Novel Name : The Carrero Effect - Falling for the Boss (Billionaire CEO)

The Carrero Effect - Falling for the Boss (Billionaire CEO) Chapter 172

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“You don’t think it looks skimpy and kind of slutty?” I evaluate myself in the mirror in the smallest red

two piece I’ve ever seen and feel completely self-conscious. I’m not against a bikini, Jake’s seen me in

them plenty of times, but this is borderline indecent. Somehow, while still covering all the necessary

areas it has managed to lift up and push my cleavage into something most impressive, my stomach

and hips look longer and leaner when edged with the low-cut briefs which seem to sculpt my lower half

too. She has put me in high heeled red sandals to complete the look and my legs look endless.

“Trust me, it suits you very much.” She gushes, coming behind me and tucking my hair back from my

face before applying a little bronzer to my cheeks and between my breasts. “You have gorgeous body

… You work out? I think you should keep it, suits you much more.” Her heavily accented English is

almost sensual, and I’m swayed by her purring praise.

“Sort of … And thank you.” I blush; lately all my work outs have been at Jake’s hands but before that I

did used to run and keep fit so I’m toned and bikini ready. I just feel majorly underdressed.

“You look perfect, keep Jake on his toes, huh, with all those man eyes on that derrière.” She tweaks my

breast unabashedly before turning and walking out with a confident air, my face flaming from her lack of

inhibition and I follow reluctantly.

I stupidly confessed to her that Jake and I were having a little bet and she grinned with the wise words,

“All is fair in love and war,” before digging out this red number for me to wear. She has that same

wicked glint in her eye I’ve seen on Jake many a time and it’s hard to not think of this one as his cousin

rather than her boyfriends.

Getting back to the pool with a towel over my arm, I lift my chin defiantly, I can work this and make it

look like I would wear something this revealing every day. Jake’s engrossed in conversation with two

men, Cara has been moved to a chair with Arrick nearby and all eyes turn as we approach. One of the

men nudges him in the shoulder and nods toward me.

Jake’s face literally drops when he sees me, and he clamps his mouth shut with a frown. I walk past

him with a smile and follow Alessandra to the loungers across from the pool. Smiling only briefly at him

in passing, as if he were no more than an acquaintance.

Eat that, Jake.

Getting comfortable slowly and surely, aware his attention is on me from afar, the girl asks me to rub

lotion on her back with a wicked smile. I can feel his eyes boring into me without looking, every one of

my senses on high alert and goose bumps littering my skin.

“You want men to be hot for you, baby girl?” She whispers seductively. “Then take my lead, rub me

good, yeah.” She hands me suntan oil and rolls onto her stomach untying her bikini at the back and

encouraging me gently. Feeling brave, I stand up and slide beside her onto the lounger so I’m leaning

over her and slowly and deliberately start to take small amounts of oil and cover her naked skin. Far

enough to not be heard by the men, she gives me direction, enjoying this little chance to tease our

menfolk. I know one of the boys sitting with Jake is his cousin, Gino, her current beau and judging by

the glances from them our little ploy has not gone unnoticed. They can barely keep the conversation

flowing or control the looking over.

“Men are easy, Emma,” she says huskily, watching me from her tilted head on the cushion. “They think

everything is sex, sex, sex … As a woman, you can make them think it is.” She giggles huskily, a

strangely seductive sound and encourages me to massage the oil lower.

“I think Jake’s on the verge of taking a cold shower.” I giggle as I notice him shift position more than

once in his seat. He’s laid a magazine on his lap and seems to be struggling with his facial

expressions. I can’t decide if he wants to punch someone or come over and strip me.

“Want to really make him squirm?” She sits up, pulling her bikini back and quickly tying it before turning

onto her back and sitting up. “Your turn, bambina … See men they like to see their women being

touched. Gino’s fantasy is to see me fuck a girl … I’m not into girls but teasing him is fun.” She gets up,

pushing me down on the lounger onto my back and immediately comes to straddle me, her small pelvis

resting over mine in a completely awkward manner. I take a quick breath and hold it. Sexual display

makes me feel unbelievably uncomfortable even when it’s from a woman. Well, unless it’s Jake, he

seems to have cured me of any inhibitions when it comes to him.

She drizzles oil on her hands and begins working it onto my skin across the exposed part of my

stomach and up onto my exposed cleavage, grinning at me because she’s facing away from them

enough not to be seen. From their angle, they can see her hands working me over, her face concealed

by her hair.

“What they doing now?” She smiles innocently.

“Breaking necks to see what you’re doing.” I giggle and witness Jake almost topple off his lounger at

the angle he’s leaned over. He rights himself, moving to stand and pulls shades over his eyes in an

effort to coolly cover it. I can tell by the way he starts adjusting his shorts that he’s having a hard time.


“Turn over, bambino.” She whispers and moves up, so I can flip. I gasp as she smacks me lightly on

the ass before tending to my back in the same way I had to hers. The bikini loosens as she unties it

and I close my eyes, trying to relax and enjoy the feeling of her gentle hands. I freeze as her body

comes down on top of mine, her feet pushing my legs apart to nestle against my butt and starts

nuzzling my neck softly. Her breath on my skin. I stiffen at the contact and immediately pull out from

under her, pulling my bikini with me to stay concealed. It’s beyond uncomfortable and I’m barely

keeping the panic under control.

“Aww, bambino … too much? You will be thanking me in a second.” I don’t get a chance to respond as

Jake is over me in an instant, pulling my hand and barely giving me a chance to tie my bikini. His focus

is dark and piercing, his manner agitated, and he seems to be oozing sexual tension. My heart rate

skips up a gear.

He’s so easy!

“Wow, wait!” I yelp, aware I’m losing my scrap of fabric, he stops, turning to see me clutching it across

my breasts and turns me to tie it.

“I need you to come with me, we need to be alone … Right now!” He rasps in my ear huskily and yanks

me with him away from the poolside gathering, eyes lifting in curiosity as he practically hauls me at

speed. I’m not sure if he’s angry or craving sex but either way his body is radiating enough hot energy

to power a planet. There’s a ripple of apprehension and I try to gauge if this is sex mad Jake or green-

eyed jealous Jake.

Surely not jealous over a woman?

We barely get out of sight behind a building close to the house when he yanks me around, pushes me

against the wall and crushes a kiss on me so hard it catches my breath. His mouth devours mine in a

frenzy of passion and need and I surrender weakly. His hands yank my bikini down under my breasts to

ravage me, lifting me up so I’m around his waist and pushing me so hard into the wall behind I’m

practically compressed. His obvious desire is bursting from his damp swim shorts, his hands claiming

me carelessly as though he’s lost all sense of gentleness.

This is who I wanted.

He grinds into me, kissing every ounce of rejection and defense away before moving to my breast and

sucking my nipples to attention. Overcome with a sense of triumph, celebration at how easy this win

was I lower all defenses. Mentally thanking Alessandra and trying my hardest not to moan out loud.

The growing heat inside of me is throbbing manically for release as his hands bite into my skin under

my butt, his fingers of one hand slide further under the edge of my bikini pants and slide into me.

Finding me more than ready he groans into my mouth.

He drops me to my feet, pulling his hands away and turns me against the buildings smooth cream wall

roughly, forcing me to brace my hands against it. He has one hand on my breast, his mouth against my

neck, his other hand finds its path back inside of me under my bikini panties and starts pushing in and

out from the back. I’m moaning and grinding into his palm, eyes screwed shut so I can get lost in the

sensations. I can’t control the build of waves that he always effortlessly begins in me, he’s hard against

me yet doesn’t escalate to sex, just fingers and mouth on my skin bringing me closer.


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