Novel Name : The Carrero Effect - Falling for the Boss (Billionaire CEO)

The Carrero Effect - Falling for the Boss (Billionaire CEO) Chapter 267

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“My son was in pain and hiding from what he wanted most,” he says so factually, looking down at me, “I

put you back in his path, so he would stop being a coward.” Giovanni grins and all words leave my

brain in an open-mouthed silent gawp; realization dawning on me so suddenly that I am literally

rendered speechless.

He sent me back to Carrero House? Making me believe that he was going to fire me if I didn’t … an

ultimatum that led us to where we are now.

Giovanni is admitting to maneuvering me back into Jake’s building, so we would end up back in each

other’s arms, crafty jerk that he is. He giggles like a schoolboy at my obviously shocked expression and

pats my hand tenderly over his inner elbow. That self-confident effortless look on a man who always

sees all and knows everything.

“No need to thank me, Emma.” He raises his brows in an almost smug manner and I clear my throat,

finding my voice, still shocked that if he hadn’t done that one simple thing, then I wouldn’t be here

today, with him, getting ready to do this.

“You sent me back to him, so he would? So, we would? How did you even know?” I am completely

blown away by his confession, emotions brimming to the surface and a deep aching pain in my heart,

so touched by a man who always seemed indifferent toward me. We’re still standing in the hall as the

two girls mess about nearby with their dresses and hair while we wait for the rest of our party. They

haven’t heard any of Giovanni’s confession, since they’re further back and neither are paying attention

to my almost tearful expression.

“He’s my son, I see everything. I know him even if he doesn’t like to admit it. You were actually a very

competent assistant.” That wily look and lift of a satisfied smile have me shaking my head at him again

in complete disbelief. Giovanni is a sneaky man, but I absolutely love him for it, for every sneaky

underhanded card he has ever played in the final happiness of his son. I squeeze his arm and throw

caution to the wind by throwing my arms around him instead, giving him my best version of a Jake hug

that I can muster. He tenses for a second awkwardly, Giovanni is not a man who does public displays

of affection, and then hugs me back, a solid sort of fatherly hug for just a moment, but it means the

world to me. He lets me go and straightens his jacket, returning the mask of effortless grace and poise I

know only too well.

“Move down the hall a bit, we’ll wait for Sophie nearer the door … She better hurry up.” Leila huffs

impatiently, pushing us gently, bossy pants back on and face flawless once more. She’s checking the

time on her wristwatch and frowning at Sarah who is looking up and down the hall for any sign of our

missing bridesmaid. I don’t expect anything else from Sophie nowadays, the girl is a fifteen-year-old

ball of fun, but we all adore her mercilessly.

Giovanni begins to lead me out of the hallway toward the larger area outside the main hall doors, a

brighter and airier half circle room with ceiling windows letting the sun stream in. I lift my chin a little

with each step, my heart expanding more with the realization that this really is it and it’s really

happening. The Carreros are making me one of their own and I am getting my Jake for an eternity,

never to be parted again.

This crazy man is taking me as a daughter with his terrifying family and secrets I’d never like to guess

at or even know.

Like what exactly he did with Ray Vanquis after he handed me to Mathews.

Not that I want to know and it’s something I’ve never pressed Jake about either. Giovanni took care of

things because I am family and the less I know the more I can pretend it never happened at all. Jake

never speaks of Vanquis either, and as much as I know that Jake would’ve never been involved in

anything like that, I also know he’s probably relieved that his father swooped in. I don’t want to know if

Vanquis is dead or alive, all we got was a promise that Vanquis is never going to come back. Giovanni

assured us of that and by now I’ve learned that his word is his bond.

Jake changed toward Giovanni after that. He no longer disapproves of his father’s less than legal ties,

especially when they swoop in and deal with a problem that is over Jake’s head. Jake couldn’t exactly

take a moral high ground with his father’s dealings when he told his father to do whatever it was that

needed to be done to keep his family safe.

The relationship between them is far more level now because of it, changing with every passing month

and I’m happy to see some sort of genuine bond building on both sides; I’m sure Sylvana feels the

same way.

Here I am, arm in arm, with the man who is possibly capable of making a human disappear to the

waiting arms of the man who spent a lifetime misunderstanding him. Now the two of them have some

sort of mutual bond because Giovanni saved me in place of his son. He won Jake over, by saving the

one person in the world who mattered to him the most … Me.

We are a family. All of us.

My heart catches in my throat as we reach the double doors that hold my life inside and pause to wait.

My heart and my happiness await me; and very soon I’m about to take that step inside and finalize it

all. Just a few more minutes of waiting and we will be going in there, to end one chapter of my life and

start a new one with the person I adore more than anything in the universe. My heart growing with

excitement and my nerves rising in anticipation; even though I know I have nothing to be frightened of.

“Do you think she’ll be in there, Emma?” Sarah whispers behind me and I shake my head, already

knowing who she means without asking. Nothing registers in my heart at her question, not a flicker, no

feeling at all about knowing my mother won’t be among the sea of friends and faces in that room to

watch me marry my soul mate. I am long healed over the absence of her in my life. I just feel a sense

of freedom, much like the day, over a year ago, when I walked out of her building.

She never made contact again, even when the papers reported my near-death experience and four-

day coma at the hands of an intruder at ‘Billionaire Business Entrepreneur Jacob Carreros New Family

Home’. The media had a field day with that story and ran it for weeks, even long after my exit from the

private care hospital and back home. My mother never graced me with a phone call or even a text or

email in that whole time. I didn’t have a single visit from her in my several weeks at recovery in the

private hospital, not even a bunch of flowers or a get-well card. I ceased to care about her at all. It only

helped me move on.

“Are you okay about it?” Leila soothes in and I turn to both my girls and nod, honestly, smiling happily. I

am worth far more than any effort she ever put into my life and I am surrounded by people who

genuinely care, showing a real kind of love and affection, not some cold shadow of an attempt at it.

“Wait! Wait.” Sophie’s panicked voice is coming at us anxiously and she appears, down the hall,

looking a little flustered. Her dress is barely zipped up and her hair already working loose. She’s

rushing down the hall with Mrs. Huntsberger in tow looking every bit like the wild teen she has become

lately. The poor woman looks flustered and tired, chasing down that energetic girl and trying to bring

calm to the chaos of the child she loves so much.

“That’s what we were doing.” Giovanni winks at her and Leila and Sarah start fussing with her hair in a

bid to calm the wildness that is Sophie nowadays. She is fast taking Leila’s place of ‘wild child’ and is

excelling at being more than a handful lately. Sometimes she’s exhausting but we all love her dearly

and we all understand that this is Sophie’s way of dealing with her past; much like it had been Leila’s …

Teenage girls!

“Is that everyone?” Giovanni smiles at me and I nod back at him, taking another steadying deep breath.

Nerves overtaking me, not because I have doubts, but because this

is the most important day of our lives and I am tingling all over with suppressed excitement. I am finally

becoming a Carrero … Mrs. Emma Carrero. Jake’s wife. I can barely stand still with the urge to burst

through the door and get to him now that we’re all assembled in the right positions. The girls take their

places behind me; Sarah fixing my veil at the back and fluffing my dress one last time; Leila handing

me my simple eloquent bouquet of lilies and beautiful tropical flowers and I close my eyes to take a

moment for myself.

With a deep breath, Giovanni opens the door that throws open my view to the sea of people who mean

everything in the world to me. The room is fit to bursting with standing guests all waiting patiently,

looking this way, and the immediate melody of music echoing toward us.

Christina Perri ‘A Thousand Years’ plays down the aisle and I frown back at Leila, questioningly, with a

half-smile on my face. It’s not a song I would’ve chosen myself.

“Sophie picked it,” Leila mutters, rolling her eyes. “She’s a Twilight fanatic and we drew straws.” Leila

and the others fought over the job of head bridesmaid almost ruthlessly in the run up to this day and

drawing straws became commonplace for decisions. I let them squabble over who picked my wedding

march song while I focused on my studies. They took away the wedding stress from me by organizing

most of it between them.

“Nice … I suppose it fits.” I giggle at Sarah’s eye roll and disapproving look at Sophie, the girl just

shrugs, mischievously, with a huge smile.

The music drifting over me brings my attention back to the front, making me emotional, and for the first

time I really listening to the words of this very beautiful song. I take a deep breath and gesture to my

‘father in law to be’ that I am ready, so, we move forward. Slowly and surely, held safe in his gentle

embrace as we walk down the aisle together, followed by my beautiful girls.

The room is huge with high ceilings and the smell is overpowering with the array of a hundred flower

arrangements placed on every wall and row of seats. There are beautiful garlands at every high arched

window and colored sashes acting as a walkway to my red carpeted aisle. It’s a glorious and stunning

wedding venue, made more magnificent by the people standing and watching me with beaming happy

faces as I pass by.

I scan the aisles as we walk on and take in the faces as we go, the Carreros at my left in their droves.

Rows and rows of beautiful Italian looking people with big smiles, most of whom I’ve only briefly met in

these past few months. Then there are all Jake’s friends, now people I consider myself close to. He

seriously has too many people in the world that he classes as family or friends. I feel like I’ll never get

to the end of all the people he knows.

On the right are those from Carrero Tower and Carrero House that worked alongside me and knew me

when I was a different person. I am not ashamed that they sit in place of my family, because really my

family are all here with me, watching me walk down toward him and he’s all I need.


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