Novel Name : Cruel World

Cruel World Chapter 67: chap66

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Chap 66

In the hospital, Mr grey and Sarah found out that the driver of the car was drunk that's why the accident

happened. The police have already taken the driver as he was fine; it was theo who was badly injured.

'how does it all happen' Mr grey said with control voice

While Sarah was holding her breath. She doesn't want to hear any bad news

The doctor said 'Mr grey the taxi driver was intoxicated. He lost control and the car was turned upside

down but unfortunately the force was so bad that it let theo to be stuck at the car window site, the driver

somehow get out but theo was badly injured and he tries to exert a lot of force, somehow with the help

of other people he does get out of the car'

Sarah gasped by the news & put a hand on her mouth

Doctor continues 'he was in a lot of pain so he passes out and still unconscious but there's one more

thing. As Theo has badly injured his left arm...we need to do an immediate surgery and we found out

his left arm has no sensation'

Mr grey & Sarah was shell-shocked

'Doctor what do you mean he has no sensation in his arm' Mr grey asked

Doctor sympathetically tell ' I mean theo left arm has no movement simple word it's useless'

Sarah felt like throwing up...she holds her this can't be true

'there have to be something need to check again' Sarah desperately asked him to make

Theo better

The doctor replied 'I'm sorry ma'am but we did our best...there are 5 % chances that theo arm will ever

be recovered but right now we have other concerns. Theo has shown still no response...he is

unconscious for hours. He has also inhaled a lot of smoke too so he has some breathing issue. Right

now please just pray for him'

Sarah helplessly sits on the hospital chair & can't believe with the turns of events.... a few hours ago he

talked to her and now he is Sarah don't think like that...she tries to think positive.

Mr Grey touch Sarah shoulder ....& gently told her 'he will be alright ...he is son

will survive' Mr grey lost it at last sentence

Sarah hugged him 'yes he has to be ok...he has to be' she whispered


Sarah after some hours got just 5 minutes to see Theo...she saw her husband after two months but she

never expected such meeting...him in the hospital bed with bandage head n armed n bruises all over

his body.

She slowly sits down and touches his hand and cry silently 'oh theo...please come back...please don't

leave us...please just say something.....I have to tell you so many good things like how

much I love you we are expecting again....please come back '

she laid down her head in his good hand and cried for his situation ....he was changing god he did

change then please don't take him away

Then she felt Theo fingers lightly touch her hair..she flinched 'theo...oh god...I feel your fingers' she

looked theo face. He tries to open his eyes 'saa...sara'

Sarah smiled and kissed his good hand ' theo I'm here...thank goodness you're awake ...just let me call

the doctor....'

But theo voice stopped her ' I need to listen what you said to me ...tell me it was not my dream it

was real' he slowly but in a painful manner said

Sarah was confused but then it clicks her 'no theo I will tell you so many things but when you are ok'

'no no, if I'm dying when I need to listen to the last words you have said...I'm dying to know' theo

begged her

Sarah lost it n she cried 'please don't say that you will be ok but I can tell you to put you at ease. Theo I

love you so please ...please dont leave me'

Theo smiled and closes his eyes in relived 'god if I die now this will be the best death'

Sarah got angry 'just stop it....for god sake don't say that....don't treat my love for you like this'

Theo tiredly opens his eyes 'no baby ....your love is so precious that it's a gift that I got once and lose it

before but this time I will save it in my memory'

Sarah kissed his lips 'shh we will talk just let me call the doctor'

The doctor told Sarah to wait outside ....she looks last time to theo ...and try to control her emotions

Mr Grey came back from the cafe and Sarah told him the good news ....the relief Sarah saw in Mr grey

eyes made her mire more determined that her family will be okay and fine

But then she heard theo loud angry voice 'why my arm is not moving....tell me what's wrong'

Sarah paled, oh god they told him the news. Mr grey try to go inside but the nurse stops him.....Sarah

can hear a loud painful voice of theo and she close her ears.

How they will bear this, a man like theo never wanted to experience this what he has experience....she

knows how he will feel this moment weak and so useless....which is not true but who can make

him believe that.

Doctor came back 'we have sedated him...he will be wake in few hours'

Mr grey plead him 'can i sit down with him.for few minutes...please'

The Doctor was hesitant but the nodes

Sarah has no power to go inside....she hates hospital...she hates everything about it but today is more


She touches her stomach...and try to find the comfort from their child....'your daddy is going to be ok'

she whispered, she tiredly sits down and prays for him and then she closed her eyes and she has no

idea when she falls asleep.

She felt someone was calling her name, she flinched 'Theo' she said the first word came from her

mouth....but it was Mr grey

Mr Grey touch her hair 'he is awake'

Sarah blinked to understand..then she stands 'how is he'

Mr Grey looks down 'too broken and hopeless'

Sarah heartbreak when she heard that

She walks into the room and calls his name very softly 'Theo' she picked his hand

Theo opened his eyes and looked too ashamed to even look her

Sarah put her hand on his forehead 'hey please say something'

He looked so tight and so tense 'I'm useless. I lost my arm' he said with such hate

Sarah wince 'it will be ok..don't lose hope...all matters to me you are fine... I love you so much....our

love will surpass all issues...we will make it work' she said with hope

Theo close his eyes and teardrop fall down 'no nothing will work...I'm now useless but I think I deserve

this...all the time when I used to raise my hand on you...used to beat you...and now I had paid for this. I

lost my hand so that you don't live in the fear of me hitting you again and for me, it will be a constant

reminder that what I used to do to you and I just can never do that and I will be never a good man for

you' he angry said

Sarah paled with his justification...she shakes her head 'no theo just don't think like will get will ... I forgive you theo become the man for me who broke me but also put me back

together...just don't put yourself in such guilt'

He shouted 'i will be always guilty Sarah always and don't forgive me. I want you to move on... I want

you to have a good life without me... I can never keep you happy...cause I'm

Sarah got angry 'don't say you are useless, cause you are not and I'm not going didn't

go anywhere when I was in the coma...when I was in depression...when I hate why would I

leave you when I have completely fallen with you' she cried

Theo painfully replied 'cause I don't know Sarah how to live like this...'

Sarah laid her forehead at his forehead and looked him 'we're going to live happily together, me, you,

Ava and our little one' she took his hand and put it on her stomach.

Theo looked at the hand and then to her. He looked confused but then his eyes become huge like he

cants believe ' are....but when ' he can't even complete the sentence

Sarah smiled and nodded her head 'yes...yes theo we are having another baby... I just found out a few

weeks ago... I wanted to share this with you...are you happy?' she was also scared of what he will reply

Theo sad eyes shine with happiness and then he smiled and tries to say something but he starts

coughing badly.

Sarah winced at the sound like he can't breathe.

Sarah called his name ....what his body color turns blue, he was choking. She yelled the doctor 'theo

stay with me..shh..I'm calling the calling somebody helps him' she yelled and her voice echo

in the room

A loud banging sound came and team of doctors enter and try to bring Theo breathing normal. He was

coughing badly and touching his throat.

Sarah walks slowly and hit her back with the wall..she can't believe...Theo is dying in front of his eyes

and she cants do anything.

Tears were falling but she cants say anything.

She knows he is gone, as he stops shaking and was too quiet. The doctor yelled other members to

bring the shocked machine to bring him back and to take Sarah outside

A nurse took Sarah outside but Sarah's eyes were turned to Theo bed, he is gone.

Mr. Grey holds Sarah body 'Sarah what happen ...Sarah speak.' Mr. Grey shouted at her to get her

back to her senses

Sarah looked him with her dead eyes' theo is gone...he is dead' and then she screamed and all the

flashback of their time, all bad and good times start roaming in her head and she fainted.


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