Novel Name : The Carrero Effect - Falling for the Boss (Billionaire CEO)

The Carrero Effect - Falling for the Boss (Billionaire CEO) Chapter 176

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I have to play this out if I’ve any chance of beating him.

Lifting my wine glass, the other hand tugging a strand of my hair, to wash down the cream cannelloni, I

shiver with the smallest breeze behind me as someone passes and glance up expecting to see the

maid. The elderly gentlemen walks by and leaves the room with a puce colored face and bored

expression. Heat envelopes me as an arm comes around my shoulder unexpectedly and a firm hot

mouth kisses me on the exposed skin.

“Hey, bambino … You okay?” that inner triumph sparks as Jake surrounds me with his heat and smell.

Sitting in the recently evacuated seat next to me. I glance down, noting he’s brought his glass of wine

with him and push down the urge to beam in his presence, instead keeping my tone controlled and flat.

“I’m fine.” Just enough of a sigh to portray that I’m not.

I should get an Oscar for this.

“You want to go for a walk or go upstairs?” He sounds concerned, a hesitation in his voice that maybe

he’s pushed things too far. My little boy Carrero in full flow, so unsure and sweet.

Don’t melt at it, stay strong.

“No. I’m good, thanks.” I keep my face turned from him and push the rest of my dessert around the

plate absentmindedly. I know it looks to him as though I’m upset.

“You know I would never do anything, baby? I love you; I’d never hurt you like that.” The tone in his

voice betrays more than apprehension, he’s trying to reassure me. He’s back peddling this evening and

my inner smugness rises up. I keep my expression blank and my exterior controlled.

“I know.” I smile tightly and pull away from him to get up, announcing I need to go to the ladies’ room

and excuse myself quickly. Jake follows close behind me, catching me in the hall.

“Emma, wait.” He catches my arm, pulling me to him and encircles me with his arms. “Baby, I’m sorry, I

shouldn’t have behaved like this and made you feel this way. Look, can we just forget all of this,

bambino? You know me. I would never do anything to make you leave me. Come upstairs and we can

just go to bed early. Veg out and watch one of those trashy movies you love so much.” His narrowed

brow and genuine concern make me melt and even feel slightly guilty.

This is the guy I love to death, right here. This one with the beautiful green eyes and loving heart.

“You would do that for me?” I lower my lashes and look away as though I’m surprised he cares, and he

falls for it hook, line, and sinker.

“Baby, it was just a game, a stupid game. I don’t need the contract signed. I just need you.” He kisses

me and wipes away all my resolve. His arms sliding around me firmly and pressing every inch of me

against him. My inner body almost self-combusting.

“Take me upstairs, Jake.” I breathe into his mouth as his hands work down my curves, he doesn’t need

to be told twice and grabs my hand, leading the way.

* * *

Minutes later he peels me out of my dress and under dress in the bedroom and pulls me down on top

of him on the bed so I’m straddling him in my lingerie and stockings. He leans up against the

headboard, my shoes discarded on the floor with his and I kiss him full on while unbuttoning his shirt.

The need for sex rising inside of me, his knees bent behind me, so it keeps me against him. His hands

skate over the soft skin at my ass as he pulls me closer into his groin with a moan. The heat of our

mouths together ignites, and he flips over so he’s on top of me, my legs coming around his waist and

his hands running down the silkiness of my stockings hungrily, finding their way into the lace of my

thong. His mouth covers my neck and the swell of my breasts trying to burst out of my bra. I’m panting

and heaving as he devours me, grinding into me with his hardness, making me even more wanton than

I was down at the pool earlier. The unquenched orgasm still lingering inside of me ready to be reignited

and almost begging for him. We moan in unison as we grind together, and his hands come up, lifting

both of mine above my head in the way he seems to love holding me down. His fingers slide up my

arms as his lips tease my cleavage mercilessly, fingers trailing all the way up to my wrists. I close my

eyes and surrender to my master.

There’s a clink and a strange noise as cold metal encircles my wrist causing a startled yelp and I jerk

my eyes open. My head snaps up at the direction of the noise and Jake pulls away, sitting back on his

haunches with a satisfied smirk as I realize he’s handcuffed me to the bed by one hand. I tug at it

looking to him in confusion.

“I know when you’re upset, Emma, and I know when you’re trying to play me. Sweet dreams, baby …

Only way I’m sleeping next to you tonight is if your powerless to touch me.” He climbs off the bed and

strolls to the bathroom, fully untucking his shirt and throwing it into a hamper by the door.

“What the hell, Jake?” I writhe and tug at the cold metal, trying to free my hand and glaring at him

angrily as it clanks and digs into my skin. Inner rage igniting, torn between disbelief and sheer

mortification that he would do this to me.

“Do you need a pen?” He asks mercilessly, turning away as I hurl abuse at him, rolling and trying to get


“No point in struggling, shorty, those ain’t coming off unless you rip that headboard off too, and before

you ask, I borrowed them from Alessandra. Seems she’s no loyalty to which side wins.” He walks into

the bathroom and turns on the tap, brushing his teeth and leaving me leashed to this goddamn infernal


I manage to maneuver myself to my knees and sit up, pulling with all my might but it’s no good. The

biting pain in my wrist makes me give in long before the bed does, and I slump. Sitting down dejectedly,

the rage rising inside of me crazily. He’s always one step ahead. Always knows how to shut me down

at every turn, even using Alessandra to borrow these cuffs as payback for my borrowing the bikini and

her behavior. It’s so typically him! Cold and calculated and bloody merciless. He has no qualms when it

comes to winning; all that somber shit at dinner was an act. Playing me for playing him.

For fuck’s sake!

He finally walks out of the bathroom wearing sweatpants and smirks when he sees me.

“You can’t sleep like that.” He slides onto the bed and pulls over a book from the bedside table, settling

down to read it and flicking the TV onto a chick flick for me, pushing cushions behind him and getting


“You’re really going to leave me like this?” I blanche in disbelief, raising my hands in question ignoring

the bite of the cuff again. The clunk of metal.

“If you lay down and go to sleep, I’ll maybe take it off when I’m sure you’re out cold.” He doesn’t even

look my way. Turns a page in his book and crosses his ankles. I feel like screaming at him or at least

slapping that book out of his stupid hand. I am beyond livid.

“Fine!” I snap, hauling back the comforter and maneuvering inside of it awkwardly, I slide off my

stockings one at a time and throw both at his face angrily. He doesn’t react, just lets them fall down his

shoulder and leaves them propped there with a satisfied smile on his face. “Well, goodnight then.” I

snort and lay down so that my arm is held up above my head on the cushion, it’s not wholly

uncomfortable, it’s just awkward. I huff and sigh and try to get comfy, but I can’t. The anger simmering

inside of me is too much.

“Goodnight sexy.” He chuckles. Actually chuckles.

Fuck you!

“You’re a jerk,” I snap and turn away from him so I’m leaning on my arm as a pillow. Close to tears with

sheer frustration.

“Sadly, I am.” He jokes but doesn’t move.

“All this over a stupid contract,” I mumble to no one in particular, rage seeping from every pore.

“Nope, all this over you issuing a challenge, miele. I stopped being interested in the contract the

second I stopped looking at it.” the arrogance in his voice makes me bristle.

“Well, I take it back.” I smart and kick my feet back in an attempt to get him but being under the sheets

and him on top means I achieve nothing except awkward wriggling. He doesn’t even acknowledge it.

“Told you, sign it and we’re done with this … That’s the same as taking it back.” He sounds highly

amused and I just want to stab him with my stiletto.

“Go to hell, I’ll never sign it, just to show you what an asshole you are.” I pout, my voice high and


“We’ll see.” He smacks my ass through the sheet and flicks off the bedroom lights, a soft thud of his

book being laid down as he moves in the bed to get comfy. I flinch at his breath on my back, meaning

he’s laid on his side, facing me and I stiffen. The sound of some annoying love-based movie playing on

the screen facing the bed.

“I guess you better get used to never having sex again.” I retort angrily. “I think handcuffing your

girlfriend to a bed just to break her will is unbelievably bad form.” he laughs quietly at my rage and it

only fuels it further. “Asshole!” I jerk my body further into a ball to tell him not to touch me.

“Emma, I happen to think you’re even sexier when you’re this seething mad, definitely more amusing,

baby. I know for a fact that if our relationship has a sex ban placed on it, you’ll be the first one to cave.

Women need that physical connection to feel secure more than men do … If it’s a game of waiting,

then I’ve more than enough patience.” He reaches out, running a finger down my spine and makes my

body shiver in response. “Besides, if I really wanted it, I could make you break so easily. I’ve gone easy

on you so far, baby … I’m enjoying this way too much.” That voice laced with complete amusement

makes me grit my teeth.

“Screw you.” I bite back angered more as he finds even that funny. The overwhelming fury building to a

height where tears are starting to threaten.

I should never play games with him; he always makes me feel so … Soooo … Alone.

“Soon enough, sweetheart … Now go to sleep.” He leans forward and kisses the back of my head

before turning away and nestling away from me in the dark.


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