Novel Name : The Carrero Effect - Falling for the Boss (Billionaire CEO)

The Carrero Effect - Falling for the Boss (Billionaire CEO) Chapter 154

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“What? He knew you would be here though?” I’m beyond perplexed, seems I have given him more due

than he deserves.

“Exactly! Fuck him. Fuck men.” She slides up as Jake approaches with two pink cocktails oozing with

sparkly decorations. Leila reaches up and kisses him on the cheek as he slides one into her hand and

then dips down and puts mine on the table. He slides in beside me and drapes an arm around the back

of my chair as Leila stands, watching us and downing half the drink in one go. I think she’s deliberately

turning her back on the scene of Hunter and his date dancing nearby. It’s pretty obvious they are

hooking up tonight.

I could literally kick him in the face right now.

“I’ll be back in a bit.” She smiles and takes off toward the far side of the club with drink in hand and I

sense Jake frowning at me.

“Is she okay?” I can tell by the look in his eye he really means, “How much has Daniel hurt her this


“She will be, she’s a tough cookie who knows she’s worth far more.” I stick up for her gallantly. It’s all

true. Leila is a feisty one and a fighter, it will take more than Daniel Hunter to break her. Jake gazes

after her departing figure for a moment, lost in thought then seems to shrug it off. Whatever thoughts

transpired; the alcohol obviously pushes aside. I can tell he’s pretty mellow right now.

“Want to make out? I’ve been missing you over there.” He smiles at me and I can’t help the tug toward

his mouth as soon as he even hints at kissing. It doesn’t take long for us to end up wrapped in a clinch

with mouths engaged in our second favorite physical pursuit. His tongue caressing mine softly and lips

moving in perfect unison. His arms around me with one hand in the back of my hair keeping me held

close. I could kiss him for an eternity.

“Will you two come up for air?” Daniel’s voice breaks in, the sharp shove transfers through Jake,

obviously at Daniel’s hands. “Seriously man, I’ve been standing over there for like twenty minutes

waiting for you to stop.”

“This jealousy thing, man, it’s killing me. I just don’t fancy you, Danny!” Jake smirks up at him, arms still

draped around me, holding me close.

“Funny! … Look, I need to talk to you … Alone.” Daniel is serious and some sort of secret look passes

between them.

“Okay, keep your wig on.” Jake turns to me with a kiss and a smile. “I’ll not be long; I can see Leila

coming anyway.” We both glance up and see her heading for us, her eyes deliberately zoned in on me

and avoiding Hunter.

“Seriously, dude?” Daniel looks completely panicked and hurries Jake with him just as she approaches.

Neither acknowledge one another and even though I catch Jake throw him a glare, they both walk off.

“Asshole,” Leila mumbles under her breath and moves back in beside me to grab my hand. “Was

powdering my nose and having some girly bathroom bonding and now we’re dancing, sexy Ems. Come


She hauls me up to a clearing where some of the other women from our party are already gyrating in

time to music and pulls me to the inner circle. I get the distinct impression she doesn’t want to talk

about this at all.

A couple of the girls pull me over in sheer delight, asking me loudly over the thump thump of music,

how I bagged the Jake Carrero as an actual boyfriend, and they make me feel about twenty feet tall. I

try to give the briefest and vaguest of replies, saying Jake just couldn’t resist me and sense Leila start

to unfurl back to that happy go lucky girl I’m used to. Seems I’m the envy of most of the women in the


By the fifth cocktail, I’m decidedly drunk, completely accepted into the group of giggling women and

stumbling on my own shoes frequently. I’m glad when familiar strong arms come around my waist from

behind, his husky voice in my hair as he searches out my neck with his mouth.

“I feel neglected over there, bella.” He pulls me into his body, molding me with his. Catching the

envious and swooning looks from the women I’ve been dancing with and experience an inner warm

glow spread through me. I like the fact that Jake is as irresistible to other women as he is to me, it

makes me kind of smug and on top of the world.

“You should have come over to dance then.” I grin, sinking into the feel of him, stumbling on my shoes

again as he braces me.

“Think I should have, instead of sending over more alcohol, bambino … I think I see the return of drunk

Emma, I’ve never got down and dirty with her,” he breathes hoarsely into my ear, sounding so sexy I

turn and plant a kiss on his lips impulsively, instant touch searing into hot kiss. He cups my face and

pulls me back to his mouth a little more firmly. The second kiss is more scorching than the first and my

legs literally turn to mush as he holds me up. I hear the giggling and coos of the women behind me and

ignore them although the warmth of knowing he’s all mine seers through me in an instant and ups the

inner heat and urge to rip his clothes off. When he lets me go, I’m panting with the effects of that kiss.

“You might get lucky, then.” I try my seductive look as he smiles in response, a perfect slow, smooth

‘Hollywood’s best’ smile.

“Maybe I’ll be looking for a cab about now.” He grins against my mouth as he moves in for a repeat. I

don’t get a chance to respond as Leila cuts in.

“Stop pawing at her and go back to your men folk.” Leila snorts and we move apart slightly so we can

both see her. “Your obvious amore for your woman is making me green with envy, Jacob!” She pulls his

arms off me and attempts to push him away, back to where he came from. I frown with disappointment.

He grabs Leila in a head lock and plants a kiss on top of her head as she battles to get his muscular

arm off her face.

“Laylay, if you stopped eating the men who tried to date you then one would be around to romance you

too.” She shoves him off, throwing that famous pout at him.

“Stop calling me that … We’re not eight years old anymore, Jacob!” She huffs then breaks into a scowl

when he pokes her in between the eyebrows. I’ve always loved the almost sibling love between these

too, I love Leila so much that she can be forgiven for teasing Jake, as often as she does.

“And my name is Jake!” He points out haughtily, he hates his Christian name so badly, it’s adorable. I

just smile at the pair of them and shake my head.

“Children please.” They glare at one another before Jake leans out, grabbing me by the hand and with

a swift tug, has me back in his arms behind Leila. Raising his eyebrows in mock disdain before kissing

me slowly and deliberately. I catch her unamused snort and inwardly giggle. I can almost visualize her

hand on hip posture and dramatic eye rolling.

Leila loudly exclaims something, and Jake looks up and over my head, his body instantly tensing as his

whole manner changes. The look in his eye goes from light-hearted and relaxed to sudden death glare.

Dark and dangerous, his whole demeanor changing instantly to solid stone.

“What is it?” I ask, straining to look around, but he’s holding me against him so tightly I can’t move

more than a couple of inches. His jaw moves, eyes darkening heavily, teeth clenching—it can’t be

good. I get a deep surge of anxiety, small ripples of apprehension in my stomach. I wonder what he

sees that has fighter mode Carrero lifting its aggressive head from his fiery depths.

“Ummm, so, Emma …” Leila’s voice drifts over, she sounds nervous. Jake makes no attempt to release

me or even let me turn to see what she’s doing. “This is Ben, my older brother.”

“I know who he is.” Jake’s voice is venomous, the arms around me relentless, he won’t let me turn and

be polite. Just held as his prisoner and I can’t even look at Leila. I look at him hopelessly, irritation

rising at his behavior, only being able to see the upper side of his face and his strong steady glare on

whoever Ben is. He’s practically emanating hate in a way I’ve never seen from him.

“Nice to see you again, Jake.” The male voice replies smoothly, he sounds flippant, unscathed by

Jake’s obvious hostility, in fact, he sounds pleased about it. “And you … Emma.”

The presence moves away behind me and Jake finally lets me down enough to turn and see Leila

move toward the others with a tall, dark man standing at a similar height to Jake, but his back to us. His

build and posture are remarkably Jake-like though, and that dark hair a perfect color match.

“Are you going to tell me what that was all about?” I ask pointedly. Jake scowls at the back of the

person and fully lets me go, ignoring my question. Instead he turns, grabs my hand, and pulls me to the

bar and orders shots. Up until now he’s been going easy on the alcohol, staying mostly sober

compared to me, but I guess he’s changed his mind. Not that I care, I like Jake drunk or sober and

never understood his recent sobriety.


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