporating.

For the love of God, she was infiltrating every part of his head nowadays.

“So, fuck it, put the moves on her properly. This pussy shit you’re doing is not the Carrero I know and

love. You’re wimping out big time over this chick. Just swoop in like you always do and get her naked

and screaming in under five minutes.” Daniel hauled another beer out and threw a second to Jake, he

caught it swiftly and propped it against his short-covered hip.

“I can’t … She’s not like that. She doesn’t do one-night stands and then what? I still have to work with

her.” Jake was starting to feel agitated, the tight ache in his lower stomach growing and he couldn’t

decide if it was irritation or something else. He had the horn, he needed to fuck someone. Daniel was

right on that front. He was a hot-blooded guy with a high sex drive and he had never put himself into

self-inflicted celibacy in his life.

“The way you’re acting, Jake, I don’t think one night would be your goal … You’re totally pussy whipped

over this chick and you know it. Suck it up and just go all in for her.” Daniel was smirking his way again,

and this time he needed a moment to just think. Daniel was right. He wouldn’t be happy with a onetime

thing with her, he knew the second he had her he would want more. He knew it so painfully that it had

stopped him ever trying. She didn’t want this and, to be honest, having her outright reject him would be


He looked out over the water at the ripples on the surface from the twins and sighed.

“Unrequited … That’s a word I never thought I’d hear myself using … Especially in terms of it being me

on the painful side.” He smarted and rubbed the bridge of his nose with his thumb, avoiding Daniel’s


“Jesus, man, what girl could resist you? You’re a handsome fuck and way too sexy for most women to

handle. Have you ever just asked her?” Daniel sprayed beer his way, and he snapped his face back,

ready to beat him over the head with something in an instant anger spike.

“Fuck off, wanker.” He wiped the spray off his arm and contemplated chucking his unopened can at

Hunter’s face as payback. Ruining that pretty smile would be entertaining.

“Seriously, though?” Daniel smirked at him, a bit too obnoxiously.

“No. There’s no point, I know her. She gives me nothing. No signals, no hints, no tiny mannerisms to

even suggest she would be interested. Emma is completely immune to me in every way and it fucking

sucks.” He put his can down and crossed his arms over his head to block out the light. He wasn’t

enjoying this conversation at all and Daniel seemed to be enjoying it a little too much.

“Then why the fuck are you celibate? She has no hold over you, she’s not making you wait with any fly

teasing or hints of more … Fuck someone and end this misery.” Daniel leaned out and pushed him


He couldn’t explain it, he was already so messed up over this. He just knew that it was pointless. If he

even got close to a woman that wasn’t her, he knew for a fact his dick would cease to cooperate, he

had a mental block and until she got out of the way he was stuck this way.

“If I could I would!” he snapped back. “Look, man, can we just drop this shit, I’m seriously not in the

mood for this and it’s ruining my calm.” He sulked, childish Carrero on play and he didn’t give a shit

right now. Hunter was used to all versions of him.

“Right … as your best mate, I’m doing you a favor. Stay put.” Jake kept his eyes closed and arms over

his face and just ignored him. Whatever plan he was hatching Jake wasn’t interested. He heard Daniel

slide up and pace off toward the other end of the deck and sighed. Reaching over to Daniel’s lounger

he picked up the iPod left there and stuck the headphones in. When Hunter came back he was killing

this conversation, it was pointless and going nowhere fast. Rehashing his feelings wasn’t going to

make a damn bit of difference. He switched on the playlist and was immediately blasted with

Nickelback, Hunter’s favorite band right now, and went back to covering his face with his arms. He was

tired from last night’s late one, maybe a nap would put him in a better mood while she was away.

* * *

It felt like only seconds later when in the darkness a warm, moist sensation ran down his abdomen

toward his shorts’ waist making his muscles tense in a really good way, in his dream-like state he

pictured Emma running her tongue down his body and smiled. He could picture her doing exactly that

as it felt much like he would expect a small warm tongue to feel. Moving south, the sensation twirled

around his waistband and he squirmed sleepily.

God, she was good with her tongue.

He could picture her soft blue eyes looking up at him sexily and he was definitely getting hard with it.

His waistband was tugged slightly, and he felt himself heating up with the dream, fucking her in his

sleep was common but this was a new turn, never had he dreamed about her blowing him off and he

sure as hell wasn’t about to stop it. He was aware that his brain was trying to wake him up, but he

fought it to hold on to the pictures in his head. He didn’t care if he had a wet dream lying here, she had

given him plenty in the past months and Daniel sure as hell wouldn’t laugh. All guys did it.

That hot, warm mouth moved lower, pulling his shorts down enough to get the tip of him free and

connected with a suction that almost made him come right then. Suddenly realizing this was all a little

too un-Emma and feeling a little too real had him sitting up with a start and blinking at his surroundings

harshly. He looked down at the still warm sensation encircling his dick and scowled at the brunette with

her face in his lap, before shoving her away hard. He sent Miracle, who was fully naked, sliding across

the deck aggressively and unceremoniously.


“What the fuck are you doing?” he barked at her, pulling himself right and jumping to his feet. He felt

dirty … like he needed a shower all of a sudden. “And put some fucking clothes on.” He snapped again,

lifting the towel from Hunter’s lounger and throwing it at her as he saw the tears in her eyes. A look of

complete shock and humility, not that he could blame her. Old Carrero would have been more than

open to this little scenario only a couple of months ago. Hell, he would have helped it along and taken

his shorts off and pulled her onto his lap impatiently.


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