Novel Name : The Carrero Effect - Falling for the Boss (Billionaire CEO)

The Carrero Effect - Falling for the Boss (Billionaire CEO) Chapter 178

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Lounging in between Jake’s legs on the huge sofa in the family room feels amazing after the events of

the day before, my head against his chest as he concentrates on a document in his hand and strokes

my hair and neck with the other. I’m attempting to read a book, but the sheer blissfulness of our

morning has me daydreaming idly instead. Every so often he plants a kiss on top of my head before

turning his papers and silently focusing back on work; he’s reading through contracts for something I’ve

no idea about.

When did this happen? When did I become so disconnected from the business side that I don’t even

know what Jake’s reading through anymore?

I realize it doesn’t bother me at all, I like laying here detached from work while he still keeps tabs on

things going on in his empire. I’m in danger of becoming a kept girlfriend at this rate and I’m not sure

how I feel about it right now.

The maid comes in a little after ten and leaves us a fresh tray of coffee and bagels. We were up early

for breakfast, revived, even with a lack of sleep. Both in the happiest of

moods and playful, tickling, and play fighting as we walked through the house.

Jake sighs heavily.

“This is the agreement with Marissa.” He strokes my face again as he feels me tense up. “I called the

legal team and requested a new meeting to discuss the DNA test and some other minor details in the

draft Marissa’s lawyer sent me.”

I curl around to my side, so I can look up at him, he smiles when we lock eyes.

That beautiful face.

“You look relaxed today.” Leaning down he kisses my nose bringing out a smile in me, despite his

mention of her.

“I feel it.” I sigh and tug the corner of his document held slightly to the side. “What details?” I remind

him of his topic. He sighs heavily.

“I’m refusing to fly to LA every month for classes. She’s no commitments like I do, it makes more sense

if she relocates to New York until after the birth. That way I can fit her into my schedule and not vice

versa.” I look at the paper rather than at him, aware how much it still aches to talk about this and

swallow it down. I know he has to go to LA again soon for the first of the maternity meets, but with

things still in limbo he’s refused to do anything until this is settled. My hatred for her never ceases to

eat at me.

“Why is she making this more awkward?” I ask finally once I have my emotions fully under control.

“Marissa likes to think she’s in control, she likes to play stupid games.” I watch his mouth and inwardly

blanche. I wonder if Marissa’s games were the start of Jake’s need to always have the upper hand. He

has no idea how ironic his statement is.

“She wants you to jump through hoops and agree to anything she decides?” I push my other thoughts

away. Trying so hard to commit to talking about this; he obviously wants to.

“I guess … She doesn’t know me very well then does she, bambino?” He winks at me and despite

myself, I smile. It’s true, she’s no idea what she is coming up against in him. He isn’t a fifteen-year-old

boy anymore and if she hasn’t really known him as he grew up then she is about to get a rude


Jake will wipe the floor with you, sweetie!

“No, she doesn’t.” I admit with a degree of somberness which makes him frown at me, he leans down

giving me an almost upside-down kiss on the mouth, sticking his tongue in unexpectedly and then

licking my chin playfully. I squeal in disgust and wriggle to get free, trapped in his muscular arm. He

nibbles my cheek before releasing me and hauling me up against him from where I slid down. Grinning

at me. Despite the shitty topic of conversation, he’s been playful all morning and that little maneuver

just one of many similar since dawn. He's in affection overdrive to make up for yesterday.

“I’m done with negotiating with her, most of her demands are plain stupid … She’s acting like a woman

in a relationship.” He closes the papers and throws them onto a nearby table with a dramatic inhale.

“It’s not even close to what I’ll agree to.”

“I thought you sorted things out when you flew out there?” I nestle my head in his neck again, a little

less likely to run and hide with the topic being opened again, adamant I need to try to face this.

Knowing how he really feels about all of it has helped me, taken some of the sting out of it. Or maybe I

am just starting to get used to the idea that this is happening after all.

“We did, to an extent … The basics were agreed on. Marissa keeps adding demands anytime we get

close to signing and now she wants me to spend a weekend a month in her condo with her, going to

maternity and parenting classes. Plus, an additional day, every two weeks, going to some bonding shit

so that we will work together for the sake of the baby. I don’t know what she’s been smoking but she

can forget it.” He wraps both arms around me tightly and squeezes me hard.

“Sounds like she just wants excuses to have you with her.” I pout jealously, anger overtaking me and

filling my stomach with a heavy knot of hatred.

“Well, she can try.” He lifts me up, sliding his legs under me so I’m sitting on him instead, my head just

slightly higher than his. I open my legs to sit more comfortably on top of him, still being spooned by his


“Are you going to come with me this time?” his serious tone and despite really trying to agree, I shake

my head. I still can’t do this. He sighs but says nothing.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper, leaning my head back against his cheek, heavy with overwhelming guilt but I just

can’t, it’s still too soon, too raw for me.

“I understand, bambino … If it were a role reversal, I wouldn’t be able to handle it either.” He hugs me

tight before getting up and sliding me onto the couch.

“I need to go make some calls; I’ll be in our room if you want me.” He leans down and kisses me on the

mouth before turning and lifting a coffee and a bagel. “Go roam the gardens or take a swim, no one

shows face until noon around here on weekends.” He walks off and throws me back a smile with a glint

of wicked in it. “Or maybe come see me in a little while and I’ll occupy you.” With a wink he’s gone, and

I’m left to lay back on the cream plush settee and stretch out like a satisfied cat.

* * *

I end up taking a walk in the gardens and gazing at the view of the distant shoreline visible from the

Carrero home. It’s peaceful and sunny despite the late season, the view is so beautiful and calming. I’m

surprised to hear footsteps lightly coming up behind me and turn in curiosity, a smile breaking across

my face as Sophie comes running toward me at full pelt with a massive grin on her face. Turning with

complete joy I grin right back and am soon met with the crushing hug of an overexcited teenager.

“Oh, my god, it’s so good to see you again.” She gushes, looking every bit the pampered and tanned

socialite, a far cry from the skinny tomboy in oversized clothes of weeks ago. My heart swells at the

sight of her.

“You look so healthy and happy.” I hold back the emotions that threaten up inside of me, hugging her

back with equal force. Tears brimming in my eyes; she looks so good it’s painful. Happiness bursting

out of me in every direction. That tawny hair is highlighted and silky in a plumper face, deliciously

tanned, and sporting hints of make-up.

“I can’t ever thank you and Jake enough for the way my life has turned out, Emma. I can’t believe

you’re actually here. I almost died of happiness when I got Jake’s text.” She releases me, raking me

over with appreciation, obvious she can see the change in me just like everyone else.

“I’m happy to hear you’re doing so well here, Sophie. I must say, you look completely different.” I lift her

hand and make her twirl under my arm, all skinny jeans and flattering sparkly T-shirt with a cheeky

logo, her body fuller from a better living, losing the unhealthy gauntness of Chicago.


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