Novel Name : Cruel World

Cruel World Chapter 21: chap20

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'NO this is too revealing ...I need something elegant but demure at the same time' Theo told the Lady

who was the shop assistant of some biggest and expensive place in town...

Sarah has already changed like 5th clothes but theo was not satisfied with the look...Sarah was tired

and frustrated that why can't he decide something or let her decide something but Sarah forget that she

doesn't have to say in anything. She just wanted to go home to her daughter.

Sarah was already so confused that what is happening here. By all of a sudden Theo is so considerate

on her and now pampering her with expensive clothes...she was still uncertain about the long talk they

had at night...Theo told her He was trusting her...but still there is so unanswered questions in her mind

but too scared to ask them...She doesn't want to ruin some sort of civility between them and Theo has

already told her that he doesn't want to live like this with her in anger and resentment. Maybe it's her

naive heart that wants to believe him and maybe he is changing but she can't be sure on that. She is

still so scared of him.

The lady comes with another dress it and helped her to wear was a long like a sleek gown and glitz

navy blue colour with a shiny belt...Sarah loves it she was aww with the unwanted smile

came to her mouth and she feels the soft material in her hand... Theo was looking more potently on her

than on a dress and said 'You liked it?'

Sarah looked him in the mirror 'I..if you like it I will wear it'

Theo gives her an intense look and his thumb was rubbing his jaw...he look intimidating but very

sexy..oh god Sarah stop it...

Theo told the shop lady 'can you give us a moment'...the Lady node professionally

Theo walk towards her and stand behind Sarah and looked her in mirror 'Mrs grey I told you if you like

something you have to tell me would I know then? know the way you get scared and look

so uncertain makes me look bad in public , so I asked one more time do you like this or not'

Sarah narrowed her brows and confusion and in anger...she wanted to shout on his face that it was

because of him she is like that and now he is warning her about public appearances..Very considerate

of him.

Sarah then softly replied 'yes. I liked it'

Theo lightly grace is fingers on Sarah backless gown and Sarah shiver. Theo smirk that he has that

kind of effect on her ..'Good I also like that. You wear this on the gala that will be held in

let's check the shoes '

Theo let the shopkeeper pack the other dresses and show Sarah the appropriate shoes with this dress

she will be wearing on the gala.

Sarah was terrified when the shopkeeper brought the heel which was too long and slim...oh god how

she is going to wear this...she is out of practice as she never got the opportunity to wear heel outside

and even if she got she will never wear this type of heel but according to shopkeeper that this heel will

go with the dress and with her short height...when she wore the heel with the dress it looks good but

Sarah can't balance it properly ...oh god what she do...Theo was attentively watching her and she

doesn't want to spoil his mood ..fuck she twist her foot...she did that like thrice and was holding the wall

for the support ..Theo got irritated by this and cursed softly and then in a crude way said to shop

keeper 'Brought her something else where she can walk like a lady, not a five year old and not a make

a fool of herself and me'

The shopkeeper and Sarah was embarrassed that how he said so openly...Sarah can felt the tears

coming and she was so embarrassed and hurt how he insulted her...where the topic of public

appearance goes now? isn't applicable to him ?... Theo must realize his mistake when he saw the hurt

expression in Sarah's eyes, but he did not say anything he just ignores her again.

When they were done with the shopping Theo decided to take Sarah for lunch.

Sarah thought he is surprising her very much what's gotten into him...maybe he is trying to make her

feel good after he acted like a jerk and snob in the shop.

In the upscale restaurant, Theo order food for them without asking from her...sarah was looking outside

the window..after living in the mansion and not going gives her a moment of realization.. things

have been so changing outside, she really wants to bring Ava and take her for a walk. Ava enjoyed that

when she took her when first she went shopping. Theo break her moment 'What are you thinking?'

Sarah shakes her head 'Nothing... I was wondering what Ava is doing'

Theo sighs 'relax she is with the house helper missy... I didn't tell Mrs. Brickson because she was

chill she is sound fully sleeping'

Sarah replied 'How do you know'

Theo take out his phone and show it to her ' can see in the live footage of the camera ...she

is fine'

Sarah saw her little angel sleeping peacefully...Sarah smiled lightly.

Theo took the phone away and said 'Do you remember this place?'

Sarah looked around and felt she do remember this place but was not sure but then it clicks her. Her

eyes bulged out and she looked at him 'It's the place you brought me for the first time?' Sarah said that


Theo smile but his eyes were different 'yes and this is the exact place we sat and talk wait it was you

who was talking constantly' Theo laugh and shakes his head

But Sarah can't find humor here, she felt angry that how he can bring those bitter sweet

memories...she wished she never met him..but still it was not in her hand....she remember those time

when she was so nervous when he brought her here but she was excited on the same time and she

talks so much and now she can't speak a word like she is mute. She felt those unwanted tears again,

how her life has been changed from then to now.

Theo realized what she was thinking 'Sarah (he pause) I'm really trying... to get things little straight so

tell me if you don't like it we will go' he said in a cold but suggestive tone

Sarah thought now he is putting this on her...Great... but at least he is making an effort 'It's fine here'

Luckily the food was brought and they start eating ...Sarah was thinking did Ava have her feed it's her

feeding time...surely she left her milk on the feeder and told the messy but she was still worried. Then

Theo said 'do you know Perry Moles'

Sarah was do he know his name. She was speechless and when she saw Theo he was

relaxed and eating his lunch normally like he was asking her not doubting her

Sarah took a sip of her water 'Yeah...I mean not properly he was Sim..I mean my brother friend' Sarah

is thankful she does not take Simon name..She remember what happened to her back when she did


Theo nodes 'That's why he was asking about you. He and our company is doing some business and

when he knows you are my wife so he told me that he knows you'

Sarah felt disgusted by Perry name..she never like him ...he always makes her uncomfortable and

always try ways to touch her...Simon was very clear that no one can touch his sister but for Perry this

was a challenge...and one day she remembers he tries to kiss her forcefully..She pushed him on

time...but next day he says don't tell Simon as he was drunk and it will ruin his friendship. Sarah like a

fool did not say anything.

Theo was looking Sarah face 'What's wrong why you make that face..Something happen' ..He asked

with some suspicion in his tone

Sarah shakes her head 'nothing'

Theo slowly took a sip of his drink and looked at her strangely that Sarah can't understand.

Then theo said 'Well I'm just telling you he was very keen to meet you and was saying that you guys

hang out once so I thought I should tell you...but you are acting you don't know him that well but your

body language is telling me something there something that I don't know 'Theo said in concern

but there was something dark in his expression

Sarah try to control her breathing ...why he is asking so many questions 'I don't know why he said that I

hardly know him ..he was my older brother best friend and I wasn't exactly allowed to hang out with

such older crowd .. I was a little girl at that time'

Theo then through a sarcastic comment 'Of course you weren't allowed to hang out with older crowd

except that 12 dec night'

Sarah flinched and saw that Theo narrow his eyes on her which was not a good signal for her she

knew what happens when he does that but something unexpected happens when Theo shakes his

head 'Forget it I was thinking too much...obviously you are getting uncomfortable with the old memories

and I'm making it more difficult since I already told you I'm trying to move to pass the resentment

towards you but ...plz understand' Theo said in a normal tone

Sarah was confused as this man is bipolar?...for a moment it looks like he will kill her and now

he is sort of apologizing to her...well sort of...she just nodes.

Then Theo gives her a smile and then Theo phone buzz he looks it that and said 'I have to take this

...why don't you finish your rest of the food till that time I attend this call' he said to Sarah while giving

her squeeze to her hand.... she doesn't get this squeeze was he warning her not do something alone

stupid or he was just reassuring her.

Damn now she is getting a headache. Sarah holds her head and then she heard someone familiar

sound...oh god it's too familiar that it was making Sarah's heart beat fast...she suddenly turns to look

whose voice is that and when she was.

she sucks air and put a hand oh her lips and took the name so slowly that she can't even listen to

that.....Two years ...For two years she was looking at her younger brother Mark...Tears were falling out

of her eyes and she was smiling and crying both at the same time...oh god her younger brother looks

so handsome and so tall..taller then her...she can't control herself and walk towards him.

When she was closer to him...Sarah then speaks 'Ma. Mark'


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