Novel Name : Cruel World

Cruel World Chapter 19: chap18

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after 3 months approximate

Sarah was feeding her little angry girl who had the whole room echo from her cries. Theo saw them like

that when he gets back from his work out...he can see how stress out Sarah is and she was doing

everything to calm down..but this little miss was in no mood to calm down. sarah didn't hear him

coming otherwise she would run and start doing his tasks..he can see how Sarah was about to cry with

her daughter ..then he heard her rocking her daughter.

Sarah said in a teary voice ' baby plz calm down ..plz baby I'm so tired ..and daddy is going to

so angry on mommy if you keep crying like that...ssh shh '...

Theo felt bad that Sarah was always walking on eggshells and was always scared that he will strike on

her...well he treated her like that and in the time of 3 months of Ava birth he keep on telling Sarah that

he don't want the baby to disturb him at all otherwise she is going to bear the consequence.... he

sometimes thinks if Tina was alive and Sarah was innocent then things were so different he can't for a

moment think that he won't be happy for Ava birth...but harsh reality has shown him that he can't be

happy n he can't live a happy family man life with Sarah because of her sinful past. He then looks at


Theo saw how Sara unbutton her blouse and took out the breast and the baby leech on it. Theo body

reacted when he saw Sarah breast but he shakes his head and try to control his urge, if this baby was

not there he might take Sarah right now...but then he thought why he stopping now he should not care

it's her duty to satisfy his need...he coughs loudly to get attention from Sarah..Sarah flinched and turn

to saw who is there.Theo can see how rigid her body is converted in front of him as she was waiting for

a strike or his cruel words...she softly said 'Sir.I.. didn't hear sorry..just let me put her ... then I

will get your breakfast ready...'

Theo looked intensely at him and said 'no need. you should have done that before I have to eat

something in the office because of your laziness... '

Sarah looked scared and put a crying baby on the crib..who was irritated that her food was taken..theo

was little disturb that because of him that baby can't be feed properly..Sarah tremble and said 'Im so

sorry..I'm trying i swear to god I'm trying not to disturb your just she get...(Sarah shakes her

head) i will not do this again..i will make your breakfast now till the time you take a bath..if you want to"

Theo looks away..fuck she looks she is going to cry any minute...Then he remembers Tom words to act

little soft with her, maybe she can confess something because looking her right now looks like she will

never open her mouth. Theo replied 'Im late and I'm having a breakfast meeting with the client so you

can go and feed her '... Sarah was stun that he left her like that..which is also new for Theo too..he

never do that..but if he is following Tom tactics then he had act like that. A plan was formed in his

mind...then theo stun her more and said 'You can take her outside maybe she can calm down...go to a

park or anything change of scenery is good '

Sarah mouth was open in shock and Theo smirk and found it too cute 'Sir you want me to go outside ?'

Theo node his head and said 'Here take this card..and do some shopping. I will send my office driver

he will take you guys anywhere so be ready at noon..and one more thing. I'm really trusting you Sarah

so don't do something rebellious to break that trust ..just go have fun but no need to go out and talk to

anyone or make new friends.... my privacy is the most important thing in my life and I want you to

respect that so will you respect that or not?'He asked softly but the warning behind was clear

Sarah was still and very rigid, and then nodes 'yes sir'

He touches her cheeks and said 'Good Girl'


In the office after the breakfast meeting. Tom and Theo were sitting in Theo large office having a coffee

Tom said 'so whats up...did Sarah parents contact you?

Theo raised his eyebrows in confusion and said 'Why would they..they never called in almost 2 years

then why now'

Tom replied 'well Sarah gives recently gives birth so they might want to see their grandchild...and I was

asking cause dad was confused on that thought'

Theo shurgs 'Her parents never give a damn about their daughter so why would they want to see their

grandchild...and don't worry I already told dad that Sarah parents are not in good terms with her as

they think she was responsible for the accident that made them lost their son. I have to make

something to let dad back out a little'

Tom nodes and then he said 'Did you follow my advice to adopt the soft way'

Theo slowly nodes and said 'yes I did that's why I sent Sarah to got to shopping today'

Tom was stun by his words 'what! Theo I told you to go soft on her not to trust her..what will happen if

she told someone about you '

Theo darkly smile 'she won't me... I have trained her like that in this marriage, she won't dare to

open her mouth..I'm just following your suggestion...and secondly I have sent Rao the office driver with keep an eye on her and keep on telling me time to time what she is doing, so relax it's just the

first step from my make her trust me and to make her open her mouth'

The office door opens where Theo PA come 'sorry sir to disturb you but there's a gentleman who wants

to meet ..he told his name to be Perry Moles..from Moles Technology firm. His father Raymond Moles

with whom we did a business long time ago..'

Theo remember yes he did a business with him but he is other things on his mind 'did he have an


'No sir and I told him he needs one but he told me it' urgent..he told me to tell you he is the friend of

Simon Blake'

Both brothers stand when they heard Simon name.Theo was shocked at what he is doing here.

Tom said 'make him sit in the conference room'

Theo put a hand on his forehead and was confused as hell.

When both the brother enter the conference room they saw a young man in his mid 20 with black hair

and well-suited dressing..after they introduced them self. Theo come directly to the point 'So Mr Perry

Moles what we can do for you and what makes you think we will meet you if you tell us you are Simon

friend ' Theo said in a controlled voice

Perry smirk 'well you did meet me. (Theo glare at his cockiness)....ok if you want me to come to the

point. I was there at that night of tina disappearance..she was my friend too like she was

Simon' Perry said with sadness

Both brothers waited for him to say more Perry continue 'I know you guys were looking for me I

thought to save you the trouble and meet personally '

Tom said 'and how do you know that'

Perry sighs 'Samantha..we are sort of business associates...when she told me what happen to tina and

who did it I was feeling guilty..and then I know you guys will look for Simon friends too so'

Theo suspiciously asked 'Why the hell were you guilty for'

Perry looked down 'No one knows what happen to Tina on 12 dec night..her news of disappearance

was spread late..actually very late maybe that's why we never doubt each other...but deep down I have

a doubt on Simon ..because he said something and how he felt about Tina ..but I didn't say anything

because I thought I'm not even sure ..but now I knew the truth and say it my guilt or anything I'm here

to tell you about that night' Perry looked remorseful

Theo said in a demanding tone 'then don't leave anything tell us properly what you know'

Perry sighs 'Tina and her friend were our college mate so it was common for us to go the club 12

dec night we were there partying doing what college kids do..but then we saw Sarah...saying we were

confused was an understatement we were shocked seeing Sarah. Simon was very possessive about

his sister ...he made Sarah off limits to everyone and damn he should be Sarah was the hottest and

beautiful chick we have ever seen..she was any man fantasy (Theo tighten his jaw and fist and try to

control himself to kill this bastard who tali kg about his wife like that with a lust in his eyes..Sarah is wife

..only his ) anyway when I asked Simon how come he brought Sarah here and especially in this

club..he told me she is here for a purpose...I asked him what it is ..he told me that Sarah will do

friendship with Tina and try to manipulate her to go with him tonight alone...I was stun and I told him it's

impossible Tina will never go alone..he said she will, everything is plan and he will fulfill his fantasy of

tina like he always wanted ' Perry hesitated to say the last line

Theo closed his eyes and throw a punch to the table and said 'FUCK' fucking dare of Simon to

think about her baby sister like that and made her fall into this much that Simon shit was

possessive about his sister then why would he do something to his sister..he really prayed to god at

that time that that Simon can see how his sister was in tortures hell living with him

Tom and perry looked startled but was quiet. Tom then said 'How come tina go with Sarah

convenience her ?'

Perry answered 'by the night Tina and Sarah were good actings like best friends. I don't know how but

they were. Sarah was a little nervous and I saw Sarah and Simon in the back of the club talking was confusing but I never asked...Then you guys know about Samantha and Sarah

fight..when Samantha was gone most of her friends were also gone..then Tina said she wanted to go

too but Sarah stops her and said they will drop her but tina said she called the driver. Sarah just nodes

..but then Simon called Sarah and give her something. I saw that but I didn't pay attention and I wish I

did because Tina had an orange juice as she was waiting for the car and after that Tina felt

lightheartedness and was looking for Sarah but Sarah was gone with our another friend and I was

taking one of the girl homes you know what I tina and Simon was left..and then Simon took

her home..well that's what I thought'

Theo was stun..fuck now he gets it how Tina went with that asshole Simon..She was drugged. She was

fucking fucking bitch you will know soon how you are going to be trapped in his

plan, very soon.


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