Novel Name : The Carrero Effect - Falling for the Boss (Billionaire CEO)

The Carrero Effect - Falling for the Boss (Billionaire CEO) Chapter 293

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“Go to my room and get some money from the vanity and pay the guy for the ride … Just take

whatever’s there.” He patted the crewman on the back knowing he was trustworthy and left him to

speak the native tongue of the local to pay him for the kindness. Jake was too tired to deal with any

more, he wanted to find Emma and check she was okay, tell her that he was back and then go to bed.

He was exhausted and almost dead on his feet.

“Ricardo?” He turned to the young man quickly “Where is Miss Anderson?” he asked pointedly.

“Up on deck, sir, she was on the loungers about five minutes ago.” The young man nodded his way,

receiving a pat on the shoulder as way of thanks and Jake headed for the stairs to the upper deck. It

was early even for an early riser like Emma, suggesting she had probably waited on him all night and

that didn’t make him happy at all. She would be as tired as him.

“Emma?” he called out as he got to the top of the deck and could see her laid out on the double

lounger like an angel resting on the clouds. God, she was a sight for sore eyes, and just being back

within ten feet of her relaxed every taut muscle in his body. He felt like he had been tense waiting to get

back to her and could finally breathe now that he could see her.

“Hey.” She smiled shyly from her position on the lounger as he walked forward intently, she just looked

too inviting to not go to her and all thoughts of anything else swam from his fuzzy head. She was like a

constant lure for him, pushing sense aside. He slid down beside her on the lounger with a satisfied

sigh, his body giving way to the comfort of lying down. He sprawled alongside her, not caring if he

draped all over her, too fatigued to move, and lay on his front. He buried his face in his arms to block

out the light and felt like he could fall asleep instantly beside her, the smell of her and her nearness was

like being home, and now his brain was shutting down with relief.

Despite his brain closing down slowly, he could feel her breath on his arm and her eyes on his profile,

silently looking at him. He could sense her, her shyness at saying anything vibrating his way and as

much as he wanted to just sleep he wanted her to be okay about last night too.

“I’m still awake,” he mumbled, sliding an arm out across her waist with his eyes closed, pulling her to

his side so he could snuggle into her and kill this insane need to stare at her. He wanted to know what

she was thinking, but he didn’t have the energy to do anything about it. He moved his face nearer her

neck so he could tuck his forehead against her hair and inhale all the sexy goodness and subtle

tropical scent that was just her. He had missed her like crazy.

“You smell good,” he muttered almost incoherently, still with eyes shut and sleep trying to overtake him.

He could feel her slowly beginning to tense her body, her breathing becoming shallower and the tell-

tale signs of Emma going into PA mode, all business and no emotion.

Fuck, he didn’t need this version right now.

“Thanks,” she muttered a little tightly. Jake sighed internally that she wasn’t even going to give him five

minutes to rejoice in last night before ripping this to shreds for him. He smiled against her naked skin

with a little hint of defeat, smiled because he knew her only too well.

“Are you ever going to just learn to let go, Miss Anderson? When you’re sober.” He sighed again,

wishing she was still drunk for at least a little while.

“What do you mean?” She sounded irritated, maybe a little surprised.

“I can feel you … stiffer than a board … why so formal after last night?” He smiled again. Teasing her

might be more fun than an argument right about now, not that he could do much. He had no use of his

limbs anymore. He felt her movements and the tell-tale motion of her twisting her hair anxiously, her

cute little annoying habit of nerves on show.

Goddammit, Emma.

He reached up, covered her hand in his and pulled her fingers away from that soft, beautiful hair.

“Relax, I only want to sleep,” he mumbled, returning his arm to its previous throw across her waist

casually. “Stop thinking and sleep with me … you look tired.” He commanded a little more than he

meant to, but he wanted this last time with her before reality set in and she found every reason to rip

his heart out. He felt her eyes on his face again and knew she was probably glaring at him for pulling

her fingers out of her hair like she always did. Truly a return to her uptight former self and not even a

hint of carefree holiday Emma left on show.

“I’m not tired,” she huffed childishly, feathers ruffled for whatever reason and whatever he had done this

time. Hungover, Emma was on show and even though it was normally cute, not so much today when

he actually cared about what had happened between them last night. He felt her slide out of his arms,

leaving him feeling a little empty.

“I’m going for a swim,” she added as she rose, voice all cool and very PA and Jake could only sigh at

her return. Last night had obviously pushed her further than she was comfortable with and here she

was reeling it back in again with a vengeance. Jake lifted his head to look at her walking away, sexy

and cute all rolled into one perfect little package of sheer angelic beauty. He felt that ache of longing at

knowing this would never be what he wanted, and she was already closing down on him.

“Don’t drown … I don’t have the energy for a repeat of last night.” He sighed, watching her leave with a

serious bout of regret at leaving last night, as much as he was glad to stay by his best mate’s side he

couldn’t help but wish he had stayed with her and seen through whatever last night had been. More

now than ever seeing as cold and closed off Emma had made a grand return. She was back in work

mode, and he was not too happy about that at all.

When Emma had left the deck Jake hauled himself up, the lounger no longer appealing without her on

it and dragged himself back to the confines of his own room to sleep in peace away from the death rays

of the sun.

Leaving it dark and only kicking the door semi-closed he collapsed face down on the bed, barely

managing to haul the covers back with his heavy fatigued body and passed out immediately.

* * *

Jake finally woke up feeling almost normal, his room was still in darkness, and he had no clue how

many hours he’d been asleep. He was still in the exact position he’d flopped down in and was now stiff

as hell.

He pulled himself up and dragged his aching muscles to the en suite shower in an attempt to wake up

fully. He hated sleeping the day away even if he had an excuse and wanted to make sure he did

something more active than lazing around today to counterbalance his messed up sleeping pattern.

Once showered and dressed he headed up on deck to see what the crew had going for breakfast, or

lunch, or whatever the hell time of the day it was. For all he knew it could be evening, anyway.

Heading up into the sun he was surprised, and a little irritated, to see Emma had fallen asleep under

the highest point of it in the day, it was noon judging by its position, and she was only being saved from

the rays by a book over her face.

He knew it was her just from that little body alone, she had a figure the other girls should envy, soft

curves and perfectly proportioned little limbs. Even her dainty feet always fascinated him. He’d never

been a fan of small delicate girls before Emma but somehow it only added to everything about her that

was perfect.

He sat down on the lounger beside her, smiling at the romance book cover with a shake of his head.

The girl was complicated, to say the least, he would never have pegged her for romance books, and he

slid it away slowly to reveal her peaceful perfection underneath.

Tiny little nose and perfectly kissable lips, a perfect face if he ever saw one and the tiniest hints of

freckles forming over the bridge of her nose now she was getting a tan. He gently brushed her hair

away from her forehead, savoring the silent moments before she woke up fully. Taking in a face that

would haunt him for a lifetime.


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