Novel Name : The Carrero Effect - Falling for the Boss (Billionaire CEO)

The Carrero Effect - Falling for the Boss (Billionaire CEO) Chapter 236

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Jake is nibbling my neck and his hands are all over my breasts as we walk back to the Carrero family

home. He’s walking behind me, making it impossible to get on at a decent pace while he’s groping the

life out of me. I can’t stop giggling with every suck and nibble, and when his mouth finds my ear lobe, I

sink back against him halting us in the street again. The pleasure overtaking me at being back in a

world where Jake can’t keep his hands off me.

We spent an alarmingly long time making up for wasted hormones by christening every room and

almost every cupboard in our new home and now I’m tingling from every pore with the biggest radiant

grin on my face. Jake has well and truly found his long-lost libido and by the last two rooms he was

over his previous concerns about hurting babies or feeling guilty. The sex in those two rooms was hard

and hot and taken from behind. I’m sure my skin is marked from the ferocity we finally built up to in the

last screaming stages of christening the house. There is no way I’m allowing him to go back to a

sexless relationship now.

“Put her down will you.” Daniel’s voice cuts into the extremely naughty thoughts running through my

head and both Jake and I look up at the same time. We forgot about our so-called guests who I guess

were sitting waiting for us at Sylvana’s.

“You two were a very long time.” Leila winks at us, sliding into Daniel’s bright red sports car parked in

the Carrero drive, she looks happy for once and Daniel’s bloody nose is clean; except now I notice faint

bruising along his jawline starting to develop.

“What did she do to your face?” I ask Daniel, as Jake’s wraps his arms around my waist, possessively,

pulling me against his torso to stand beside the driver’s door in front of Hunter.

“I’m dating a crazy little hell-cat who likes to play rough.” Daniel shrugs as though it’s completely

normal behavior.

“I can imagine you two featuring in a BDSM article for sure.” Jake laughs, and Daniel’s raised eyebrow

and smirk makes me think that maybe Jake isn’t that far wrong. I really don’t want to think of the weird

crazy things these two get up to; knowing Hunter’s reputation in the past I’m guessing Leila must be

equally wild to keep him on his toes.

“I need to punish him for all his wrongs,” Leila cuts in clicking her fingers, “Daniel come.” She glares at

him from the passenger seat and he inclines his head at her.

“Sorry, dude, can we maybe come back for the grand house tour and shit later?” He checks his watch.

“I have a session to go to and the little woman is coming with.” He smiles when he calls her that and his

sheer adoration for her is obvious. Daniel is hopeless for my girl.

“I heard that, I ain’t no little woman, Daniel ‘bastarding’ Hunter. I’m thee fucking woman.” Leila snorts at

the eye roll Hunter throws her way. Leila is still trying to exert her dominance over him for sure.

“Calm your sexy, lacy, panties, baby cakes. You’re thee fucking woman that’s going to get fucked black

and blue in the car if she doesn’t stop with the attitude.” Daniel throws Jake an indulgent look and I can

only shake my head

at the pair of them; at least things in that relationship will never be dull.

“You sure as hell pick the most challenging things to

do in life, Danny.” Jake laughs and bends to throw Leila

a cute little wave. She sticks her fingers up at him and her tongue out. I laugh at her, my heart

brimming with love

for the girl too adorable for words, even when she’s being a little psychotic.

“She keeps things interesting. How else is a guy like me supposed to stick with one chick for the rest of

his life? Leila has enough personalities to keep me amused for a very long time … and enough sass to

keep me horny for an eternity.” Daniel winks at us and with a grin bangs the top of his car over her


“And enough violence to make you suffer if you screw this up … I’m pretty sure this version of her is not

against cutting the family jewels off if you fuck it up again.” Jake cuts in. He’s still watching Leila in the

passenger seat and the warning tone is evident in Jake’s voice. He’s reminding Daniel that he only gets

this chance once.

“Must be fucking love then, eh?” Daniel shrugs and turns to open his door in such a nonchalant

manner, making me giggle.

“That is almost romantic in an extremely vague way.” I point out with a smile and blow Leila a kiss,

seeing her smile and return one at me.

“I’m not Jake, honey, he’s the smooth talker and

Mr. Hands-on-cuddly-feely and all that crap.” He slides

into his seat and puts down the window before shutting

his door. Leila switches on the radio and starts scrolling

until she finds a song she likes, turning it up loud.

Taylor Swift – “Blank Space”

It fills the air and Daniel sticks his head out of the window throwing Jake a deadpan look.

“This is Leila’s theme tune. If I ever go missing check her basement for my body.” There’s such a

serious look in his eye that I burst out laughing and Leila slaps him hard on the shoulder. He doesn’t

flinch at her assault.

“Are you trying to say I’m insane?” She balks at him angrily, leaning forward in her seat so he’s close


to lick.

“If the shoe fits princess.” He smirks back at her, starting the car, revving the engine, and adjusting his

seat belt seemingly ignoring her close proximity and threatening expression.

“Fuck … you!” She says slowly and deliberately, leaning toward the side of his face, dangerously close,

with a look of pure hatred. Daniel turns to catch her chin and kisses her full force on the mouth with

startling speed. I can’t help but watch how cute they look kissing. They make for an attractive if not

slightly crazy couple.

“I love the fucking crazy in you Leila. It happens to be the most adorable part.” He sits back, leaving her

blinking at him, and waves at us as he screeches out of the drive at speed. Leila is no doubt being

thrown back in her seat violently with the force of his maneuver.

Well, They’re certainly interesting together anyway.

“Normally I would say that a girl has no clue what she’s getting into with Danny, but in this case, it’s him

I’m more worried about.” Jake watches the car screech out into the street and turn at a junction at an

alarming speed. Daniel drives like a maniac, his red Lamborghini ringing through the air even long

minutes after we can’t see it.

“I think they’re perfectly matched, but they need to calm the hostility, before someone gets scarred for

life.” I giggle as Jake comes to possessively wrap his arms around me once more and dives back into

my body.

“Honestly, I think Danny is the only one in danger of receiving wounds and the pervert in him will

probably love it.” Jake leans in and bites my neck again, making me squeal. “Now where were we,


* * *

Splayed out like a star on the bed with Jake’s palms pressed to mine, our fingers interlaced and pinned

down on the mattress. I’m lying in the afterglow of the best morning of my life. He’s panting on top of

me and finally finds the strength to move, rolling off gently and lying beside me instead, after an

energetic couple of hours in an empty house.

Yesterday we endured a day of meetings, one with an interior designer; then the local press for the

announcement of our engagement in the paper, and finally we had Sylvana clucking around for the

remainder of the day treating me like fragile glass, just like Jake does. Leila and Daniel never returned

for the tour so Sylvana finally got hers, minus the sexual moaning from upstairs. We hadn’t had another

moment all day to be alone until we came to bed when his parents left for a dinner date. The day has

been busy and unstoppable and by the time we got to bed Jake was tearing my clothes off in a frenzy

to get our bodies back together now his mental block is gone.

It’s safe to say he’s returned to his former glory, all emotional crap in his head finally dealt with. This

morning he woke me in the most spectacularly sexy way which led to the hottest morning sex of my life

and I’m hopelessly falling in love with him all over again. He’s finally the man I loved, all domineering,

bossy and sexy, and now that every part of him is as it should be, I am glowing, both inside and out.

Basking in an afterglow of multiple orgasms.

Anyone who thinks sex isn’t important in a relationship is crazy.

“You up for trying a car journey today?” Jake leans in, kissing me on the temple, my body still tingling

and vibrating from our recent energetic session, like I’ve had a serious workout and my body could do

with a shower. Irritatingly, he looks immaculate, like always, and smells exactly as he always does.

Fresh and citrusy.

How the hell he does that I’ll never know, it’s annoyingly seductive.

“Depends on where we’re going.” I turn to him, snuggling into his broad chest, dragging those strong

arms around me satisfyingly. These arms are still the best place in the world, and luckily for me Jake

gives me them whenever I want, night or day.

“We need to go back to the city and sort out what we want from the apartment. I’ve got three days”

worth of

crap to deal with at work over the Hunter contract and I’d rather you were close by so I can see you at

night.” Jake releases me and slides out of bed, he obviously has his

bossy brain in gear this morning and a look on his face that says we have plans, not that I mind. I’ve

been getting bored with lazing around in the Carrero family home while he dashes back and forth from

the city. I’d rather be back in our own private space until our home is ready, then after that I’ll just have

to get used to his disappearing acts when he goes to-and-fro from work.

“I haven’t been as sick lately, so I should be okay.” I stretch out and yawn, feeling like the cat who got

the cream and then some. It’s early but I’m restless and want to do something beyond a day of reading

books, lying around and cooking lessons. I need to sort out other parts of my life before I can come

here and start a new chapter. Other parts being my mother, work, and seeing Sarah properly.

“Sophie’s supposed to be coming over later today, after school, to see the house.” I watch him move

around the bedroom lifting towels for the shower, that magnificent naked ass and body on full show.

He’s never been shy about wandering about in front of me naked, not that I can blame him; with his

body I would’ve taken up naked modeling just to show it all off.

Not that I want him to, I think I’d scratch the eyes out of any girl who ogled his body these days.

“I’ll leave keys and alarm code with Mamma and tell her to show Sophie around. The designer has all

your preferences for our bedroom and the lounge so if she gets that in motion quick, we can move in

while the rest of the house gets done.” He throws me a panty melting happy face. I start smiling, biting

on my lip, aching for his body to be entangled with mine again already. It’s alarming at how my lust has

returned tenfold with a reminder of his skills. I have to drag my eyes forcefully back to his.


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