Novel Name : Cruel World

Cruel World Chapter 4: chap3

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'you have to control your anger brother' Theo looked at his younger brother Tom

'And when my personal life becomes your business' he said in a control voice

Tom sighs 'look I know she is your wife and I get it why are you doing this but believe me the way you

get angry and violent with her, you will kill her one day'

Theo laughed in a sinister way and said 'well that be the most beautiful day of my life'

Tom looked little scared of Theo response 'Theo you can't, you know what we want and killing her is

never in our plan , all I'm saying just ignore her and try to find ways to confess her crime so that you

can get forward and I can also get the hell out of this house'

Theo looked at the picture frame and picked the frame from the table and looked it with very

emotionally 'all I'm doing this for her Tom, I want Tina to get peace and justices that she always

deserves, she shouldn't leave us like that, she was so beautiful so talented and those people those

fucking bloody people took her from us and you are saying to tone it down what the fuck is wrong with

you' Theo yelled and his whole office echo

Tom looked sad and said ' Theo, I'm also with you, I loved Tina too, so much like you, that's why I left

everything in London & shift here in the mansion but you also know that if Sarah gets killed or if she

opens her mouth then things will get north and what if dad knows about our plan , you know he still

don't know the whole story he only thinks Tina murderer got the punishment and he is contented with

that thought and even if he knows there is more to Tina death even then he wants to let you treat and

use Sarah like that'

Theo drag his hands on his hair and said 'I get it but it's too much of anger inside me whenever I see

her, she reminds me of past and Tina's dark night and don't worry she won't even open her mouth in

front of anyone I have trained her like that even if she tried then she knows what I will do to her and

dad won't know anything I let Sarah say things to him what I want her to say, so chill and let me handle

my mess'

Tom just node 'I might go to London next week Lisa is complaining that she hasn't seen her parents for

months so i might be there for few Weeks'

Theo looked at his laptop screen ... he said to Tom' sure dude , you are lucky you can get a break , go

have fun '

Tom take a leave from Theo office and Theo looked again in his laptop screen and see the video

screen that he always see whenever he wants to know about her so-called wife which is all the time...

he looked Sarah was on that floor where he left her and was crying but not making sound , she was

looking aimlessly at the window , her face was bruised because of his outburst and she was holding

her stomach

He thought it is good she should feel like this she should be in this condition broken and batter-like Tina

was in one point but he felt something else which he does not want to name it, he violently shakes his

head and thinks about the things he will do to her, he felt his manhood to response, fuck, not here

when he can't have her, no matter what he said to her about her face and body he always found Sarah

to be beautiful, her glossy hair and those big doe brown eyes that can make anyone to see her soul

and her beauty but that thought made him angrier, no he can't think about her like this she is a mean to

an end , she will get what she had done to his baby sister Tina he will make her pay for that.

Then he saw in the screen Sarah stand and winced and hold her stomach and goes to the wardrobe

cabinet and opened her bag, he made sure in the early days of the marriage that she always put her

things in the bag nowhere her things touched or placed in his wardrobe, it was one of his way to control

her and show her place in his life.... he looked that Sarah took out a book and come back to the room

and sit on the floor and take out the picture he had seen before... it's Sarah parents and little brother

picture... he saw her trace her fingers on the picture and said something inaudible and then softly


He looked away because again that fucking strange feeling was coming out of nowhere that made him

pity Sarah ...fuck he can't pity her she deserves that...he made her family stand against her ...he

remember that day when he told his family on his wedding day that because of Sarah their older son

Simon was killed , he has twisted the pictures in such a manner which show Sarah indeed push the

staring wheel from the passenger seat that led Simon to lost control and let him to have an accident

and that made his parent furious and he also warn them if they do not do what he says then their

younger son Mark faith will be doomed too. And they did what he want. He sometime wished that if

things were different he won't treat Sarah like this but then he thought Sarah won't be there in her life it

will be some one else whom he did not want to recall now. He closed the screen as he can't see her

like this anymore and focus on his office stuff.

When he went home in night he found the house to be quite which means no one is in his wings side or

they are out which is more than enough as he is no mood to talk he saw Mrs. Brickson going to kitchen,

he looked at the clock she should be gone in her compound by now ...

Mrs. Brickson saw Mr. Theo grey and said 'Sir, I was going to my compound, if you haven't eaten can I

bring dinner for you guys in your room'

Theo knows what she is indicating 'No need Mrs. Brickson. I have already eaten with my client so you

can take a leave.... and one more thing I hope you have not gone upstairs'

Theo knows she didn't as he has already seen in the camera's footage...but wanted to show her how

serious he was about his orders.

'No sir I haven't' she said in a tight tone that he cant picked it was anger or sadness

Theo just nodes and went upstairs, his wing is the biggest in the mansion it has 4 floors and only his

room and office were in the first floor.... he opened the door to his room and passed the sitting area and

get inside the bedroom. where he saw Sarah sleeping in the floor with soft and innocent and broken

expression he ever saw and something inside him was moved.. he sits down and removed the hair

from her face and grace her cheeks lightly and then he stopped, what the hell he is doing, he should

not forget what she has done ..he cursed loudly that made Sarah opened her eyes and flinched so fast

that for a moment she stopped breathing and put her arms on her face to defend herself for a strike she

thinks he will give her....that action made him feel shame that what he has done with her and made her

like that

He suddenly stands and saw Sarah also stand and run to bring water for him from the water dispenser

in the room, he looked at her strangely surely she remember what he needs when he first enters the

room ...she looked down and give him the water...he absently take the glass and put his court and tie in

the bed and sit in the bed to hold his emotions...while drinking he saw Sarah collect his court and tie

and placed in the cupboard neatly ..then she sits down and winced because of the morning kick he is

given her in the stomach and then he heard a sound from Sarah's stomach that only comes when a

person is hungry and in this case who has not eaten for a whole day, she tries to open his shoelace

and shake terribly that she knows at any moment he is going to hit her ...he can't understand why he is

so still, this is her daily routine or job to give him water, picked up his clothes and to take off his shoes

and socks from his feet. But tonight his brain is not working properly because he knows he feels pity for

her situation but she is the one to put herself in this one no one told her to do this to Tina, this is her

punishment. Only that thought made him to lose control and made him that Theo that made Sarah

tremble with fear he pushed her and she make a scary sound

He said in a dark voice ' remove your clothes in five minutes, I'm going to take a shower and then I will

deal with you'

And he did what he always did, terribly and painfully used her body ...Sarah screamed because of the

brutality her body was going through and he f''ked her so hard and badly that he felt Sarah so quite for

a moment that made him want to stop and checked her but he ignored that thought because the

pleasure he was feeling at the moment was hard for him to think about anything else when he finished

he pulled out and saw blood running from Sarah's legs ...fuck... he tears her V part and said

slowly 'Sarah'

She was quiet and then he turns her own her back and saw her eyes to be closed...fuck she

fainted...he tapped her face but respond... he checked her breathing ..which was there..fuck she is

alive...Thank god... Tom was right his anger might have killed her...he took the water from the glass and

sprinkle on her face...Sarah moaned and flinched with the pain when she try to move but she was still

not opening her eyes...he again sprinkle some water ...then he said loudly 'Sarah'

She automatically open her eyes and sit despite being in pain like it was magic button that made her

react 'yes sir...' she said softly but clearly

He just looked at her and closed his eyes what is happening with his life he wanted to see her like this

,he always wanted to break her like this but why he was losing control when he felt something has

happened to her because of him...fuck...went to the dispenser and open the fridge and saw there was

nothing...fuck if he was leaving her there for a whole day he might have check the fridge but why does

he , he wants to punish her ...he get out of his room and went to his office and open the mini fridge

there he open it was not fully stocked as it should be but do have some the necessary item he picked a

bananas and granola bar and take that to his room ... when he enter the room he saw Sarah setting the

thin mattress in the floor which has been her bed for a year and she was crying in pain in her lower part

which he is responsible for , when she saw him she become still and hold her breath ..he shakes his

head and said 'eat this'

She looked at the food like she has seen a shiny gold but she still had not take that ...which made Theo

angry 'Sarah take the food now'

She hurriedly grabbed the banana and granola bar and looked uncertain what to do...he sighs loudly

that made Sarah flinched and she slowly sit in the mattress and looked at the food item she can't

believe Theo has given her...

He can't see this anymore he goes to bathroom to clean himself ...when he comes back he saw Sarah

hurriedly eating her food like if she didn't he will take her away from her ...again that stupid feeling

come into his and he ignored it and went to bed ....he heard Sarah soft painful moan , when she lied

down and something made his heart to squeezed, he can tell her to come to bed as she is clearly in

pain lying on the floor, NO, he won't get soft on her she deserves this..he tells himself to ease out his

other feeling which he knows called guilt but he will never accept that feeling.



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